
Get to Know Delilah, the Woman Behind the Popular Radio Show

Delilah’s warmth emanates from her voice—a voice that is familiar with over 8 million radio listeners who tune in to her popular evening show weekly, making it one of the country’s most-listened-to programs. For several hours each night, Delilah listens as people turn to her about their love problems, requesting a song to reminisce about a long-lost lover or to console their broken hearts. Many share their tales of triumph and loss, and Delilah listens carefully, offering a dose of positivity and encouragement. She has been on air from the Seattle, Washington, area since her show started in October 1984.

In a world of chaos and uncertainty, Delilah’s words are like a salve, reminding us that there is still hope. It is remarkable that in spite of her personal tragedies—having lost two sons and her stepson in the span of several years—she still exudes an unbridled verve for life. Her 15 children, many of whom she adopted or fostered, are her reasons for living, she said. She never worried about how to take on the responsibilities of being a mother, only assured that she’ll take things one step at a time. “I was not born with the fear factor—it’s just not in my DNA.” She encourages everyone to embrace the same attitude in life. “When you realize that there’s very little we can control, then you can realize, why am I worrying about it? Why am I not just enjoying the minutes? Most fear is your imagination picturing the worst possible scenario, right? Why not use your imagination to picture the best possible scenario?”

This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

(Courtesy of Delilah)

American Essence: Did you always know that you liked connecting with people?

Delilah: Oh yeah. My mom says I used to walk up to people in grocery stores and start talking to them and ask them if they had children. And could I play with them?

There are very few people that I dislike. When I do, that’s on me. Because what I’m looking at is their behavior instead of their heart. What I’m doing is, I’m judging their behaviors instead of looking at their heart and looking at why they have those behaviors.

If we would all do that, there would not be the problems that exist in the world now. There would not be the divisiveness and the division that exists now, because 99 percent of the divisiveness exists because it’s an “us against them” mentality. It’s “I’m better than them. I’m smarter than you. My political party or my political affiliation is better than yours. My religious beliefs are better than yours.” Or even worse than [that] is, “I’m afraid of you. I’m fearful of you.” And if we could just realize that we’re all eternal beings having a human experience, and get past that “us against them” mentality—I try to make it happen.

AE: Do you feel the hardships you’ve been through have helped you provide listeners with perspective?

Delilah: I don’t know that it gives people perspective, but it certainly taught me to shut my mouth more and listen more. Because I thought I knew what grief was. I thought I knew what hardship was. I don’t have a clue. And going through the stuff that I’ve gone through has made me realize that when people are really hurting, when their life has just been completely shattered, they don’t need my advice. They don’t need my pearls of wisdom. They don’t need me quoting Scripture. They don’t need me telling them things are going to get better. They need me to listen, and to honor them, and to hold space for them. That was the best change in my soul, going through the grief that I’ve gone through.

(Courtesy of Delilah)

AE: Many listeners turn to you with their worries. What are your tips on giving good advice?

Delilah: Most of the time when we’re chatting with our friends, they don’t want advice. They want somebody to listen. And honestly, when people call me looking for advice, most of the time, I would say 90 percent of the time, they already have their answers. They just need validation, and a push in the right direction.

A gal called me last night. The scenario was, she’s been involved with a guy for a couple of years. She’s asked him if there’s a future. He said, “No, I just want to have fun. Stop asking me about that. I don’t see us settling down anytime soon.” And she’s like, “So what do I do?” And I said, “You already know what to do. Why are you asking me this? You know exactly what you have to do.” And she’s like, “Yeah, but I love him.” I said, “So what you’re asking is, is there a way to manipulate him? And change him into the kind of committed man you want and need?” No, there’s not. But you already know what you have to do. You want a long-term forever committed partner. He wants to have fun. There’s a big difference between the two. Okay, well, if all you want to do is be used, stay right where you are. If you want to have a long-term committed relationship, don’t partner with somebody who has clearly told you in his own words that that is not on his agenda.

Delilah lives on a 55- acre farm with her adopted children and many animals. (Courtesy of Delilah)

AE: Have your listeners’ stories offered you a unique perspective?

Delilah: When I lost both my boys and my stepson, I was given so much comfort. People sent prayers, they sent pictures. When my son Sammy died, I can’t tell you how many millions of prayers went up for me and my family during those times. Prayers that sustain me, prayers that gave me the courage to get up every day. When you don’t want to get up, when you’ve lost somebody and you just can’t even breathe, it hurts so bad—those prayers sustain you. I appreciate my listeners. Somebody called last year on Zach’s birthday and said, “Our boys share the same birthday. And I just wanted you to know that I’m so grateful I got to share my son’s birthday this year. And I know you didn’t and I’m just calling to tell you I prayed for you.”

AE: We are living in an era of increased isolation and anxiety. How do we as a society overcome this?

Delilah: It doesn’t matter what the crisis is, or the turmoil that you’re facing; if you have faith, you can get through anything. When you believe in something greater than yourself, and you believe that there is a higher power at work, then you can know that you don’t need to be afraid, you don’t need to be anxious, you don’t need to be filled with fear and trepidation. You can just put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. It doesn’t matter what the crisis is, or what the dilemma is; if you can hang on to even a mustard seed of faith, you can persevere and get through anything.

Because of the nature of my show, people call me with issues of the heart. And I have noticed for the last three years, certainly an uptick in loneliness. People are lonelier than I’ve ever heard them before, hungry for connection.

I had a gal call me last night to hear a song for a man she met 20 years ago, dated half a dozen times. And then he left for the military. And she’s not heard from him again. And she was just reminiscing of those beautiful moments they had together, that once-in-a-lifetime heart connection. And I said, “Honey, it doesn’t have to be once in a lifetime. You can open yourself up to love again.” So people are usually calling me and they want to share a story about a connection they have. Whatever the big emotion is that they’re feeling, they want to share that, and for whatever reason, they feel like I’m a close friend they want to share it with.

AE: What shapes your view of people and humanity in general?

Delilah: I believe that we are all miracles, that we are all eternal beings having a human experience, that every person that you encounter is a bazillion, gazillion, trillion miracles wrapped up in skin. And because we’re wrapped in skin and we’re having a human experience, we do human things and we make bonehead decisions. We’re not always the best version of ourselves. But the essence of our being remains in the image of the Almighty, the essence of our being is the Almighty. He created us and we were created for a purpose and for a reason. And when you know that, you can survive anything. Why aren’t we just in awe of every person we meet? Why aren’t we just like, “Oh my gosh, I want to get to know you. I want to know the essence of you, I want to get to know what makes you smile, makes you laugh, brings you joy.” And then I want to contribute to that joy. Everybody’s a miracle. And when you know that, you can look beyond the choice, beyond the circumstance, to the wonderful person in front of you.

(Courtesy of Delilah)

Fun Facts About Delilah

8.3 million listeners
tune in each week, on average

151 radio stations
air Delilah’s program

Florida, Texas, and New York
are the three states where Delilah gets the most calls from

Most requested songs 

“What a Wonderful World,” Louis Armstrong

“Unchained Melody,” The Righteous Brothers

“Wind Beneath My Wings,” Bette Midler

“I Will Always Love You,” Whitney Houston

How Delilah knows what songs to play for listeners

“You know how some people have sports statistics stuck in their head? I have song lyrics stuck in my head. Because I love so many different genres of music, I have millions of song lyrics that are in my head,” Delilah said. She notes that the special ability is partly passed down from her father, who loved to playfully sing lyrics to everyday questions posed to him.

When listeners tell Delilah their story, she takes notes and then types out the names of songs that she’s reminded of.

Delilah screens her own calls

Delilah herself takes all 30 to 50 calls out of the thousands of people who phone into her show each night. The show’s dynamics all depend on fate.

Delilah said she and her producer “have always prayed, ‘God, let whoever you want through to get through, whoever needs a touch from you, needs to be heard, let that person get through.’ That’s my call screening philosophy.”

Delilah doesn’t have a set routine

“Routine is not in my vocabulary. It’s so hard for me to get the kids out the door in the morning because I am so not a routine person. I am a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants person. Why plan ahead and miss out on all the excitement of the adventure? If you plan ahead, then there’s nothing like, ‘Oh dang, I forgot to put gas in the car,’” she joked.

How Delilah gets through her busy schedule

“I don’t need help getting through the day. I love my day. I hate when my day comes to an end. I loathe going to sleep at night. The frustrating thing for me is when I get off the air, and I’m done around midnight, and I’m like, ‘I’m so pumped up! I want to call somebody and talk about this.’”

Being a mother is Delilah’s greatest joy

“My motherhood is who I was meant to be. I was born to be a mama. It’s not like, ‘Okay, here’s my life. I’m a disc jockey. I’m a gardener. I’m an artist. I’m a mother.’ No, it’s, ‘I’m a mother.’ And then everything else comes after that.”

From July Issue, Volume 3


How Rob Kenney, the ‘Internet’s Dad,’ Is Filling the Father Gap

On April 2, 2020, Rob Kenney uploaded his first video to his YouTube channel: “How to Tie a Tie.” In the two-minute video, filmed with his cellphone in front of his bathroom mirror, Kenney walks the viewer through a simple, no-nonsense method of tying a tie, offering helpful tips about what color to choose and how to wear it, and a few key pointers on what not to do.

“This is an important part,” he advises as he drapes his tie around his collar. “At the end, you want the tie to come out right above your waistline. Looks cool that way. … If your knot’s big and you got a short tie? Dorky. You don’t want to do that, alright?” He pauses to offer a smile and shrug at the camera: “Just tellin’ you.”

In his innocence, Kenney thought he might get 30 or 40 views. The video now has more than 2 million.

“It caught me off guard,” Kenney said. But what really blew him away were the comments, filled with people who told him they’d never had a dad to teach them this, and thanking him for “adopting” them as his kids on the internet and making them feel loved. “I’ve had people tell me that they’re watching me tie a tie and they’re crying. In my ignorance, I thought I was just showing you how to tie a tie. It was resonating on a level that I didn’t prepare for.”

Kenney, now 59 with two adult kids, started the channel “Dad, How Do I…?” with encouragement from his daughter. Within two months, it exploded into popularity via social media, propelling him to stardom as “the internet’s dad.”

“I wasn’t trying to switch careers or do anything fancy,” said Kenney, a self-described introvert. “I was just trying to share some nuggets that I’d learned the hard way.”

From his home in the Seattle, Washington, area, he’s since shown his 4.5 million subscribers—and growing—how to shave, put up a shelf, jump-start a car, iron a shirt, and more. He has a “Tool Tuesday” series, in which he explains how to use tools that he thinks viewers might want in their toolboxes, as well as one-minute “Wisdom Wednesday” videos, in which he shares quotes that have meant something to him. In “Dad Chat” videos, he covers topics like attitude and integrity.

What is it about these ordinary videos that moves people in such extraordinary ways? Watch one and it becomes apparent: He teaches the viewer exactly the way he would teach his own children. He speaks in a calm, patient, down-to-earth manner, walking through step-by-step methods with a genuine warmth and kindness that come through the screen. As a man of faith, Kenney said, “I do think I’m called to love everybody.”

Becoming ‘the Internet’s Dad’

Kenney’s own dad chose to leave his family of eight children to start a new life in a different city when Kenney was 14 years old. Kenney ended up living with his newly married older brother Rick and his wife in a tiny trailer. He spent his youth learning how to do many ordinary things, from pumping gas to putting on cologne, the hard way, muddling through on his own. “I think maybe I have a bit more empathy because I struggled,” Kenney said.

He dreamt up the idea for “Dad, How Do I…?” several years before it came to fruition. He used YouTube to learn some skills, but he often found himself frustrated by having to sit through a 20-minute video for the two-minute nugget of information he sought. He drew up a long list of skills that he “want[ed] to pass along,” that he thought he could teach to people with short, simple, helpful videos, without wasting anybody’s time. The name for his channel came from picturing his own children calling from another room, “Dad, how do I…?” and going running to fix it.

As the views and comments poured in, it quickly became apparent that his channel was doing more than teaching people basic tasks. A video that ended with a simple sentence, “I’m proud of you,” generated a huge response. Thousands of viewers wrote to tell Kenney that they’d never heard that phrase, and it brought them to tears to hear him say it. “People have said they’ve put that on loop,” Kenney said.

He was unprepared for the responses of thousands of viewers telling him their stories of growing up without father figures, struggling through abandonment, a broken foster care system, and grief so powerful it breaks his heart.

“The flip side of my channel ‘going viral’ is that it’s so needed—it’s heartbreaking,” he said. “If you spend any time reading the comments, it will bring you to tears. … It’s been eye-opening for me.”

Rob Kenney with his family. (Courtesy of Rob Kenney)

Faith and Forgiveness

A big part of what Kenney hopes to do with his channel is to shine a light on the healing power of forgiveness. It’s something that, for Kenney, arose from his faith: “I’ve been forgiven much myself,” he said. He doesn’t shy away from his faith on his channel, and he ends every video by saying, “God bless you.”

“We live in a society that has a victim mentality and wants to blame somebody. But unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping it somehow hurts the other person—really, it’s killing you,” Kenney said. “You need to let it go so you can live your own life.”

Kenney struggled to forgive his own father. “I call it coughing up a hairball,” he said. “I had many phone calls with [my brother] Rick, sobbing, struggling to just get it out.” When he finally was able to, “boy, there was freedom on the other side that I wasn’t anticipating.” He has compassion for his father, he said, and a greater understanding of his choices now that he has his own children.

“I want to encourage dads to hang in there,” he said. “I want to encourage people that if they’ve been through something, don’t bring that into the future. Let’s break the cycle so that you can still be a great dad yourself.”

For Kenney, being a good dad starts with being present. He chose a career that would support his family but also give him enough flexibility to “see pretty much everything my kids ever did,” he said. He believes that quality time comes from quantity time: “The good stuff often happens when you’re just hanging out.”

It was important to Kenney to get his kids involved, teach them how to do new things, and let them try—and fail—by themselves. He raised them to be kind and respectful to others, because you never know what people are going through, and to know to own up to mistakes and ask for forgiveness. That came naturally as he prayed with them at night, “because it’s me talking to my Heavenly Father basically confessing that I didn’t handle that very well,” he said. “My kids would hear me and understand that I’m accountable to somebody higher than me.”

He has another important goal: “I also want to show how cool it is to be a dad. It was a real blessing in my life,” he said. Though his own kids have long moved out and started their own lives—a “bittersweet” moment for him—his audience of adopted “kids” is still steadily growing, and he’s fully stepped into his new role. (He now begins every video with a great big smile and a “Hey, kids!”—and he always offers a dad joke.)

Still, Kenney doesn’t want to be put on a pedestal, because he knows he’s imperfect. He wanted his own kids to know, and now he wants his internet family to know, that “I’m on your team, I’m trying the best I can. I’m going to fail—but I’m sticking with it. I’m here. And hopefully, we can forgive each other when we both mess up.”

From June Issue, Volume 3


Seamus Mullen’s Recipe for a Healthy Life

Changing your diet can change your life; Seamus Mullen knows that intimately. In 2012, a near-death experience forced him to rethink how he lived.

The award-winning chef, restaurateur, and avid cyclist made a name for himself cooking through kitchens in Spain, San Francisco, and New York, where he opened his first restaurant in 2006. But the job’s long, grueling hours, plus a lifestyle of partying and unhealthy food, took a toll on his body.

In 2007, Mullen was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. The autoimmune disease caused severe chronic pain in his joints, which were so swollen that each morning he couldn’t tie his shoes. He was placed on a cocktail of medications that never fully alleviated the pain—but weakened his resistance to infections, resulting in frequent trips to the hospital. After bacterial meningitis landed him in the ICU with a 106°F fever, he knew something had to change.

Under the guidance of functional medicine doctor Frank Lipman, he overhauled his lifestyle, from improving his exercise and sleep to incorporating meditation and managing his mindset. Most crucially, he transformed his diet, cutting refined sugars, simple carbs, and other inflammatory foods and replacing them with plenty of gut-friendly vegetables and healthy fats.

Within a year, the symptoms of his “incurable” illness disappeared.

Now, Mullen is a two-time cookbook author and passionate advocate for the healing power of food, and he inspires others to take control of their own health.

Here, he shares his wellness routines, tips on staying motivated, and a favorite simple, summer-ready recipe.

My ideal morning routine looks like this: wake up, two to five minutes of breathwork and meditation, three-minute cold plunge at 40°F, two minutes of qigong and dragon breath to warm up, 40 push-ups, and a cup of coffee. In reality, it’s usually two of these things, but I try to get in as much as I can.

Mullen’s ideal morning routine includes a three minute cold plunge at 40°F, a form of cold exposure to build both mental and physical resilience. (Courtesy of Seamus Mullen)

My daily diet starts with: coffee with cream and a tall glass of water. If I’m doing strength training in the morning, I will have a post-workout shake of 20 grams of whey protein plus creatine and BCAAs [branched-chain amino acids].

My first meal is generally around 1 to 1:30 p.m., and that is always a protein-focused meal with grass-fed beef, lamb, or some fish—generally around 8 ounces of cooked protein. I will add in a salad with avocado or some veggies sautéed in ghee or olive oil. Dinner, if I’m staying in, is again protein-focused, with vegetables and a little fresh, seasonal fruit. If I snack during the day, it’s generally fresh fruit or some raw milk cheese.

A really delicious way I cook vegetables is: blanching! [Get] a pot of well-salted boiling water, drop in some sugar snap peas for 30 seconds, and then shock them in a bath of ice water, and the sweetness of the peas is brought to the front of the palate.

To work out I: strength train (heavy lifting) four days on, one day off, and then I ride my mountain bike three to five days a week. This means I usually have two days a week with double workouts, and my “rest” day is usually a light bike ride or a hike. In recent years, I’ve really focused more and more on mountain biking, and I’m loving being in nature, away from cars. I’m loving hiking these days; we have some amazing trails in the Los Angeles area, and I’ve really been into exploring them.

My favorite mountain bike route is: up and down Mount Wilson in the Pasadena area east of LA. It feels like you’re in a legitimate mountain range just minutes from downtown LA!

An avid cyclist, chef Seamus Mullen rides his mountain bike three to five days a week. (Courtesy of Seamus Mullen)

An ingredient I’m obsessed with is: anchovies. Always, these little guys do so much to elevate a dish. I mash them up with garlic and Calabrian chiles in a mortar and pestle to make a delish paste that can be the base of a vinaigrette or rubbed onto some lamb chops before grilling.

Olive oil is a staple. I will be obsessed with olive oil ’til the day I die. I love it on fruit or with some fatty, whole-milk yogurt.

Sumac is a spice I use all the time for a punchy, acidic kick when I don’t want the flavor of citrus. Whipped into some butter, it’s a perfect spread.

My kryptonite food is: ice cream. I’m a sucker for ice cream. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with Straus Family Farms Decaf Coffee With Dutch Cocoa. So good!

Anyone trying to live healthier should: ditch all seed oils for ghee, butter, or olive oil; ditch mayonnaise for homemade aioli (if you have a blender, you can make it!); ditch meeting a friend at the bar for a drink for pilates, yoga, hiking, or meditation.

I de-stress and stay grounded with: breathwork. I’ve been practicing Buteyko and Tummo breathwork for a while and both are fundamental to maintaining a healthy mindset for me.

I stay motivated by: reminding myself it’s a process that can feel like a spiral at times. More than anything, I always look back at how far I’ve come so I’m never overwhelmed by the task ahead.

A goal I’m working on is: getting deeper into my meditation practice, tapping into visualization to help discover that state of flow that I feel on the mountain bike, and then learning how to translate that state of flow to other areas of my life.

I wind down at night with: breathwork, reading, lights out.

(Courtesy of Seamus Mullen)

RECIPE: Shaved Summer Squash With Tuna

This is one of my favorite simple dishes to make in the height of summer when the gardens and stores are overflowing with summer squash and zucchini. I tend to eat a lot of salads in the summer, and I usually make sure there’s a generous amount of vegetables in my salad, and some sensible protein.

There’s really no cooking whatsoever that goes into this dish, just a variety of raw summer vegetables, simply prepared. You’ll need a mandoline or slicer adapter on your food processor to cut the veggies as thinly as possible.

Serves 4

  • 12 ounces mixed summer squash, such as small zucchini, yellow squash, and patty pans
  • 4 ounces mixed radishes, such as red, watermelon, and cello
  • 24 Sungold tomatoes, halved
  • 2 shallots
  • 1 serrano chile pepper
  • 1 cup paper-thin slices raw purple cauliflower
  • 4 ounces best-quality tuna packed in olive oil
  • 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • Juice of 4 limes, rinds reserved
  • Sea salt and black pepper
  • Chopped fresh dill and cilantro, for serving
  • 1 2-ounce chunk Parmesan cheese

Cut the squash and radishes into paper-thin rounds. Halve the tomatoes. Thinly slice the shallots, serrano chile pepper, and cauliflower. Flake the tuna into large chunks.

Toss the squash, radishes, tomatoes, shallots, chile, tuna, oil, and lime juice in a large bowl. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Divide among serving plates and top with the fresh herbs. Zest the lime rinds directly on the salad, then shave the Parmesan on top using a vegetable peeler. Serve immediately.

From June Issue, Volume 3


Actor Kirk Cameron: Upholding Nation’s Principles Starts at Home

Instantly famous as a teen actor portraying Mike Seaver in the ABC sitcom “Growing Pains,” Kirk Cameron is now in the prime of his life. With all his children grown, the 52-year-old still takes on acting roles, produces family-friendly movies, writes children’s books, and travels throughout the United States to champion the traditional ideals of America’s founders.

The work he chooses today literally projects his appreciation for family values, virtuous fatherhood, and patriotism for this country. In the last year, he produced “The Homeschool Awakening,” documenting the rise of at-home education in recent years. “As You Grow, published by Brave Books, is Cameron’s attempt to instill virtue through a family-friendly children’s book. And inspired by his own experiences in adopting children, he played the role of David Scotton’s father in LIFEMARK, a film adaptation of the documentary “I Lived on Parker Avenue.”

Cameron is proud of his career accomplishments over the decades, but it was his early halcyon days of acting that led to the love of his life and, eventually, fatherhood. He met and married providentially, he said, his on-screen girlfriend, Chelsea, 32 years ago, smitten from the first moment he saw her.

(Courtesy of Kirk Cameron)

“I had these visions of real life romance, and that became a reality,” he said. “And then we had six children. We adopted our first four, then had two kids the old-fashioned way. We finally figured out how to do this at home!”

The Role of Father

A few years in, he and Chelsea decided to homeschool. Initially, Cameron thought homeschooling was weird. But over the course of 10 years homeschooling, he realized they were “perfectly positioned and equipped to be the best teacher. It’s very empowering and exciting.”

Experiences in his childhood have had a major impact on his style of parenting. In raising his own family, his focus has always centered around spending time with his own children and prioritizing his relationships—just like his father did. Cameron recognizes that today’s culture can place too much of an emphasis on a child’s IQ, accomplishments, athletic talents, or intellectual abilities. He believes that if children do not learn traditional values from their parents, children will learn cultural values from someone else.

“Children spell love this way,” he added: “TIME.” That’s why it’s imperative that parents spend time nurturing them. “It is not an overstatement to say that men are more mission-oriented than the nourishing nature that moms find so easy to demonstrate with kids. For dads, … the challenge is to focus more on spending time and doing ‘life’ together. I can’t think of a more important relationship than a parent-child relationship.”

Cameron has six children, four adopted, with his wife, Chelsea. (Courtesy of Kirk Cameron)

Whether he went bodysurfing in the waves with his dad, or watched him reassemble engines, or received help with math homework at the kitchen table, Cameron is less able to remember the details of what his dad said to him than the time spent together developing their relationship as father and son.

“I had the privilege of being raised by a really good father—not a perfect father, but a good father,” Cameron said. He even remembers how his dad made mistakes and asked for forgiveness to make him a better man. “The old adage is true: More is caught than taught. Good dads lead by example. They strive to be the kind of person they want their children to become.”

His Mentors

Cameron’s mother had a huge influence on his life, too. Although she was a fully committed homemaker, she eventually became his manager during his show business years and later took on the role of child talent agent, working from her garage. “She taught macramé in the garage. … She held Tupperware parties. And she was always there for us kids.”

Positive mentors can hugely impact a person’s destiny. Such is the case with Cameron, who met Dr. Marshall Foster, founder of the World History Institute. Cameron’s appreciation for American history grew as the historian taught Cameron about the founding of America, including the legacy left behind by the Pilgrims: a legacy of faith, morality, constitutional government, and liberty.

“Faith in God and the ability to apply correct principles from God’s words to every aspect of our life is what led to the prosperity and strength of America. America didn’t just pop out of the ether, but was based on a set of ideas in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence that was carefully reasoned from Scripture,” Cameron added.

(Samira Bouaou)

And to Cameron, there’s no better depiction of the freedom-seekers in early America who built this nation on long-lasting principles than the National Monument to the Forefathers in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Yet Cameron is surprised that most people have never heard of it. In his travels, he brings a scaled-down replica, teaching others why this is the freest, strongest, and most blessed nation on Earth. “The Forefathers set forth principles for our spiritual, moral, and political true north. There is no other formula that will result in the United States. It was created so brilliantly that it has resulted in a nation with more freedom than has ever existed.”

The largest solid granite monument in the country at 81 feet in height, the memorial honors America’s Forefathers and Foremothers whose quest was to build a successful, stable, and free society. And yet, Cameron recognizes other locations where freedom and prosperity can reign: where relationships are built. Where discoveries can be made.

“The other locations for moms and dads to pass on important values are your own kitchen table and your own backyard,” he said. This is where Cameron taught the most important things, like moral integrity and commitment and forgiveness, to his children. “This is where you can impart massive gifts to your children.”

From June Issue, Volume 3


Embracing Discomfort Is the Key to Thriving, Says Expert

Each time Michael Easter’s life took a step forward in freedom and growth, he realized it was consistently preceded by a prevailing mindset shift to face his own discomfort.

Journalist and author of “The Comfort Crisis,” Easter was dissatisfied with simply parroting scientific studies and taking his interview subjects at their word for his first book, published in 2021. Instead, his curiosity motivated him to also saturate himself in the narrative by visiting some of the world’s most remote and dangerous places.

Had it not been for Easter’s five-day, off-grid elk hunting expedition with famed American hunter Donnie Vincent, he likely never would have considered upending his life to deep-dive into discomfort. Not exactly primed for the adventure, Easter arrived in the Nevada outback woefully unprepared for the climate (it was frigid) and the boredom.

The days dragged on minute by minute, interspersed with rare heart-stopping moments. The most entertainment he had was reading labels on his food and clothing. Being alone with his thoughts, however, was the kind of discomfort he needed to catch a creative vision for a book.

(Courtesy of Michael Easter)

“It was totally uncomfortable the whole time, so uncomfortable in so many different ways,’’ Easter confessed. He wanted to go home after the first day. “But what was interesting was when I got home I felt better than I had in a long time. It was very striking to me.”

He came home and wrote an article on Vincent for Men’s Health magazine, but the idea of a book was stirring in his soul. He wanted to know: Why are the most wildly healthy and happy people choosing discomfort when modern science has found an easier route? And what knowledge can the rest of us glean from their lifestyles of embracing ancient wisdom that embodies nature, movement, and boredom?

Humanity is constantly racing toward comfort, Easter mused, from the development of food that’s calorically dense, easy to eat, and fast to prepare to the design of HVAC systems that regulate temperatures in our homes and offices. We sit more, move less, eat more, look for shortcuts, turn to our phones to entertain us as soon as boredom strikes, and chase comfort as though our lives depended on it.

But we are generally more unhappy. We complain more, get sick more, take more medication, require more vacations, and actually seem to be writhing in consistent discomfort—or at least discontentment.

Easter’s research unearthed a perplexing statistic: Only 2 percent of people use stairs when an escalator is available. Suddenly he became committed to not only being in the 2 percent, but also to understanding the benefits of living more of his everyday life outside his comfort zone, starting with small choices.

“One of the biggest problems with how we view health and fitness and nutrition is that everyone has the easy fix. Part of changing is knowing this is actually going to be hard, but on the other side of that is a long-term benefit,” he said.

The wellness world offers a sliding scale of sounds-too-good-to-be-true promises to unthinkable rapid and drastic behavior modification—like three-day water fasts or marathon training. We grapple with disbelief when the instant results we’ve come to expect in the rest of our comfortable existence don’t pan out in weight loss or disease management.

That’s why Easter advocates for a lower barrier to entry with tips like skipping breakfast or adding weight in a backpack (called rucking) to your hike. Weaving ancient wisdom into our modern lifestyle can be simple, effective, and even fun in a world exhausted by dizzying health advice.

(Courtesy of Michael Easter)

“Today a lot of the health recommendations are all or nothing,” Easter said. “Who wants to live like that? You have to find ways to be a normal human and have fun. But you also have to realize that it’s not always going to be comfortable all the time if you want to grow.”

Readers are obviously hungry for what he’s dishing out. “The Comfort Crisis’” has become a bestseller on Amazon, with more than 150,000 copies sold. Perhaps the appeal is that he doesn’t have a bunch of credential initials behind his name. In a market saturated with guruism, he’s an ordinary guy who approached our need for comfort with sincere curiosity instead of condemnation.

Easter’s secret power is tackling topics that don’t always align with his beliefs and doing so with an open mind. That humility, paired with integrity, has made him sought after by elite organizations for training. Easter has worked with NASA, NCAA, and Major League Baseball, among others. While these audiences don’t require as much focus on physical fitness, he said the message of discomfort is universal.

For instance, he noted that his friends who run ultramarathons are often willing to tackle just about any physical challenge, but sitting in silence for a 10-minute meditation is enough to induce panic attacks.

“With athletes, they put all their eggs in the physical basket and then they avoid all this other stuff,” Easter said. “What you tend to see is people who lean into one form of discomfort, they avoid it in other ways. Everyone usually has something they’re really avoiding.”

Discomfort Anyone Can Try

Even if you work behind a desk, you can dabble in movement outside your comfort zone. Here are some of Michael Easter’s tips:

  • Do some physical activity every hour. Get up from your desk and move or stretch for even a few minutes.
  • Practice fasting by skipping breakfast, which benefits metabolism but also helps get you in tune with your body’s hunger cues. “People get anxious about the idea that they can be hungry,” he said. “We need to learn hunger is not an emergency.”
  • Get outside for at least 20 minutes three days a week in your neighborhood or park; five continuous hours once a month in a state park hiking, picnicking, or fishing; and on a three-day annual trip where you do something hard that won’t kill you that you have a 50/50 chance of completing. “By day three, you’re seeing life a lot differently,” he said.
  • Try rucking (carrying weight in a backpack while hiking). Rucking burns two to three times as many calories and it’s good for building cardiovascular and muscular strength.


Flipping 2 Percent Upside Down

What if somehow we could flip-flop the statistic and be a world where 98 percent of people were taking the stairs and otherwise doing uncomfortable things? It’s not just about embracing discomfort in movement; it’s also about being content in boredom and even creating margin in each day to simply be quiet. Intrinsically, we know rest is a rhythm we need not just for the body but also for the mind.

Meditation has become popular because the benefits are verified and tangible—peace, joy, and mindful living. The problem is, most people who decide to give up some time on their phones simply exchange it for time behind another screen instead of trading up for something of value.

Easter suggests leaving your phone at home and swapping scrolling for time outside—no music, no podcast, no calls.

“Let your mind wander. People’s minds tend to wander to fascinating places,” he said. “This is why shower thoughts are a thing.”

Scarcity Brain

Living on the outskirts of Las Vegas, Easter is surrounded by slot machines—not just in casinos but in grocery stores, restaurants, and even gas stations.

“Nothing is better at pushing people into repeat behavior that can hurt them in the long run,” he said. “Why do humans in general try to reach for more, more food, more stuff, more control over others?”

Learning to live with moderation is key, but few of us know how to live it out. In his new book, “Scarcity Brain,” due to be released in September, Easter will explain how our inability to moderate is changing us and ultimately hurting us. Of course, he will also help us learn how to tap into moderation and overcome our scarcity brains.

From June Issue, Volume 3


Taking Command of Your Life

Published in 1936, Dale Carnegie’s “How To Win Friends and Influence People” is still considered one of the most influential self-development books today. To reach today’s generation, Carnegie’s grandson, Michael Crom, and Joe Hart, CEO of Dale Carnegie Training, have written “Take Command: Find Your Inner Strength, Build Enduring Relationships, and Live the Life You Want.”

Joe Hart discusses how the timeless principles can be applied today.

Joe Hart, CEO of Dale Carnegie Training and co-author of “Take Command.” (Courtesy of Joe Hart)

American Essence: Your book calls on readers to “take command.” Why do you believe so many people struggle to take action toward their goals?

Mr. Hart: One of the key takeaways from this book is helping people address several key questions: What are your goals? What do you want to accomplish? What’s stopping you? And what’s holding you back?

Just the other day I was talking to my 20-year-old daughter about some of her goals. She told me one of the biggest barriers she—and so many of us—have is fear. I’ve learned that it’s up to us. We’re the ones who hold ourselves back. We’re the ones who have to overcome our fears. We have to reframe our mindsets. That’s why it’s important that we take command of our lives.

AE: The book’s first section is on thoughts and emotions. How can people take command of these?

Mr. Hart: First, you need to pay attention to your thoughts. Are your thoughts harmful or supportive? 

Second, what are thoughts you’re having that are limiting your ability to move forward? Do you magnify the negative? What would happen if you changed those thoughts?

And third, practice choosing the right thoughts. This is a daily challenge. Like anything you want to improve upon, you must practice this every day. 

AE: The next section is on relationships. What is key to building back strong relationships post-pandemic?

Mr. Hart: With this book, we’re urging people to take command of their relationships. To build relationships, you must be honest and sincere in sharing feedback. Take steps to build trust with others and by doing so, build stronger relationships.

AE: The last section’s about the future. How can people set goals and accomplish them?

Mr. Hart: We are challenging people to think about what their purpose in life is—about the importance of living an intentional life. This means knowing your “why”—what drives you, and think about the person you want to be. Write your own mission statement. Read it every day and practice living it every day.

AE: What motivates you to continue what you do?

Mr. Hart: It’s been a great honor meeting so many people who talk about how their lives have been. I’ve heard stories of so many who were able to turn their lives around. That’s why I am excited about the work we do and how it’s changing lives.

This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

Features Entrepreneurs Giving Back

Innovative New Cosmetic Center Takes Holistic Approach to Cultivating Beauty

In the ancient world, beauty was defined by harmonious proportion, where all elements combined into a satisfying, soul-stirring balance. It was an ideal to aim for, and a virtue to embody.

Today, there is a saying that beauty is only skin deep. With this notion, it’s no wonder why we see the pursuit of beauty as something vain and shallow, sometimes even ugly. But what ever happened to the more substantive and transcendent aspects of beauty that our ancestors believed were found beyond the superficial? A new plastic surgery clinic wants to help patients find it.

The project began with a grand goal: create a cosmetic surgical center with a deeper approach to aesthetics. Dr. Jingduan Yang has been working the past year to realize this vision.

Yang is no stranger to running a practice. He is currently the CEO of Northern Medical Center located in New York’s Hudson Valley. The center is a multidisciplinary integrative facility that features both primary and specialty care, such as traditional Chinese medicine, pediatrics, sports medicine, and more.

(Cara Ding)

Holistic Healing

Like Northern Medical Center, Yang holds a combination of medical specialties that lend to his holistic mindset. He began his medical career as an acupuncturist—he’s a fifth-generation practitioner of Chinese medicine—and then became an attending neurologist. Later, he was board certified in both psychiatry and integrative medicine.

Yang said he never imagined that his career would branch into the realm of cosmetics. But he wanted to find a way to help people transcend the often shallow reputation of the beauty industry, and embrace something more substantial. “We want to make a paradigm shift to help people to become healthier, happier, and more beautiful,” Yang said.

Dr. Jeffrey Yager (Larry Dye)

The new clinic, called SY Aesthetics, is set to open later this year. Dr. Jefferey Yager is one of the surgeons on the team. Last year, Yager was set to retire from a 26-year career in plastic surgery because he felt his job had become tedious. But Yang’s idea gave Yager new inspiration for his profession. He realized that there were elements that his previous work had been missing.

“Technically, my skills were such that I could repeat excellent results. But what I found frustrating was I could get the same result on several different people and have different satisfaction levels,” Yager said. “If their problems stem from a deeper emotional or traumatic event in their past, or a poor relationship with their partner, I’m not gonna be able to fix that, no matter how well I perform the procedure.”

In addition to offering top notch cosmetic surgery, SY Aesthetics aims to address the matters that the scalpel can’t touch, by providing treatment for the mind and spirit. The underlying philosophy of the practice is to treat what Yang and Yager call the four dimensions of beauty: structural, biochemical, energetic, and spiritual.

The first dimension, structural, is what every plastic surgeon specializes in. This is what we see at the surface that can be changed with surgical procedures.

But dive a bit deeper, and you’ll find the biochemical dimension of your body. Things like hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies aren’t things we often associate with physical beauty, but Yang says these biochemical factors play a large role in how we look and feel. “These chemical components are what the body needs to sustain, to nourish, and to function,” he said. “Therefore, by supporting the chemistry, we support the appearance.”

Common herbs in traditional Chinese medicine: goji berries, dong quai (female ginseng), dong gua pi (winter melon peel), zhi zi (gardenia seeds), rougui (cassia bark), and dang shen (codonopsis root). They are used to regulate energy imbalances in the body, which can lead to a healthier, more radiant complexion, according to Dr. Jingduan Yang. (Tatsiana Moon for American Essence)

Deeper still is the energetic dimension. It is usually associated with ancient forms of medicine, such as traditional Chinese or Ayurvedic practices that work with energy forces such as qi or prana. The forces themselves may be invisible, but their manifestations are clear. Someone who suffers from deficient qi, for example, can see reflections of this deficiency in their appearance and their overall health.


The most profound factor in the SY Aesthetics evaluation is the spiritual component. This dimension is embodied in the thoughts and beliefs that we hold. These are also invisible elements, but they definitely reflect on how the world sees us. “When you’re around somebody who has true beauty, you don’t really notice the physical defects,” Yager said. “It’s the way they make you feel. You just enjoy being around them because they radiate this positivity and energy that’s infectious. That’s what we’re trying to bring out.”

A spiritual approach to plastic surgery may seem unusual, but Yang says it’s essential to a truly holistic vision of beauty. Patients who address this dimension before going under the knife may even conclude that they don’t really want plastic surgery, or realize that they’re pursuing it for all the wrong reasons. “Actually, we would like them to do that if that is the case,” Yang said. “Sometimes they know what they want in their head, but they absolutely don’t want it in their hearts.”

Acupuncture treatment is a key feature of traditional Chinese medicine. (Cara Ding)

Even if patients decide that surgery is necessary, Yager said going into a procedure with a strong spirit helps with the whole process. He points to a body of research which shows that spirituality is associated with better health outcomes. Such studies reveal that prayer and spirituality is an important aspect of the healing process, particularly in plastic surgery. 

“Even the patients who are doing aesthetic surgery can benefit so much from the advanced nutritional therapy that we can offer … These should not be underestimated,” Yager said.

If a patient shows issues with trauma, nutrition, or some other imbalance, they can still elect to get physical changes once they’ve addressed these deeper concerns. And Yager believes all these factors combined will lead to a more satisfying, and ultimately more beautiful outcome, both for himself and the patient. “I consider what I do the easy part,” Yager said. “All the patient has to do is go to sleep, and I can do all the work for them. But I can’t fix these spiritual, energetic, and biochemical things with such rapidity. Those are the processes that take longer, and they’re harder work.”

In the past few years, some cosmetic surgery practices have been moving toward a more holistic bent, but Yang and Yager want to encourage a revolutionary shift in the entire industry. Last fall, the SY Aesthetics team held an international conference to share their direction, philosophy, and research. A second conference is planned for this fall.

“This is about really moving the field of aesthetics and beauty forward to the next level. And our hope is, other people do the same,” Yager said.

From May Issue, Volume 3

Features Entrepreneurs

Texas-Born Miss Universe R’Bonney Gabriel Wants to Inspire Young Women Everywhere

“With hard work, you can do anything,” said fashion designer R’Bonney Gabriel. Today, as Miss Universe 2022, she wants to inspire young women everywhere with her message. Just last year, the Houston resident clinched wins at the Miss Texas USA pageant, followed three months later at the Miss USA competition, and then three months later, on January 14, 2023, the crown of all crowns, Miss Universe. 

Gabriel’s story is a multi-generational American dream. Her father immigrated to America with a college scholarship, $20, and the American dream in his heart. Throughout her childhood, he told her, “You don’t have to be the smartest person in the room to make the best grades, you just have to be the hardest worker.” That taught her that even if someone wasn’t born with a natural gift or talent, he or she could still train and work hard to perfect a skill, and achieve any goal he or she set. 

Her mother, who came from humble beginnings in Beaumont, Texas, taught her patience, faith, and unconditional love. She “grew up with warm Southern hospitality, [and] I carry that same energy with me no matter where I travel in the world.”

 “The hard work ethic and ‘can-do attitude’ combined with my mother’s kindness and heart to serve others are key characteristics that have been instilled in me from a very young age, and are now more important than ever for my role as Miss Universe,” she said. 

Gabriel was crowned Miss Universe at the pageant held in New Orleans, La., on Jan. 14, 2023. (Miss Universe Organization)

Gabriel recalls an anecdote from her childhood when she wanted an outdoor playground set that cost a lot of money.

​​“We received a catalog in the mail with these extravagant-looking playgrounds, … and my dad said that we could build it ourselves. He taught me how to dig a hole and mix cement to build a base, how to hammer nails, drill holes, use a level, etc. It was four stories high … with a tire swing, ladders, and even a bridge. That project really showed me how to take a vision and build it into a reality. That shaped me to have a ‘do-it-yourself’ mentality in life.”

The Pageant Bug

She began entering pageants at age 25, after being encouraged by a woman she kept running into at photo shoots. When she first started, the goal was to challenge herself and become better at communicating and speaking because she was very shy.

“I placed first runner-up at my first pageant,” she said, “and got the ‘pageant bug.’ She soon discovered that competing in pageants requires a lot of work. She trained daily for two and a half years to get to Miss Universe, taking hair lessons, make-up lessons, walking lessons, and weekly interview lessons.

“I did mock interviews, watched the news constantly, trained my mind to formulate my thoughts and opinions in a particular way, worked out intensely, dieted, found sponsors, and spent lots of time designing and sewing my outfits for the competition,” she said. “Pageantry took over my life to the point where I didn’t have time for much else, but it was worth it in the end.”

Gabriel has a passion for sewing. During the Miss Universe competition, she made several outfits herself from recycled material. (R’Bonney Gabriel)

Another incentive to enter a pageant was her strong belief that you should always give things in life a try at least once. In fact, she was in a juggling club in college owing to a love of the circus arts, worked at a haunted house where she would pop out and scare people, and put her dorm room mattress under her cutting/sewing table to sleep on because she had a small room and most of it was taken over by sewing supplies and tools, which would ultimately lead to her fashion brand: R’Bonney Nola.

Gabriel is the first Filipina American to win Miss Texas, Miss USA, and Miss Universe. “[It] is a huge honor, and I hope this inspires others to embrace their unique culture. I hope this opens the door for more representation in pageantry,” she said.

Gabriel also believes in giving back; when she heard about Magpies & Peacocks, an organization dedicated to collecting, curating, and reusing post-consumer textiles to reduce waste in the fashion industry, she knew she wanted to get involved.

“I was already so passionate about recycled/sustainable fashion,” she said. “When I walked in for my first tour, Ahshia Berry, the co-owner, offered me a job to be the lead sewing instructor for the MAKR program, which offers sewing classes to women of Houston who have survived domestic violence and human trafficking. I was so happy to get started with them!”

At Home in Houston

Growing up in Houston gave her an open-minded outlook on life. “Houston is home to every culture and ethnicity,” she said. “My high school experience was a great time in my life. We had every cultural background at school, and I was friends with everyone. 

R’Bonney Gabriel hails from Houston, Texas, and is the first Filipina American to win Miss Texas, Miss USA, and Miss Universe. (Fadil Berisha)

Gabriel was also friends with different crowds based on the different activities she enjoyed growing up. “I played volleyball, played oboe in band, and attended yearbook class. This upbringing shaped me to accept anyone for who they are and showed me the beauty of so many different people.”

One of the most challenging parts of her reign so far is the cyberbullying and harsh online comments that get her down sometimes. 

“I try my best to ignore it. I’ve realized that no matter what I do, I just can’t please everyone, so I just remind myself that my self-worth does not come from other peoples’ opinions about me,” she said.

When her year is done, she will continue building her sustainable fashion brand, R’Bonney Nola, as well as modeling and working to educate and inspire young girls and women through her sewing workshops and motivational speaking. With her “can-do attitude” and excellent work ethic, R’Bonney Gabriel has the world (and the universe) at her fingertips—one upcycled dress at a time.

From May Issue, Volume 3


Aging Healthfully with ‘ThighMaster’ Legend Suzanne Somers

You may know Suzanne Somers as the cute blonde, Chrissy Snow, on “Three’s Company,” a hit TV show in the 1970s, or as the entrepreneur behind the ThighMaster fitness device (yes, it’s still being sold!). But it might surprise you that Somers, now 75, has spent decades exploring breakthroughs in anti-aging that avoid chemical toxins and Big Pharma.

Fourteen of Somers’s 27 books have made it onto the New York Times bestseller list, and most of them center around natural health. Her journey with alternative treatments started 25 years ago, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She eschewed chemotherapy and found success with natural supplements. Her cancer went into remission. But take it from her, she’s no extremist when it comes to alternative medicine. “I go natural first,” Somers said. “And I take care of my body. I feed it right, I sleep it right, I think it right, I love it right. And then if none of the natural treatments work, then [I] resort to allopathic.”

Somers also believes it’s important to have a healthy mindset. Her infectious happiness about aging stems from how she thinks positively about what’s ahead of her. 

When Somers was a young, single mother, her son was hit by a car and almost died. It caused terrible nightmares that led her to seek therapy for him. At the same time, the therapist helped her overcome the effects of her abusive, alcoholic father. “Maybe we have to go through this crud in life to realize all that we are. And in each of the circumstances in our lives is the basis for our wisdom, layering on itself.”

That healing process gave Somers the confidence to take on a major acting role on national television and set her on a lifelong path of self-improvement. “I looked at every negative as an opportunity and use[d] it as the next stepping stone to growth. So at my age now, when you think you’re going to start not thinking about growing, I’m thinking about ‘Wow, I wonder what’s ahead of me now? … What do I get to learn next?’ And there’s always, always something.”

Her life experience is why she’s so grateful to be the age she is now. “I almost want to say to people younger than me, ‘Wait until you get to be my age, it’s so great!’ You have the one thing young people can’t buy or have, which is wisdom and perspective.” She’s learned to shut out negativity. “I don’t think negative thoughts. … If [there are] people you’d like to be pissed off with, I immediately shut it out. And I think ‘It’s so not worth it.’ I wish them well.”

She’s excited for what the future holds. “I trust and have faith and I live a happy life. Every day I just thank God for this beautiful day. … I plan to be here till I’m in my hundreds.”

Features Entrepreneurs

Former Miss Florida Turned Equestrian Jeweler Shares Her Love for Art and Philanthropy

Silver-set moonstones and more than 30,000 Swarovski crystals, placed one by one onto a hand-drawn design—those were the jewels that started it all. They adorned the pageant gown Karina Brez wore when she was crowned Miss Florida USA in 2012, which she designed and made with the help of her family, including her master jeweler father. Compliments from fellow contestants encouraged Brez to start her own jewelry collection the following year, combining her love for horses and her expertise as a certified gemologist to create elegant designs that became the talk of the equestrian world. In 2021, Karina Brez Jewelry opened a retail location in Palm Beach.

Karina Brez’s Lucky Horseshoe collection. (Frank Castillo Photography)

What is the most essential piece of jewelry every woman should have?

Diamond studs. I know it’s nothing I invented, but they just do something to a woman’s face that’s classic, sophisticated, and glamorous, with the versatility to wear from day to night.

What is your most prized piece of jewelry?

My heart shape sapphire and diamond ring. I was fixated on it when I was a little girl working at my dad’s shop, and asked him to gift it to me when I graduated from gemology school. I have owned it for more than 20 years, and it is just as special each time I take it out of the safe.

Where do you get inspiration for your designs?

Horses, for many of them, but I also look toward nature and current trends. My vision behind my latest collection, “Horsea,” is a shipwrecked coin from long ago.

Karina Brez’s mythology-inspired Horsea collection. (Frank Castillo Photography)

Your father and grandfather are jewelers from Ukraine; how did they influence your career path?

My father wanted me to take after generations of jewelers and keep the name going. I rebelled and didn’t want to be given anything. I decided to become a graduate gemologist—almost making his wish come true, but also blazing my own path in the dying art of jewelry appraising. But there was no creative outlet for me, so on the side, I started to design. It wasn’t until adulthood that I realized I was born to be a jeweler; it was in my blood.

Karina Brez’s Garden Collection. (Frank Castillo Photography)

You’re also an ambassador for Horses Healing Hearts, a nonprofit that provides equine-assisted therapy ​​for children affected by substance abuse; what inspired you to work with them?

I started volunteering at Horses Healing Hearts just before I won my first pageant, before I was Miss Florida USA, before I was a business owner, and after I lost a friend. I see the tremendous 180-degree turnarounds many kids make, and the empowerment, confidence, and life-coping skills they can learn from being around horses.

What values have helped you succeed as a small business owner?

Don’t take “no” for an answer. My persistence and determination have become my greatest assets. If I want something done, nothing stops me—except the time it takes.

Karina Brez’s Huggable Hooves collection. (Frank Castillo Photography)

Interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

From April Issue, Volume 3

Features The Great Outdoors

Highway of Dreams: Adventures Along the Pacific Coast Highway

In the big cities and small towns across America, young and old alike daydream of cruising the curvaceous coast of California on charismatic Highway 1. There are breathtaking stretches etched between sheer cliffs and surging sea wind, from crystalline coves to redwood groves and from Los Angeles city lights to San Francisco heights.

Along the highway, you can refuel and revel in the dozens of coastal towns, iconic and historic edifices, parks, and beaches, all while gaining insights into the exciting driving experience.

The longest state route in California, Highway 1 extends 650 miles from San Juan Capistrano in Orange County to Leggett in Mendocino County. It’s time to pull down your visor; you’re facing the sun’s glare, with a steep drop just beyond your passenger’s right elbow. Known also as the Pacific Coast Highway, it doesn’t constantly cradle the shoreline, and segments range from rural road to urban thoroughfare.

In 1937, the highway was completed with the blasting of rock faces and erecting of aerial bridges spanning cavernous chasms. A tenuous, narrow strip along the coastline was created, with stretches of cliff-clinging, hairpin-turning roads. Whether you are cruising the tight track in a humdrum Hyundai or a snazzy Mustang convertible with the wind in your hair and the sounds of the Beach Boys’ “California Saga” in your ears, this drive uncorks clutch-the-edge-of-your-seat excitement.

You never know what’s over the next rise or around the next bend. It might be mountains that plunge nearly perpendicularly into the ocean, surf and wind that pound the rocky shore and contort the cypress trees into otherworldly shapes, or a sheltered cove harboring a tranquil sea painted in shades of turquoise and sapphire.

Hundreds of tourists rent Mustang convertibles for the scenic Highway 1 drive each year. (Maria Coulson)

Beach Towns 

Heading northwest, the dry inland heat gives way to the cool sea air, as the tangle of metroplex traffic loosens, and you enter the embrace of the Pacific Ocean. The longest and most accessible sandy beaches along Highway 1 are found on the 95-mile expanse from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara.

Malibu has achieved mythical status among California beach towns for its sun-kissed Hollywood stars, who are drawn by the celestial-high real estate, and its perfect curl waves that attract walk-on-water surfers. Even for Malibu surfing mortals, there’s a rush of adrenaline when a breaker curls over your head, and you can see the light of day as you pass through the crest of a wave.

The Santa Ynez Mountains are a statuesque backdrop to the Santa Barbara coast, referred to as the American Riviera. The exquisite Mission Santa Barbara, known as “Queen of the Missions,” inspired the colonial style of the city. Few structures define the Spanish heritage of our nation like the 21 California missions established during the 18th and early 19th centuries, according to the National Park Service.

After its longest inland foray, Highway 1 cuts back to the coast close to Morro Bay. The seaside town sits along a natural estuary inhabited by blue herons. The bay is notable for a solitary, 576-foot-high volcanic rock that was once a prominent landmark for mariners. On the embarcadero, sleek seals and shaggy dogs raise a ruckus barking at each other. Fishermen unload and weigh their catch; gulls squawk and flock to tossed salmon scraps.

The Point Arena Lighthouse rocky spit is the closest spot to the Hawaiian islands in the continental United States. (Maria Coulson)

A Hilltop Castle and Big Sur

The central coast’s diminutive San Simeon soon comes into sight with Hearst Castle standing sentry. Newspaper baron William Randolph Hearst’s fabled hilltop castle began construction in 1919 and was never completed. A magnet for Hollywood celebrities during the 1920s and 1930s, today the site attracts about 700,000 annual visitors, who are drawn to the opulent extravagance of the extraordinary estate. They marvel at the ornately decorated and furnished 124-room mansion and the three guesthouses reigning over a crown jewel coastline.

Nearly in the shadow of the castle lies the under-the-radar Piedras Blancas rookery. More than 25,000 elephant seals pile up seasonally like bloated bratwursts on a narrow crescent of rocky beach. The behemoth bulls inflate their trunk-like snouts to make a roaring bellow. The portly pinnipeds ponderously waddle in and out of the water, crowd together to sunbathe, throw sand over themselves, and erupt into brawls.

The 90 miles from San Simeon to Carmel bring you to the Big Sur region, with a wild and rugged coast and rough-and-tumble mountains. Encompassing five state parks, a national forest, and a wilderness area, Big Sur is a milieu of meadows and hillsides awash with brilliantly turned-out wildflowers and canyons crowned with magnificent redwood cathedrals. California condors, with a wingspan of more than 9 feet, soar in bright cloudless sky or amid fingers of fog.

Delightful Scenes

Carmel is an enchanting and whimsical seaside enclave of fairy-tale cottages, posh art galleries, and chic boutiques that captivate the creative set. An eminent departure is the most faithfully restored of the California missions, the Carmel Mission Basilica Museum. Dating to 1770, it houses an impressive collection of original paintings and relics, most notably “Our Lady Of Bethlehem,” a statue that migrated with the missions’ founder Father Junípero Serra to Carmel.

20th-century writer John Steinbeck immortalized neighboring Monterey in his novel “Cannery Row.” The gentrified waterfront would be unrecognizable to the writer who eight decades ago described its historical pedigree as “a poem, a stink, a grating noise, a quality of light, a tone, a habit, a nostalgia, a dream.” The cannery was once filled with the sounds of men whistling and hollering, rivers of silvery fish pouring out of boats, and the clangor from titanic turbine pumps. Then, the sardines disappeared from the bay in the early 1950s. Over time, all fell silent. The last operating cannery was converted into the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

A breaching humpback whale observed during Chris’ Whale Watching boat tour on Monterey Bay. (Maria Coulson)

It’s a short shoreline stroll to the Fisherman’s Wharf, which once served as a fish market and now is a tourist hub. Affable, 80-year-old Captain Chris Arcoleo owns and operates Chris’ Whale Watching. There’s no better than Captain Nick Lemon, who has worked for him for 62 years, when it comes to spotting whales. “This is the Serengeti [national park in Africa] out of all the oceans that I have sailed throughout the world,” seaman Keith Stenler told boat passengers gawking at a congregation of two-dozen humongous humpback whales.

On the northern edge of Monterey Bay, about an hour’s drive, is Santa Cruz, celebrated for its surfing culture and laid-back lifestyle. Surfers can be seen pedaling their bicycles through town carrying their boards. The nostalgic boardwalk contains the West Coast’s last seaside amusement park. The fun-for-all atmosphere is punctuated by squeals from nervous Nellies riding the Giant Dipper, a century-old wooden roller coaster. For the faint of heart, the 1911 Looff Carousel still spins a magical spell with 73 hand-carved horses, an original band organ, and rings to toss into the clown’s mouth as you whirl by.

The highway crosses San Francisco’s graceful suspension bridge—the engineering marvel fancifully described as a “giant harp hung in the Western sky” by the late USC librarian Kevin Starr in his book “Golden Gate: The Life and Times of America’s Greatest Bridge.” The bridge lives in the national imagination as a symbol of American enterprise and as the gateway to the Pacific. Upon its completion in 1937, chief engineer Joseph Strauss heralded the triumph with his poem “The Mighty Task is Done.” A partial stanza reads:

The Bridge looms mountain high;

Its titan piers grip ocean floor,

Its great steel arms link shore to shore,

Its towers pierce the sky.

The highway intermittently winds through coastal redwood forests. (Maria Coulson)

Fewer Souls

Once beyond the Bay Area, the road becomes less crowded, as many tourists opt for the convenient start and end points of Los Angeles and San Francisco.

This northern portion of Highway 1 is synonymous with splendor and serenity. From San Francisco, it’s about two hours to the harbor-hugging hamlet of Bodega Bay. Nearby Chanslor Stables offers guided trail rides in a peaceful and picturesque pastoral setting. The 40 quarter horses on the 400-acre ranch are lovingly trained rescues, which saddle-savvy riders can scamper down the ocean strand with. “The most amazing experience I’ve had riding,” said 29-year-old senior wrangler Taylor Piercy, “was racing down the beach with a deer. When you’re on a horse, you’re just extra fun to a deer.”

Highway 1 treads the periphery for the next 137 miles overlooking offshore sea stacks and rock arches: sandy beaches separated by surf-swept headlands. The residents are romantics: lovers of solitude and the wild. They carve out a living in precariously perched, cliffside settlements with fewer souls than seals.

Here, you can make your way down to the serrated shore and scramble out onto a ragged reef. Once you peer into the tide pools at the underwater wonders, you’ll see vibrantly colored sea anemones with flowing tentacles that emulate petals of tranquil flowers, clustered among rocks covered with white barnacles that resemble miniature volcanoes. An ochre starfish may stretch its purple arms. When you reach into the brine, you may find a two-toned spiral shell shaped like a turban; it stands up on crab legs and skitters away.

An adolescent elephant seal approaches a crowd of seagulls. (Maria Coulson)

The Russians Aren’t Coming

By the time the morning fog lifts from the hillsides at Fort Ross State Historic Park, the two-century-old wood-burning oven is loaded with hearty loaves of bread. Little boys clamber onto the cannons. Dancers hold hands as they circle the parade ground, singing Russian folk songs. The women and girls wear long, brightly patterned dresses, with strands of amber beads around their necks, their hair swept under colorful scarves—festive attire for a weekend gathering. The men and boys are dressed in simple white tunics, belted at the waist.

Set high on a natural escarpment commanding a stunning view of the sweeping seascape, Fort Ross was established in 1812 as Russia’s only colony in the contiguous United States. The only original building that remains is the one-story family dwelling belonging to the enterprise’s last manager. The outpost was abandoned due to lack of commercial success in 1841.

After navigating the curves and crannies of the coastline beyond the fort for an hour, a 2-mile spur road threads the needle of land, leading to the Point Arena Lighthouse, anchored on the cusp of a crag 50 feet above thunderous breakers. Visitors can climb the spiral staircase of the state’s tallest lighthouse. It was built two years after the 1906 Great Earthquake destroyed the initial structure that had guided mariners away from perilous waters since 1870. Station keepers and their families have endured battering winds, slashing rain, and the low rumbles of the foghorn for more than a century.

This Russian Orthodox chapel at Fort Ross was built in the mid-1820s. (Maria Coulson)


Thirty-five miles farther, Highway 1 appears to lose its bearing. The quaint maritime village of Mendocino is more reminiscent of Cape Cod than California. Prim saltbox cottages are framed by red roses and white picket fences. An artisan assortment of wind chimes tinkles in the sea-scented breeze. Cozy B&Bs welcome you to curl up by the fire; fine restaurants serve freshly caught seafood and local organic wines.

Meanwhile, the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, terraced on lofty bluffs, first greet visitors with waltzing wildflowers and storm-twisted conifers. Here, you can explore the tableau of manicured formal gardens, dense pine forest, and fern-covered canyons; and delight in the floral displays of rhododendrons as big as wedding bouquets, dahlias in Popsicle colors, and magnolias with the fragrance of orange blossoms.

Almost within arm’s reach are the brawny shoulders of the biggest and most vigorous town on Highway 1 north of San Francisco: Fort Bragg. With a population of 7,000, the town operates a commercial fishing harbor tucked into forested hills at the mouth of the Noyo River. A block off Main Street stands the depot for the vintage excursion Skunk Train, dating back to 1885, when it first transported loggers and freight. Foul exhaust fumes evoked the odious nickname the company has since shrewdly embraced. “Disneyland has Mickey Mouse, we have Mr. Skunk,” general manager Stathi Pappas said jovially about their mascot.

Driving in a Ladybug-Like Pattern 

The oft-fog-blanketed and brooding northernmost 70 miles of the highway are little traveled: motorists typically cut over at Fort Bragg to U.S. 101. The road bends inland at the halfway point just above the squall-scoured palisades of rustic Rockport.

The dizzying drive delivers the most posted 10-miles-per-hour twists. It’s mechanical poetry interweaving the countless curves in a syncopation of acceleration and braking. You coil around ridge after ridge. The road curls in on itself and rises, only to drop again. You make your way up, mimicking a ladybug trying to cross a rose in bloom.

Your last descent is near the route’s end at the erstwhile logging camp Leggett, known for the drive-through “Chandelier Tree.” The towering redwoods in this area create a spreading canopy of arching branches over the storied highway. Five-fingered ferns and delicately flowering sorrel form a lush understory along rippling creeks, with dense thickets growing over fallen, Goliath-like logs. “They are not like any trees we know,” Steinbeck reflected in “Travels with Charley,” his travelogue documenting a road trip he made in 1960. “They are ambassadors from another time.”

For 650 miles, the thin ribbon of highway stretches ahead to the horizon, capturing your attention and unleashing your imagination. It reveals the natural splendor and a timeless spirit representing land and sea’s dramatic embrace. The route can inspire a dreamer’s poetic musing and an adventurer’s intrepid quest. The Highway 1 road trip is a rite of passage, and it reminds us that it’s as much about the journey as about the destination.

From April Issue, Volume 3

Features Your Stories

Family Roots: Remembering a Heroic Cousin Who Caught FBI’s Most Wanted

It was nighttime in Sherrodsville, Ohio, August 1960. A car drove up to a house and parked. Two police officers got out and walked up to the front door. A woman appeared. The men asked if she knew the whereabouts of the notorious thief, jail-breaker, and FBI’s most-wanted at the time: Spunky Firman. She replied no. One officer tipped his hat and started walking back toward the car.

Her response must have been a hesitant “no,” or there must have been some other tip-off, because my cousin Chuck (son of my great-uncle), the other police officer, just deputized a few hours before for the manhunt, knew that it was his duty to search the house. He proceeded to do so. He walked upstairs and came upon a bathroom. Out sprang a man with a hand-held sickle. Out came Cousin Chuck’s gun. The sickle struck Chuck’s hand; the bullet hit Firman’s knee. So ended a manhunt that began a month earlier, when Spunky Firman had escaped the Coshocton County Jail. At the same time, something else began: a family legend that encapsulated what a great man my cousin was.

When Charles Amato died a few years ago, his son Nick made a very similar point by bringing this incident up. He mentioned the public recognition Charles Amato received for his bravery: a commendation from the then-FBI director himself, J. Edgar Hoover. Then, Nick mentioned how he had asked his dad years later where the citation was. Cousin Chuck, sitting down at his desk in the real estate office where he worked part-time, probably drinking coffee and smoking—things he enjoyed doing when not catching criminals—shrugged his shoulders and said, “You can go and get it, but that stuff doesn’t matter. It’s the people you serve.” Spoken like the policeman he had become—better yet, spoken like the man he already was when he caught Firman.

Chuck’s life was a rich picture of other virtues and acts of service. He attempted to join the police force full time soon after he made national headlines for catching Firman. One would expect that the police of Wellsville, Ohio, would welcome a man who had proven his bravery. But they did not, because of a strange fact that is now little recognized or remembered: There was serious ethnic tension between Irish and Italian Americans in those days, and cousin Chuck was Italian, while the mayor was Irish. For the first couple years of his service, Chuck walked the worst beats and took on the lowliest jobs in the department, all because of his ethnicity. He took this position because he took seriously the idea of putting service first. Eventually, he did move up in the police force, becoming a police captain.

There is one story that particularly illustrates his complete embodiment of what a police officer should be. He once arrested a mother, nicknamed “Tootsie-Dootsie,” at a nightclub, because she had left her four young children in the car. Afterward, he took the kids to Johnny’s Lunch for a meal and bought them shoes at Russell’s Store and some jeans. “Protect and serve” seems to be a motto that particularly fits this policeman. He displayed all the virtues most necessary: perseverance, bravery, unselfishness, and attentiveness.

It seems only fitting to cap off the description of a man who treated everyday life as an adventure with one more story: As mentioned above, Cousin Chuck had to literally walk the worst beats at the beginning of his career. His police chief would not even give him a car; instead, he was dropped off at remote locations to walk lonely country roads.

One day, there happened to be a festival in Wellsville: It was August 16th, the feast of St. Rocco’s. It is an important day for Italian Americans, and Wellsville had a fair share of Italian Americans, so it was a day of celebration for townspeople. One Italian American citizen who was not celebrating, however, was cousin Chuck, since he was out walking his country beat.

Meanwhile, two thieves decided it was the perfect time to rob a bank. The robbery went smoothly, and the getaway was going just as well. They were miles ahead of pursuit by the time the police radio dispatch went out.  

Then, they turned onto the very country road that Cousin Chuck was walking along. Chuck had been listening to his radio. He had no car, but he had a feeling the very road he was walking on would be perfect for the culprits: a little-traveled country road that could get one to a lot of different places. He set up a makeshift barrier of brush, hid himself in the trees, and proceeded to stop and search every car that came by. 

The robbers were not ready for either the barrier or for a lone cop to appear out of the woods, gun held ready. And so, in this manner, two armed robbers in a vehicle were stopped by a lone policeman aided only by his feet and his quick thinking. He was a hero again—or rather, just continued to be the hero he already was.

From April Issue, Volume 3