
How 58-Year-Old Leanne Morgan Struck a Chord with Audiences Across America to Become One of Comedy’s Biggest Stars

Four years ago, you’d have never heard of her.

Today, it’s impossible to think of stand-up comedy without thinking of Leanne Morgan. And soon, she’ll be unavoidable.

Subscribe to Netflix? Then you’ve probably already seen her special, “I’m Every Woman.” Netflix has commissioned two more specials from Mrs. Morgan and will soon start shooting a 16-episode multi-camera sitcom featuring her humor.

Like the movies? Mrs. Morgan will be seen with Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon in “You’re Cordially Invited,” set for release next year.

Browse the bookstores? Look for Mrs. Morgan’s memoir, “What in the World?!,” out this month.

Mrs. Morgan has come into the spotlight swiftly. There’s a reason for her sudden emergence: She speaks to people who until now haven’t had a voice in comedy.

Mrs. Morgan gets laughs from being surprised by middle age, from wondering how all that Jello went to her stomach, from talking about old boyfriends and perimenopause and empty nest syndrome and chicken pot pies. Most of all, she plows the ground of family life with love and hilarity. Watch “I’m Every Woman” and you’ll come away knowing her husband Chuck and their three children almost as well as you know your own family. That’s the point.

“I have an audience out there: moms and everyday people,” Mrs. Morgan said in a recent interview. “They’re unseen. Hollywood’s forgotten them.”

“I am one of them,” she added. “I always lived in Tennessee, raising my children, and having a normal life, and from that, I built my years of material that people can relate to. It’s like me sitting in a coffee shop talking with my girlfriends. It really is. And it’s all because I’ve lived a normal, everyday life in the middle of the United States.”

Actress Reese Witherspoon with Mrs. Morgan at the Ryman Auditorium, Aug. 29, 2023. (Catherine Powell)

Life as Comedy

Mrs. Morgan grew up in Adams, Tennessee, a town of about 500 people near the Kentucky border. Her family ran a meat-processing plant in their backyard. The smell did not encourage suitors for young Leanne. “But I was soooo cute! It helps to be cute when you smell like meat. I still had boys after me.”

“What in the World?!” details her childhood growing up wanting things that were different from her surroundings. She had an early fascination with tap dancing, which she says she would still love to learn.

She did the usual things. She went to college and dated and got married and divorced, and then she found The One: Chuck Morgan, who worked for a mobile home restoration firm. They moved to a place called Bean Station, Tennessee. Meat processing, manufactured housing, and a town called Bean Station: The cliches could hardly have been deeper. Out of this, Mrs. Morgan wrestled several stand-up routines’ worth of laughs, at the same time honoring the values of hard work, honesty, and family that all those moms and husbands out there hungered to hear celebrated.

Mrs. Morgan (R) as a child with her father, Jimmy, and sister, Beth, 1970. (Courtesy of Leanne Morgan)

Though her comedy is understandably aimed at fellow women, men love her humor, too. “I have loved men,” she said. “I celebrate men: my husband, my son, my dad—and I do it in a way that is loving. I can see men in the audiences elbowing their wives saying, ‘That’s you!’”

Leanne and Chuck Morgan have been married for over 30 years. “I don’t know how we’ve done it. There are times when I get so mad I could spit, ’cause he’s not a talker. But we have the same values. We worship our children and these grandbabies, and he still thinks I’m soooo cute!” Chuck’s stoic silence and his husbandly enthusiasm for Leanne after all these years are frequent subjects of her jokes.

One Big Leap

It seems impossible now, but a few years back, Mrs. Morgan nearly gave up. “I’d been doing comedy for over 25 years, and when I was in my early 50s, I was just about to quit,” she recalled. Bookings were infrequent, and her son was on the verge of giving her grandbabies. Maybe leaving comedy, she thought, would be for the best.

“It was a bad time in my life. I was in perimenopause in my mid-40s, and my kids were moving out or starting middle school and high school. There was a tragic death in our family, and my best friend that I’d had for years just dumped me one day. I couldn’t get booked and no one cared about my comedy.”

An old photo of Mrs. Morgan with her husband and children. (Courtesy of Leanne Morgan)

Then, she took one last look at the successful comedians around her and noticed something: “I saw they all had social media people. So, I said to my former manager, ‘I think I need social media people.’ And he said you can’t afford it and it’s not a big deal. I did it anyway.” She hired two brothers who ran a social media firm in Texas.

On the first day of their contract, October 1, 2019, her social media professionals promoted a single video of Mrs. Morgan’s stand-up bit about taking her husband to see Def Leppard and Journey in concert. The clip went viral. Suddenly, gigs started to pour in, and within months, Mrs. Morgan was booked on a national tour.

“I could feel it happen. Months before, I could not sell tickets. Comedy clubs would say, ‘We love her, she’s sweet, she doesn’t get drunk and fight in the parking lot, but she can’t sell tickets.’”

But things changed virtually overnight. “It was like a switch turned on in a dark room. People saw that video and started looking for my other stuff, and then they were calling comedy clubs all over the country and asking, ‘When are you going to book Leanne Morgan?’”

The pandemic disrupted her new success, but she persisted, posting videos about how important it was to keep going. One of those videos caught the attention of Reese Witherspoon, who later remembered the comedian during the casting of one of her movies.

Audiences are entertained by Mrs. Morgan’s comedic timing and characteristic Southern drawl. (Troy Conrad)

Mrs. Morgan emerged from the pandemic a major comedy star. “It’s been one wonderful thing after another,” she said with a tone of wonder in her voice. “I’m just getting started at age 58.”

The responsibilities of celebrity do weigh a bit heavily on her shoulders. “Every night when I look out in the crowd, I think I could be best friends with every one of these people. They are precious to me. They will message me things like, ‘You helped me get through chemo’ and that kind of stuff. That’s hard for me because I keep thinking I’m not worthy. These people deserve so much, and who am I to give it to them?” She went through a period of impostor syndrome. She writes in her book that having faith in God’s plan for her helped get rid of her doubts. “I’m getting over it now,” she said.

Of all the projects that are now crowding in on Mrs. Morgan, she talks with most enthusiasm about the yet-untitled sitcom. “It was always my dream to be in a sitcom. I grew up loving sitcoms like Ray Romano’s,” she said. The comedy series is being produced by Chuck Lorre, widely known as the “King of Sitcoms,” with “Big Bang Theory” and “Two and a Half Men” among his credits. And it will be “based on my comedy, but not my real life,” Mrs. Morgan said.

Mrs. Morgan with the whole family: (L to R) her two daughters; her daughter-in-law and son with their child; her mother (seated) and father; her mother-in-law; and her husband. (Thelen Wright Photography)

Then there is the movie that Reese Witherspoon recruited her for, “You’re Cordially Invited.” “I play her big sister in a wacky wedding movie. Two families have double-booked a wedding venue in the south. Comedy ensues as our families fight over the venue,” Mrs. Morgan described.

Despite her sudden popularity, Mrs. Morgan insists she’s just one of the people in her audience. She just happens to be on stage instead.

“Every night before I even say a word, people give me a standing ovation. It’s not that I’m Michael Jackson. It’s them saying, ‘Here comes our friend.’”

Mrs. Morgan has been doing stand-up for over two decades. Photographed on the streets of Nashville. (Joseph Llanes)

It’s Showtime!

Grew up in: Adams, Tenn.

Lives in: Knoxville, Tenn.

Loves to: cook, make people laugh

Got her comedy career started by: telling jokes while selling jewelry at house parties

First breakout special: “So Yummy,” which has over 50 million views on YouTube

First national tour: “The Big Panty” tour in 2020

Latest tour: “Just Getting Started” with 145 shows in 72 cities, and counting

Family members: husband, 2 daughters, 1 son, 2 grandchildren, 1 beagle

From Sept. Issue, Volume IV

Arts & Letters Features Reading

Learning From American History’s Best

Talmage Boston: The name rings of American history. A lawyer by trade, Mr. Boston has written his way into the society of historians. As one of Texas’s finest litigators, he shares a connection with those early Americans whose lives he studies. Nearly half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and more than half of those who signed the Constitution were lawyers.

From Yankee Stadium to the White House, Mr. Boston has written five books that connect with modern Americans on both cultural and political levels. His latest work, “How the Best Did It: Leadership Lessons From Our Top Presidents,” is not only a recollection of the country’s best presidents from George Washington to Ronald Reagan, but it is a propositional work for current and future leaders.

Talmage Boston, author of “How the Best Did It: Leadership Lessons From Our Top Presidents.”

In this conversation, Mr. Boston stated that “How the Best Did It” is a work of “applied history” that encourages readers to do more than “enjoy history,” but to “actually apply it to what you are doing in your daily life.” Digging into the lives, methods, and decisions of the top presidents―Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Reagan―Mr. Boston has unearthed a treasure trove of qualities, disciplines, and skills that every leader should know and apply.

A meeting between President Dwight D. Eisenhower and President-elect Kennedy, January 1961, at the Cabinet Room in the White House. (Public Domain)

American Essence: What are some of the common qualities that you noticed in the eight presidents?

Talmage Boston: I found three common qualities: One, they were all great persuaders. Some were great persuaders because they were eloquent orators. Some were great one-on-one, personal persuaders. One way or another, they moved the needle with whomever the audience was in their particular era. Two, they were all self-aware. They each had an awareness of his strengths and weaknesses. They always found ways to use their strengths. Where weak, they would bring in colleagues who were strong and allow them to take charge. Three, they all succeeded in their eras because they targeted the middle way―the great middle. They were smarter than to target the extreme right or the extreme left. They knew that was never going to accomplish anything positive. Their efforts and messages were always in terms of what the vast American middle was inclined to think on an issue.

AE: People often “want” to be leaders but don’t understand or don’t want to accept the weight that comes with responsibility. What can readers learn from your book about the demands of leadership?

Mr. Boston: For each of my chapters on the eight presidents, I identify his three most important leadership traits that caused him to be successful … a total of 24 leadership traits. But at the end of each chapter, I ask a series of questions for the reader to ask him or herself. Essentially: “How am I doing in the trait I just read about? How am I learning from my mistakes? How am I doing on unwavering integrity? How am I doing in building consensus out of factions that are trying to split the organization? How am I inspiring optimism throughout my organization?”

These leadership traits are timeless and can be applied in any generation and basically any circumstance.

AE: Leaders are often accused of surrounding themselves with yes-men. Why is it important for leaders to surround themselves with people who are industry- or subject-knowledgeable, confident enough to be disagreeable, but also buy into the leader’s overall vision?

Mr. Boston: Washington is a great example. He knew going into the Constitutional Convention, [they] were basically going to create a government from scratch and to do that you had to have a deep knowledge of history, different types of governments, and what had worked and what hadn’t. He couldn’t have studied quick enough to draw any sound conclusions, but he knew James Madison had, so he delegated the responsibility of what became known as the Virginia Plan―essentially the backbone of the Constitution. With a brand-new country, we had postwar debts and we had to figure out how to make the economy work. Washington had never studied economics or fiscal policy, but Alexander Hamilton was a financial genius, so he turned that responsibility over to him, and Hamilton did a great job.

“Washington and His Cabinet,” circa 1876, by Currier & Ives. (Library of Congress)

Lincoln was famous for his team of rivals [in his cabinet], three of whom had run against him for the Republican nomination. Two, Edward Bates and William Seward, immediately recognized that Lincoln was the smartest guy in the room. So, they became his biggest fans. Salmon P. Chase, who was something of an egomaniac, never could quite acknowledge it, but nonetheless he was a brilliant guy, and ultimately Lincoln named him Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Eisenhower had cabinet meetings every single Friday. As a rule, you couldn’t bring up any issue that pertained to your department. He wanted to talk about big issues. He wanted free exchange, debate, and disagreements. He wanted to hear it all. He didn’t want to make the final decision until he knew he’d considered the soundest and strongest viewpoints on all sides of the issue. That’s how Eisenhower was so effective in making good decisions.

AE: You discuss Washington’s self-criticism. You also reference Eisenhower, who once said, “Always take your job seriously, never yourself.” What was the benefit of self-criticism for these presidents?

Mr. Boston: You can’t just go through life on cruise control, thinking, “Everything I do is great. Every decision I make is wise.” Not many people like to be on the receiving end of criticism from others, but a self-aware person can acknowledge his own flaws and areas that need improvement, and then diligently go about the process of making himself better. That’s how you become the best that you can be, and all eight of these presidents became the best that he could possibly be through this rigorous self-examination and fierce desire to be better tomorrow than he was today.

AE: All of these presidents were able to communicate at a high level for varying reasons—either by speech or writing or by virtue of their body of work. How did trust and credibility contribute to these presidents’ capacity for effective communication?

Mr. Boston: It’s virtually impossible to be an effective leader if you don’t have strong credibility, which is tied to your integrity. In terms of Theodore Roosevelt, he had this ferocious egotistical personality, but it had a certain charm and appeal to it. He was probably our highest IQ president. He was not a great public speaker. But his real skills as a persuader were demonstrated as a mediator, like the Great Coal Strike one year into his presidency. Winter was coming. People didn’t have coal. No American president had ever gotten involved in a labor dispute. Roosevelt said, “If I don’t do it, then it’s not going to happen and we’re going to have half the country freezing to death.” So, he got both sides―the workers and owners―together [and] created a dialogue. Together. Separately. Listening. Talking. Brainstorming. He finally came to the approach of binding arbitration on the issues involved, and they agreed to it, which ended the strike.

A [few] years later Japan and Russia were at war and they couldn’t find a way to bring an end to it. They reached out to President Roosevelt. He got that settled, and for it he won the Nobel Peace Prize. … Later he settled a dispute in Morocco. A [year] after that, he settled a dispute at the Hague Convention. With Roosevelt’s power personality, his brilliance, his emotional intelligence of getting people to do the right thing without pissing them off, these were his skills as an up close and personal communicator that caused his presidency to be so successful.

“Good Offices,” 1905, by W.A. Rogers. President Theodore Roosevelt stands between the Russian czar and the Japanese emperor. (Library of Congress)

AE: John F. Kennedy was young and rather inexperienced politically. What made him such an effective leader?

Mr. Boston: The traits that made Kennedy stand out as a great leader that I think are important for anyone who aspires to be a great leader are, one, he was an amazingly quick study, who created great policies in three major areas in a short period of time. Two, he was calm in a crisis, and three, his ability to not only be an eloquent speaker, but for his words to inspire action―positive action.

In his first inaugural address, he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” A couple of weeks went by and he proposed the Peace Corps. Soon tens of thousands of young Americans joined the Peace Corps, and they went abroad and enhanced American PR all over the world. A year later, 1962, we were involved in the Space Race in the post-Sputnik era. Kennedy at Rice Stadium in Houston gave the famous speech where he said, “I want to send a man to the moon in this decade. And we’re going to do it not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard.” Those words, Congress heard them; all of a sudden they’re willing to spend money on the Space Race, and lo and behold we did get a man on the moon by the end of the decade. And then his speech after the Birmingham Riots awakened our conscience and reoriented the members of the House and Senate on the imperative of having a strong civil rights bill. All these positive things come out of his powerful speeches. Those are the traits from Kennedy that standout despite serving less than three years.

AE: You wrote: “Most people with ambition aspire to lead.” Ambition is often given a bad name, often tying it to famous leaders like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Napoleon Bonaparte. How do you dispel the connotation that ambition is for the unscrupulous or power-driven?

Mr. Boston: Ambition can be for the unscrupulous or power-driven, but it’s also for people with good hearts and good moral compasses who simply want to be the best they can be. They have the basic human desire to want to be recognized and are willing to take on the public responsibility of governing. None of the presidents were unambitious. You don’t go through this process of elections, developing relationships, dealing with the negatives, and doing all that it takes to become the president of the United States unless you’re wildly ambitious. That doesn’t mean you’re going to be unprincipled or thoughtless. It just means you want to get to the top and in order to get to the top, you want to be the best person you can be. These presidents hit that mark.

“How the Best Did It: Leadership Lessons From Our Top Presidents” by Talmage Boston.

AUTHOR NOTE: Mr. Boston’s selection of the eight presidents is based loosely on the two most recent C-SPAN Presidential Historians Surveys.

From Sept. Issue, Volume IV

American Success Features

A Dream Fulfilled

How did a dancer from South Korea master an ancient Chinese art form that has blossomed anew in modern-day America? It’s a story that can only happen in this land of opportunity.

Jimmy Cha, 41, has danced with Shen Yun Performing Arts, the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, based in New York, since 2008. His path to performing on the world’s top stages was unexpected, but it has made him appreciate America all the more. It was here that his desire to dance was not only fulfilled, but also led to a greater purpose.

Jimmy Cha's portrait
Jimmy Cha was classically trained in ballet, but is now a world-class performer of classical Chinese dance. (Samira Bouaou for American Essence)

America, Where Dreams Come True

Mr. Cha grew up between South Korea and the United States due to his father’s job in the South Korean air force. Between the ages of 4 and 14, Mr. Cha spent several years living in Ohio and Indiana, where he embraced his mischievous side.

He remembers one particular trick: He would go to the local convenience store with friends and pay for items without getting a bag to carry them. Upon exiting the store, he would glance at police officers nearby, and then sprint away as if he had stolen the goods. When the cops caught up to him, he would then pull out a receipt. “I had very creative ideas to make certain people upset,” he joked.

When he returned to South Korea at age 15, he realized he didn’t fit the mold. There are established hierarchies in social relations that one must respect. For example, “you don’t speak unless you’re spoken to,” he explained. “People don’t really like to go out of the boundaries. There are a lot of unspecified rules that you have to follow.”

He felt pressured to conform to an expected trajectory for societal success. “You need to get into the top high school to get into the top college, and that’s how you get a good job,” he said. He wasn’t interested in pursuing that track.

His father suggested dance as a possible career option. Mr. Cha had already taken up music, as well as sports like gymnastics, swimming, and track and field. Dancing combined the musicality and physicality that he had learned before. He was quickly accepted into an art school and gravitated toward ballet’s systematic training. It became his “obsession,” he said.

Mr. Cha soon won national prizes for ballet. But when he applied to dance companies for performing roles, they rejected him. His height and build did not match the long, lithe physique they were looking for. “A lot of their classical ballet is very heavily Russian-influenced, and Russians care a lot about visual aesthetics,” Mr. Cha said. He felt stuck and thought about quitting dance. Meanwhile, his family pressured him to find another route that would bring him success.

That’s when Mr. Cha decided to move to California to study Eastern medicine. He returned to the United States in 2002, feeling in his gut that a path would open up for him there.

“In America, anyone can be who they want to be. That gave me hope,” he said. During his free time in between studies, he auditioned for dance companies in Southern California. He was hired as a soloist for Anaheim Ballet, and later promoted to principal dancer. Opportunities were lining up. This time, he was determined to see it through: He quit his Eastern medicine program and transferred to Point Park University in Pittsburgh to pursue a bachelor’s degree in dance.

Mr. Cha feels every role he performs on stage is “very precious.” Even when performing background dancer roles, he “picks up new things,” he said. (Samira Bouaou for American Essence)

Dancing With Purpose

After graduating from university, Mr. Cha started a master’s degree in dance at New York University. Through acquaintances, Mr. Cha heard about a burgeoning dance company, Shen Yun, that trained dancers in classical Chinese dance—a dance system with millennia of history. It was nearly lost after the Chinese Communist Party took over China and systematically destroyed elements of traditional Chinese culture. Shen Yun’s mission was to revive this lost art form. 

Mr. Cha was intrigued after watching a performance in New York. He observed the differences between ballet and classical Chinese dance—akin to the differences between Western and Chinese paintings: “Western painting is very form-oriented. Every angle, every stroke has to be in such a way,” whereas Chinese painting is about expressing a feeling. He wanted to learn this art form that was like an entirely new language to him. He auditioned and joined the performing arts company in 2008.

Mr. Cha learned that classical Chinese dance intricately tells stories through movement. “Because [classical Chinese dance] hasn’t been passed down systematically, it’s always evolving. So, in terms of the level of artistry, it’s always advancing.” There were always new ways to perfect the forms through which his body could express the emotions portrayed in a piece. More importantly, he found a purpose beyond advancing his own career. “Trying to revive anything that was once lost, I think there’s huge value in it,” he said.

Performing with Shen Yun taught him humility. Depending on the piece, dancers play a lead role or a supporting role as a background dancer. “With the smaller roles, you still have to put all your heart into it. It helped me become more well-rounded and more humble,” he said. Performing wasn’t about being in the spotlight, but about achieving excellence no matter his role.

Mr. Cha is now in his 17th year with Shen Yun—with no signs of slowing down. He’s motivated by a desire to serve audiences around the world—”we want better quality every year,” he said—and to set a good example for his two young daughters. He wants to show them the value of hard work and commitment. His parents are proud of seeing what he’s accomplished after seeing him flourish; they take care of his daughters when he’s on tour with the company.

Jimmy Cha with his two daughters.
Mr. Cha and his two daughters, Lina and Mimi, raise chickens in their backyard. (Samira Bouaou for American Essence)
Jimmy took her daughter on a ride with his dog.
Mr. Cha with his youngest daughter, Mimi, and the family dog, Felix. (Samira Bouaou for American Essence)

As one of the company’s oldest performers, he also wants to be a positive role model. “Everybody’s watching each other and learning from each other. I want to set a good example in terms of the work environment, to give people some sort of inspiration,” he said.

For several seasons, Mr. Cha played the Monkey King, a beloved character from “Journey to the West,” a famous 16th-century Chinese novel. His childhood gymnastics and acrobatics training made him especially well-suited for the fast, agile movements of the sometimes-mischievous character.

Mr. Cha performing on stage as the Monkey King during the NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition held in New York City, in 2009. (Dai Bing)

He also learned an important lesson from portraying the character, who encounters 81 trials while accompanying a monk on his journey to India to retrieve the Buddhist scriptures. “Only when one looks beyond oneself and maintains a steadfast heart, can one succeed,” Mr. Cha said. And in many ways, Mr. Cha’s own story reveals that he has done just that.

Mr. Cha is proud to be an American. He appreciates how in America, strangers can easily open up to each other and that everyone is treated equally no matter their background. (Samira Bouaou for American Essence)
Food Features Lifestyle

Kimbal Musk Is Cooking Up Innovation

Imagine spending 18 months at one of the most prestigious culinary schools in the world, and the first assignment you get after graduating is peeling potatoes in a volunteer kitchen.

But that’s only part of an unusual story that includes a near-death experience, a message from God, and a terrorist attack that led one man to a career dedicated to bringing local, sustainable food to Americans.

Then again, you wouldn’t expect anything less from someone with the last name of Musk. In this case, the tale belongs to Elon’s brother, Kimbal. While the more famous sibling is launching rockets and electric cars, Kimbal Musk is cooking up innovations in the kitchen. The former tech entrepreneur has dedicated his life to his nonprofit, Big Green, which supports sustainable farming, educating children about growing food, and expanding home, school, and community gardens.

He also owns several farm-to-table restaurants in Colorado and Chicago, with a forthcoming location in Austin, Texas. “The kitchen is truly where I have so much passion,” he said. “I love … walking into my restaurant and feeling the energy of the community.” He recently wrote a cookbook, “The Kitchen Cookbook: Cooking for Your Community,” in the hopes that everyone can experience the joy of sharing the fruits (and vegetables) of their labor; he feels that cooking a meal for someone is the ultimate act of sharing.

How he came to this point in his life is a story in itself.

Mr. Kimbal Musk with a copy of his cookbook, “The Kitchen Cookbook.” (Samira Bouaou for American Essence)

From Tech to Social Entrepreneurship

Already successful and financially secure at age 27 when he and his brother sold Zip2, the tech company they founded together, Mr. Musk decided to pursue cooking. He enrolled in the French Culinary Institute in New York, thinking that the experience would be an exotic endeavor. Instead, it was a lot like the high-stress cooking shows on television.

“I thought of going in and it being somewhat romantic. And it was like the movie ‘Full Metal Jacket.’ It was screaming at you, all the time, breaking you down, in a boot camp kind of mentality.” Of the 25 students who enrolled in that class, only six made it through the year-and-a-half course, he recalled.

Mr. Musk bakes a cake in New York, in 2000. (Maye Musk)

Timing is often everything in life, and this case was no different. Shortly after Mr. Musk completed his training, the 9/11 terrorist attack devastated New York. The city needed its firefighters, police, and first responders more than ever; it also needed people to cook for them as they worked around the clock in rescue and relief efforts. “It started out with me peeling potatoes, and I was there for six weeks, through the end of October.” Top chefs from around the world gathered to cook meals for the rescue workers. Eventually, Mr. Musk worked his way up to the point where he was preparing the dishes.

He enjoyed serving firefighters dishes they probably didn’t get on a regular basis, like sautéed salmon in a creamy dill sauce. During this time, he saw the effect good food had on people as he watched the exhausted, emotionally spent rescue workers renew their spirits as they ate. “We would feed them some of the best foods I think they’d ever eaten in their lives. … We were putting so much love into the food. And the color was circling back to their faces. They never stopped talking to each other. And by the end of that 45-minute break, the room would be full of energy and joy.” His immediate thought: “Wow. I can’t imagine a life without this. I have to do a restaurant.”

Mr. Musk knew that the best quality ingredients come from local growers, so around 2004, he started working with farmers to supply his first restaurant, The Kitchen in Boulder, Colorado. At about the same time, he wanted to do something to change the trend in America whereby “your average 10-year-old wouldn’t be able to tell you what a tomato looks like.” He provided financial support for school gardens, so children could learn the value and science of growing food. But he was a “checkbook philanthropist,” he said, basically letting others do the work.

Mr. Musk opened his first restaurant in Boulder, Colo., in March 2004. For the first year, he was sous-chef in the kitchen, working the line 5 to 7 days a week. (Maye Musk)

A ski slope changed all that. Along with a voice.

In 2010, Mr. Musk slid down a ski hill on an inner tube and landed on his head. He ended up with a ruptured spinal column that paralyzed the left side of his body. He thought he was going to die. While waiting for surgery, he heard a voice that led him to his current calling.

“I really had this profound voice in my head that I can only describe as God. … And it told me that I would go work on kids and food. It wasn’t specific instructions. It wasn’t like, you’re going to do school gardens, you’re going to do restaurants. It’s just kids—you’re going to help kids connect to food. And I was going to be fine.”

Surgery was successful. “I also got my movement back in my body. And the voice didn’t go away. It wasn’t like a flash of light or anything like that. It was a beautiful, clear voice.”

That experience led to the creation of more than 650 “learning gardens” in schools around the country through Big Green. Teachers can incorporate gardening into the science and math lessons that are part of their curriculum, allowing students to learn outdoors. Mr. Musk hopes that every American will eventually learn to grow food. “You’re going to get a whole new appreciation for the flavor of things, the seasons of things,” he said.

Mr. Musk teaches students at Eucalyptus Elementary School to plant a vegetable garden in preparation for Plant a Seed Day in Hawthorne, Calif., March 13, 2019. (David Mcnew/AFP/Getty Images)

The Future of Food

Mr. Musk is already seeing the trend of American farming changing toward becoming more sustainable. More farmers are embracing regenerative farming, which is designed to improve the quality and health of the soil. It’s not a new concept, as Native Americans have applied regenerative farming principles for centuries.

A farmer might plant corn and beans together: The corn provides a natural trellis for the beans, while the beans put nitrogen into the soil, which helps the corn grow. A rancher might move cattle around and let grazed land “rest” for a while. Periodically rotating the land on which crops are grown can reduce or eliminate the need for pesticides and fertilizer, on which many farms have become reliant.

While many farmers still need time to learn and adapt to these concepts—“it’s a very risk-averse community,” he said—it is catching on around the country. “It grows food better and more nutritionally. And then the farmer can also charge more for their product. So that’s a win for them, too.”

Looking toward the distant future, his vision lies with his Square Roots company, which has nothing to do with math, but focuses on growing food indoors with less energy, such as through hydroponic systems inside upcycled shipping containers. That will become useful if, say, humanity starts living on Mars. The red planet will have less sunlight and fertile ground than Earth. Technology to grow food with fewer resources “will be critical for our expansion on Mars,” he said.

Mr. Musk has ambitious plans to develop hydroponic farming for future food production on Mars. (Phynart Studio/Getty Images)

A Family Legacy

The creative spirit within the Musk family traces back to his grandfather, who moved the family from Canada to Africa in 1948. “My grandfather was a cartographer mapping Southern Africa. He mapped the Kalahari Desert, and pioneered understanding geography down there.” He tells of a unique family trip in family lore: On a single engine plane, his grandfather, his wife, and their daughter, Mr. Musk’s mother, went from South Africa to India, Indonesia, and down to Australia. Mr. Musk describes his grandfather as a real adventurer, and that the innovative spirit of the family is “in our bones. In America, that translates into being an entrepreneur, but whatever it is, it’s some sort of a pioneer breaking new ground.”

Maye Musk, mother of Mr. Musk, cooking in the Kalahari Desert, 1956. (Maye Musk)

Mr. Musk, who became an American citizen in 2004, talks about how grateful he is for this country, having lived through the apartheid era in South Africa. “My kids, I love them to death. They’ll critique America if we let them,” he said, but he often tells them, “Maybe you should try somewhere else first, before you dive in on the criticisms.”

Mr. Musk with his sister Tosca and mom Maye. (Laurie Smith)

Mr. Musk feels a need to give back to the country that has given him so much. It hit him five years ago during a family trip to the Rocky Mountains. “We were just going for a hike and spending a day in the mountains. And I just had this epiphany—that I have the American dream. I have my wife, I have a beautiful home. I’ve got wonderful kids, and built beautiful businesses that make a difference in this community.”

With reporting by Chris Lawson.

From July Issue, Volume IV


The 2024 Miss America Also Happens to Be an Active Duty Air Force Officer

In her early teens, Madison Marsh attended a space camp and met several astronauts. “I just fell in love with the idea of being the first woman on Mars,” she said. So she took flying lessons at age 15 and joined the Air Force Academy to work toward her goal. She loved the thrill of flying and became an Air Force officer. When Marsh, 22, was crowned Miss America in January, she became the first Miss America to also be an active duty member of the military.

She hopes her win will show people that you can achieve anything you set your heart to, and that women can embrace their feminine and strong sides in the service of others. “I love being able to lead others and serve in something that’s bigger than just me,” she said.

Air Force 2nd Lt. Madison Marsh poses in front of a glider at the U.S. Air Force Academy, in December 2023, shortly before her Miss America win. (Adalyn Greene)
Ms. Marsh prepares for her familiarization flight at the Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. (William R. Lewis)


AE: How do you plan to use your platform as Miss America?

Ms. Marsh: The most important role for me this year as Miss America is to support research on pancreatic cancer on a national level. My mom was Whitney Marsh. She died of pancreatic cancer when she was only 41 years old. There were just 9 months between her diagnosis and her death. My national level goals include diversifying the ways we raise money and lobbying for legislation to get early detection standards implemented nationwide.

AE: What does the pageant mean to you?

Ms. Marsh: The first Miss America was in 1921 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. I think a lot of people might say that pageants are very superficial, but the Miss America organization is so much more than looks. The Miss America opportunity is about scholarship: they’re one of the largest providers of scholarships anywhere in the world. They are about leadership and community service.

I started competing in pageants in my freshman year at the Air Force Academy because I saw my cousin doing it. I’d lost my mom to pancreatic cancer the year before, and I was struggling with my identity and working through grief. I knew how important it would be to have a greater platform for my mom’s story. That’s really why I started doing pageants.

Ms. Marsh cheers on competitors at the Big Hoopla STEM Challenge basketball
game in Dayton, Ohio, on March 19, 2024. (Miriam Thurber)

AE: What are your plans regarding your military service?

Ms. Marsh: I plan to stay with the military. I’ve got my service that I owe to them; they’ve given me so much, and I want to be able to give back to them more so. I love the people, I love being able to lead others and serve in something that’s bigger than just me.

I’m not a military pilot but I love flying. It’s one of my favorite things. It taught me a lot about relying on my training and being confident in myself. I’m not able to do any flying at all right now, unfortunately, but hopefully after things die down this year, I’ll be able to use the scholarship money I earn from Miss America to earn some more pilot education.

Ms. Marsh with an Air Force colleague. Ms. Marsh is currently working on her master’s degree in public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. (William R. Lewis)

Fun Facts About Madison Marsh

Hometown: Fort Smith, Arkansas

Position in the Air Force: Second lieutenant 

Duties at the Air Force: Public affairs, recruitment efforts

Miss America credentials: Representing Colorado

Ms. Marsh reacts to her win, at the ceremony held at the Dr. Phillips Center for Performing Arts in Orlando, Fla. (Courtesy of Miss America)

From July Issue, Volume IV

Features American Success Entrepreneurs Giving Back

Philanthropist James Keyes Explains Why Education Has the Power to Make the World a Better Place

It hit him like a thunderbolt.

James Keyes, the newly minted CEO of the Fortune 500 company 7-Eleven, was bounding his way across the campus of Columbia University, en route to teach a business class at his Ivy League alma mater. He was nattily dressed in a newly tailored suit, briefcase in hand, daydreaming of past walks on campus.

Then, he was utterly gobsmacked. Walking toward him was a young student, arms wrapped around too many textbooks, his T-shirt preaching the gospel: “Education Is Freedom!” in bright, bold letters.

“I had an epiphany, right then and there,” Mr. Keyes recalled. “It was everything I had believed in and relied upon to get where I was to that day.” He vigorously shook the student’s hand and told him how much he agreed with the idea behind his T-shirt message. They spent a few minutes talking about how education had changed both of their lives. Mr. Keyes told the young man that he was impressed by his passion and vision and wished him well.

“He believed every word on his shirt. Thoroughly,” Mr. Keyes said. “I did too. I just hadn’t thought about it in those terms before.” He reflected on how Columbia and other educational opportunities had impacted his own life and provided him with the freedom to succeed. Back home in Dallas, Texas, he soon rallied like-minded business leaders, government officials, and entrepreneurs, and founded the Education is Freedom (EIF) charitable foundation. The year was 2002. These leaders envisioned a world where every young person could pursue a college education and a rewarding career. EIF would provide students with the tools needed to successfully graduate from high school, attend and graduate from college, and develop their career paths.

Mr. Keyes on graduation day at Columbia University. (Courtesy of James Keyes)

Over the past two decades, EIF mentors and counselors have helped more than 100,000 students and their families in multiple Texas school districts complete the college process. They’ve also provided scholarships to hard-working students. And they’re just getting started.

Now, Mr. Keyes has a new goal: to help heal and educate the entire world. In his new book released in February, “Education Is Freedom: The Future Is in Your Hands,” he outlines how the power of education can not only unlock our personal freedom and improve our individual lives, but is crucial to preserving our democracy. “Our country is so polarized right now,” he said. “We need more knowledge and less ideology. I believe that fear and ignorance are at the root of most of these issues. On both sides of the aisle.”

Mr. Keyes’s book “Education is Freedom” was published in February this year. (Post Hill Press)

Whether it’s fear of the unknown; fear of the “other”; a mistrust of people and institutions; or fear of other cultures or religions—whatever it is, having the curiosity to learn will stomp out that fear. “It’s like when you were a kid in the dark and you were scared. And your mom came in and turned on the light and said, ‘See? No monster here,’” he said. “That’s what knowledge is. It’s the light that conquers fear.”

If we can encourage more people to turn on the light, we can reverse that cycle of ignorance, fear, violence, and anger that tortures the world, he argued. “Sounds a little Pollyannaish. But in so many ways, it is true.”

The Power of Education

Mr. Keyes argues that education can change the world. That’s because people gain the skills, tools, and opportunities to make better informed choices and decisions, he contends. They’re able to pursue their wildest dreams and aspirations and fully participate in the world around them. They can separate reality from fiction, confidence from fear.

One example he cites in his book is the story of Adan Gonzalez. Mr. Keyes first met him when he was a high school student living in South Oak Cliff, an underprivileged Dallas suburb. He lived in a one-room apartment with six other family members in a neighborhood where 32 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. During his sophomore year at Adamson High School, Mr. Gonzalez signed up for the Education is Freedom program on a lark. The program offered Mr. Gonzalez an internship at a local business to help him visualize a better future. “Unfortunately, he turned us down,” Mr. Keyes said. “He could make more money in a local factory. Like a lot of underserved kids, he went straight for the money.”

But in his junior year, Mr. Gonzalez reapplied and landed an internship at a local ad agency. The experience opened his eyes to new career possibilities. He aimed to attend Georgetown University and studied hard. Through grants and scholarships facilitated by EIF, as well as his academic rigor, Mr. Gonzalez got his Georgetown shot. He also channeled his love of fighting into boxing and became a national boxing champion while studying at Georgetown. “Instead of becoming a street fighter in South Oak, he became a college champion,” Mr. Keyes said. “What a story.”

After graduating in 2015, Mr. Gonzalez went back to his hometown grade school to teach math and social studies. He has since earned a master’s degree in education policy at Harvard and a master’s in education leadership at Columbia, and he has founded a nonprofit to provide underserved youth with academic support, leadership training, and community service opportunities. He recently received a White House fellowship, which he hopes can help him return home with the knowledge to improve his community’s education system.

“Adan is just a poster child for the idea that opportunity and education can transform anyone’s life,” Mr. Keyes said, adding that he’s moved by Mr. Gonzalez’s desire to work in the public school system. “He could have taken a much higher profile and higher paying job, but he’s really embraced that, for him, it’s about the freedom to do what he wants to. He has more freedom to give back to his community.”

His Life Story

Mr. Keyes himself has had his whole life transformed after working hard in school, though education wasn’t a priority during his hardscrabble childhood. Keyes was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1955, the youngest of six children. He grew up in a small, three-room shack without running water, plumbing, or heat. His parents, both factory workers, were highly intelligent but undereducated high school dropouts. Their impoverished life was difficult to bear. “Too many kids, not enough money,” he wistfully recalled.

His parents divorced when he was just five, and his mom “moved uptown to the trailer park,” he said. Keyes chose to stay with his dad. Though he lived in abject poverty, Keyes didn’t realize that his family was poor. His “rich” friends always came to his house to play because there were abandoned cars in the yard, tree swings, and creeks to play in. “I was poor but incredibly free and happy,” he said. “It wasn’t about wealth. We saw it as an adventure, like camping! I’ve remembered that all my life.”

But the family also endured hard times. When he was 10, his father was diagnosed with cancer, his grandmother fell ill and entered a nursing home, and their home was condemned by the local sheriff. Dad was sent to a veterans hospital, where he died six months later. Keyes went to live with his mother, who had to work two jobs to support them. “I lived through severe crisis after crisis,” he said. “So many horrible things [happened] before I was even 12 years old. It was then that I understood I had no safety net, no one to catch me if I stumbled or fell. It was up to me.”

Mr. Keyes visits a 7-Eleven convenience store during his executive days. (Courtesy of James Keyes)

At 15, Keyes began working for McDonald’s part-time and became the shift manager within a year. During summers, he worked a second shift as a produce truck driver, and he even made a side hustle out of being a church organist. “Hard work never goes out of style, and it pays off. I learned that early on, too,” he said.

With his earnings and a small baseball scholarship, he was able to attend the College of the Holy Cross. While there, his mother developed cancer, and he helped care for her. He continued working at McDonald’s. It was humble work, but it instilled his lifelong drive to outwork and outperform everybody. He would graduate cum laude with membership in the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society.

He then attended Columbia Business School, where he learned the skills that would jump-start his business career. Mr. Keyes has a profound recognition and gratitude for how education led to his successes. “Education was the key that opened all my doors. It unlocked huge opportunities. It was my path to personal freedom,” he said. He believes that every American—every person, for that matter—needs to explore new interests throughout life.

He, for example, wanted to fly airplanes ever since the 1960s moon missions sparked a fascination with the skies. He learned to speak Japanese after working with Japanese business partners to bring 7-Eleven to Japan and wanting to overcome the language and cultural barrier.

His childhood experiences instilled a fierce sense of independence and an unbridled drive. His positive response to adversity—and his pursuit of knowledge and education—were the beginnings of a quintessential rags-to-riches American story.

He still remembers a poster that hung in the McDonald’s kitchen he worked at. “It still inspires me to this day. It had a famous quote from Calvin Coolidge.” The quote reads, in part: “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Persistence and determination are omnipotent.” When he left that job, he asked the owner if he could take the poster with him, and the owner agreed. “I took it to shop class and burned the edges to dress it up. I’m looking at it right now. It’s hung in every office I have ever had,” he said.

After earning his MBA, he joined Gulf Oil and taught himself how to use an Apple computer—the most cutting-edge technology at the time—to streamline operations and replace clunky corporate spreadsheets. After steady promotions, he joined Southland Corporation, today known as 7-Eleven. In 2000, he was named president and CEO. After expanding the convenience store chain into a global brand, Mr. Keyes joined the ill-fated Blockbuster as CEO in 2007. He tried to shepherd in a digital streaming strategy, but money woes and market conditions eventually forced a sale of the company to DISH Network.

Despite setbacks, Mr. Keyes remains highly regarded as a visionary industry tycoon. His days as a CEO taught him one crucial lesson that he also shares in his book. “Yes, it means Chief Executive Officer,” he said. “But more importantly, it means ‘Change Equals Opportunity.’” If you’re knowledgeable, persistent, and dedicated to your passion, you will embrace change not as a negative but as a tremendous opportunity, he concluded. It’s a trait that is necessary for survival in and out of the boardroom.

Mr. Keyes speaking to graduates of a leadership program for entrepreneurs offered at Columbia Business School. (Courtesy of James Keyes)

A Promising Future

Keyes believes that the American dream is still alive and well. “Arguably it’s more alive than ever before in history,” he said. “That’s because of the emergence of technology. Truly and literally, the future is in our hands. There’s no excuse now. Everyone can have access to unlimited learning. The cell phone itself is a portal to unlimited learning.” 

He expressed optimism about how technology can revolutionize education, citing how the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated access to technology and educational resources as schools embraced remote learning. He’s buoyed by the future possibilities. “I want to see a future where academic content is as engaging as video games and where students are incentivized for their learning progress—where tech can tailor to individual needs, providing flexibility,” he said. He hopes such technology can supplement classroom learning and inspire people to become lifelong learners.

Someone can take your money, your material things, your job, … but they can’t take away what you know. My dad told me that,” he said. “With knowledge, you can replace anything lost, you can be free to explore the world, you are beholden to no one. That’s the path to real freedom.”

Mr. Keyes visited his alma mater, Columbia Business School, earlier this year. (Courtesy of James Keyes)

The Three C’s

James Keyes defines the Three C’s that have helped him weather challenges, especially during his business career.

Change is inevitable in life, Mr. Keyes asserts. Both 7-Eleven and Blockbuster went through drastic changes during his tenure, and he had to respond—whether it involved restructuring the business or redefining the way the companies delivered and sourced products.

“You have to accept and respond to change, especially in the face of adversity,” he said. “You can’t give up or become a victim in the face of challenges. You must see the learning opportunities that come with change.”

Confidence is essential to responding to such changes. When going through turbulent times, people have a tendency to let fear take over, such as fear of losing one’s job or fear of people thinking negatively of one.

“You must have confidence in your own skills and abilities,” he said. “You must keep your head up and confidently look to the future.”

Clarity is the ability to break down complex problems into their simple components. It prevents one from being overwhelmed and better facilitates learning, according to Mr. Keyes. During times of crisis, keeping things simple is vitally important. “It’s how you navigate to safe harbors,” he said.

From July Issue, Volume IV


Former Secret Service Agent Shares His Advice on How To Live Without Fear

“Every time you take the president out of the White House, you introduce risk,” said Kenneth Valentine, retired Secret Service agent. But for Mr. Valentine, assigned to the personal protection detail for three U.S. presidents, his faith allowed him to do his job with confidence, “because I believed that I would be empowered to do my very best,” he said in an interview. Every time his team brought the president back safely to the White House, they joked that they had “cheated death,” but in his mind, cheating death also means living life to its fullest.  

While Mr. Valentine loved his career and never had any doubts that he was exactly where he was supposed to be, it was a high-risk, high-stress job that took a toll on his family life. To make things work, there needs to be a lot of humility, sacrifice, and collaboration. This philosophy is also what helped him persist. Three times, he told his wife that if she wanted him to quit so he could be home more, he would. Each time, she said no.

Mr. Valentine knew since his junior year in college that he wanted to join the Secret Service. Both his father and uncle were FBI agents, and that year, in 1988, President Ronald Reagan visited Purdue University, where Mr. Valentine was studying. His father was there to provide intelligence, and Mr. Valentine got “backstage” access to witness up-close what the job entailed. “At the last minute, I ended up going to the airport to watch Air Force One arrive and then the motorcade depart,” he recounted. “That had a big impact on me.”  

Encouraged by his uncle to complete a law degree first, Mr. Valentine did just that, got married, and then applied to the Secret Service. “I was in Jackson, Mississippi, and I remember very well taking in my application. The head of the Secret Service in Mississippi called me into his office and sat me down,” Mr. Valentine recalled. “I was very prepared to answer his questions and tell him why I wanted to do it.” When he got the news that he was in, he was so excited he couldn’t sleep for 48 hours. 

Mr. Valentine (far R) during his training days. (Courtesy of Kenneth Valentine)

What Gets Him Through the Hard Times

One thing Mr. Valentine appreciates greatly about the Secret Service is that staff members take the time to go into the homes of new recruits and meet with the people who are going to be impacted by the job. They want to be fully transparent about the challenges of the road ahead. Mr. Valentine and his wife didn’t have children when he first got the job; over time, their family and their faith grew together. 

The family was always aware that when he left for the day, he would first put on a bulletproof vest, he had a gun, and he’d been trained. “Bad things happen,” he said, “But there was no pressure to be a hero and make an unnecessary sacrifice. The efforts we undertook not only protected the president, but also ourselves.” Nevertheless, he always knew that what he was doing might cost him his life, and so he started writing letters to his kids: “I would write a letter on the stationery of the hotel and send it through the front desk so that it would get to the family in case something happened.” Over time, as letters and journal entries multiplied, he realized he had the beginnings of a book. That book, released in April 2024, is the accumulation of the lessons he learned and is titled “Cheating Death.” 

He and his wife have five children. He was present at each of the births, but he could never stay with the family for long. “Each baby was born on a weekday, and I would take the rest of that week off,” he said. “But then I’d be back at it [the following week].” Once, after being away in Colombia for several weeks, he returned home for a brief 14 hours before leaving again for Halifax, Nova Scotia. While he was home, his wife informed him that she was going to have another baby: “Well, that’s great! I have to pack a suitcase now.” 

In his book, Mr. Valentine details how faith gave him the strength to overcome challenges in his career. (Cody Corcoran)

Work was exciting. “It was so much fun that sometimes it was hard to remember that life back home was difficult,” Mr. Valentine said. As the children grew up, he became more and more intentional about carving out quality time with them since there wasn’t a quantity of time. “The boys loved rough-housing,” he said. “We would go in the basement, I would get down on the floor, and the three boys would just attack me.” With his two girls, he would set a time to take each one out and give his undivided, one-on-one attention. 

Family came first, but sometimes, Mr. Valentine’s line of work potentially put them in danger. One time, while they were living in Oklahoma, “our agents were involved in a shoot-out that resulted in the death of the guy we were trying to arrest.” Mr. Valentine immediately became concerned about the possibility of retaliation. After making the necessary arrangements to ensure the office and staff were protected, “I then googled ‘Secret Service Oklahoma.’ I was the one doing the TV interviews—I was the special agent in charge. My name, my photo, my home address all popped up.” 

Shocked at how easy it was to find himself on the internet, Mr. Valentine briefed his family about the need to be vigilant about “cars we don’t recognize, and if you hear the sound of breaking glass in the night, then here’s what you do.” He trained each of them how to low-crawl to a safe spot: “That’s the reality of being in law enforcement: You’re easy to find, and here’s how best to protect yourself.” He believes the be-prepared mindset has affected all of his children: “My daughter lives on her own in Chicago, and she’s not afraid: ‘I’m Ken Valentine’s daughter; I can take care of myself!’ she says.”  

Mr. Valentine’s faith helped him feel prepared without fear. “Faith is being sure of what you do not see,” he said. “My faith is tested every single day. Walking in faith is the exercise of what you believe, and sometimes it’s bumpy.” Nevertheless, he believes faith is a gift. “In work, if you believe that you’re where you’re supposed to be, doing what you’re supposed to do, there’s great freedom … in the Secret Service. I believed that I was empowered to do great things.” While Mr. Valentine always knew the job was risky, his faith gave him strength to do his very best, with confidence and peace.  

The Presidential Example

In his work, there were lots of times when Mr. Valentine and his team had to make quick and sometimes creative decisions to enable the president to do what he wanted to do. “All the president heard was, ‘Sure, we can make that happen,’ and what he didn’t see under the water was the churn,” he said. In return, Mr. Valentine got to observe and learn from the presidents he served. 

In President George W. Bush, Mr. Valentine observed and admired his great resolve and fearlessness: “Once there was an incident brewing in Peru, and the Peruvians tried to prevent the Secret Service from going with the president on a big on-camera walk. President Bush got a few feet in and realized none of us were with him, and he stopped the procession, walked back, reached over what was almost a fist-fight, and grabbed our guy and pulled him in. If we didn’t love him before, we loved him after that. The protectee turned around and protected us.” 

Mr. Valentine (far right) on a security detail for President George W. Bush. (Courtesy of Kenneth Valentine)

Mr. Valentine admired President Barack Obama for the way he handled stress. “He didn’t sweat the small stuff!” Once, when Obama was still a U.S. senator running for president, Mr. Valentine was on a small jet with him that landed in Iowa. Mr. Valentine was supposed to be the first one off the plane, so he stuck his head out and looked at a dark airport with no agents waiting for them, no car ready. He turned back and said to the pilot, “I think we’re in the wrong town.”

He had to go and tell Obama that they had landed in the wrong place. Obama looked up from his newspaper and said, “Oh. Where are we supposed to be? How long will it take to get there?” When he heard the answers, he simply said OK and continued to read the paper. “Other people might have been quite upset,” Mr. Valentine said, “but not Senator Obama.”

Being prepared, asking for help, and exercising his faith daily has allowed Mr. Valentine to do his job with confidence and return home safely to his family. Mr. Valentine wants to show people that living an abundant life and being confident through faith is surely the best way of cheating death.   

From May Issue, Volume IV

American Artists Arts & Letters Features

A Shen Yun Life

There is perhaps no single endeavor in the human experience so filled with equal parts love and worry than raising children. Levi Browde pondered the irony of this quandary as he lay in bed one winter evening back in 2015.

He was worried about his boys, Jesse and Lucas.

The family had recently moved to an upscale neighborhood in northern New Jersey. The homes were large, the lawns immaculate. The parks and baseball fields were in abundance and filled with activity. The blue-ribbon schools were well-funded and considered among the best in the state.

Yet Levi felt a specter looming over him, over his boys, and indeed, over schools and communities across the country.

So there he was lying awake long after everyone else had fallen asleep. His mind was racing through options.

Move to a ranch in Montana? Return to the family home in New Mexico and the small, spirited school that shaped his own formative years? Sell everything and travel the globe, and let the world provide an education for his boys? As the string of options passed before his mind’s eye, each seemed less plausible than the last.

Little did Levi know that in just a few weeks, he would stumble upon the most unlikely of solutions: a set of educational and artistic institutions that would give his boys both an education and career that would transform them into young men with resilience, compassion, and a remarkably positive attitude.

Jesse, Levi, Vivian, and Lucas Browde circa 2016 in upstate New York. (Courtesy of the Browde family)

A Leap of Faith

In the spring of 2015, Levi and his elder son, Jesse, embarked on a series of road trips. Determined to find a quality educational institution for the boys during their critical high school years, they scoured the northeastern U.S. for options. Levi’s father had attended Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts, which was initially high on the list. Levi’s former high school teacher and mentor was now at Phillips Exeter Academy—certainly something to consider. They also looked across New Jersey, stopping at the Peddie School, Blair Academy, and even Don Bosco, a sports powerhouse where Jesse was eager to play baseball.

With each stop, however, Levi grew only more despondent. “I just felt no one offered a clear solution,” Levi said.

About a month after the flurry of school visits had yielded no good prospects, Levi had reconnected with an old friend, Dr. Samuel Zhou, who had recently helped to start a new private school in Middletown, New York called Northern Academy. The school was new, very small, and barely on its feet.

“’Scrappy’ would be an understatement,” Levi said matter-of-factly.

Yet the vision of its staff was intriguing—and just what he was looking for.

A former University of Pennsylvania professor, Dr. Zhou had studied the education landscape for the past decade, noting several worrying trends: declining competency in core subjects, the discarding and vilification of classics, and a meteoric rise in depression and anxiety among students. And the cause of it all? The explosion of smartphones and social media among teens, a combination that several studies had already shown was decimating the lives of young people.

“This was not just a new trend like the advent of the Atari game console, or Nintendo,” Dr. Zhou said. “The combination of smartphones and social media was tearing apart the mental health of young people fundamentally, and for many, irrevocably. From the start, these platforms were engineered to addict, to distract, to inflame, and to isolate. The sky-rocketing depression, suicidality, and other horrific trends among students is 100 percent correlated to the rise of smartphones and social media.”

This was precisely the specter that had haunted Levi, and now, finally, he found a place that recognized the scale of the problem and was determined to confront it head on.

The staff at Northern Academy wanted to create a school that halted these terrible trends and gave young people “a place to re-engage with their education, as well as wholesome, tried-and-true traditions,” said Dr. Marilyn Torley, the school’s former co-principal.

For Levi, it was a no-brainer. For his wife, Vivian, not so much.

Vivian was raised in Taiwan. By U.S. standards, the strict protocols and teaching methods found in Taiwanese schools were almost military grade. Hair and skirt lengths were regulated down to the centimeter. Transgressions were met with swift punishment. All students lined up in rows for morning announcements. Boys and girls were separate, and never mingled.

For Vivian, schools were large, well-funded institutions operating consistently for decades. So when she first laid eyes on the scrappy collection of buildings that constituted Northern Academy, it was, as Vivian put it, “a hard no.”

But this wasn’t just about the school.

For the past year, Vivian had been working full time renovating a lovely, grand home located in the prestigious East Hill area in northeastern Bergen County. “It was our dream home, and I put my heart and soul into it,” Vivian said. “I designed the foyer pillars and arches myself… I hand-picked every tile and paint color. I redesigned the west wing so it could accommodate our parents.”

“The home was her third child,” Levi said. “This is where we were going to raise our boys. This was where we’d bring our parents to live with us when the time came. This was going to be our family fortress, perhaps for generations.”

Compounding the problem was the prospect of losing a warm circle of friends Vivian had accumulated in the neighborhood over the last few years. If they decided to enroll the boys in Northern Academy, Vivian would have to leave all of them behind too.

Her resistance mounted.

(L–R) Levi, Lucas, Jesse, and Vivian Browde circa 2017 in upstate New York. (Courtesy of the Browde family)

“It was a very difficult time for Vivian,” Levi said. “I was asking her to give up so much, and for what? To send our kids to a scrappy little school with an untested staff, unproven curriculum, and uncertain future. Any mother in her right mind would scream ‘no,’ and she often did… at the top of her lungs.”

And so, Levi employed a time-tested method, proven to move mountains, and yes, even Taiwanese wives.

“Baby steps,” Levi said.

That summer, the boys enrolled in Northern Academy’s summer program. During the course of the summer, the boys built a close-knit circle of friends, and enjoyed the young school immensely.

In early August, Levi called a family meeting, a common practice with the Browde family. “I know it sounds oddly formal,” he said, “but it’s actually a great way to bring the family together and engage on a singular topic. It teaches the kids to be part of informed decision-making as well as to learn how to articulate their ideas, to hear and weigh the opinions of others, and to take ownership of decisions made, even when it wasn’t their first choice.”

Levi started, laying out a case for “trying” Northern Academy for one year. If it didn’t pan out the way they liked, in the spring they’d move back to New Jersey—no harm done. The boys concurred; it was worth a shot. Everyone looked at Vivian. It was still a tough decision, but all the reasons calling her back to her dream home could not stack up against one overarching priority: a quality education and upbringing for her boys.

”OK, let’s try it,” she said with a sigh.

Lucas and Jesse in New York City on the way to see a Shen Yun Performing Arts show at Lincoln Center, circa 2015. (Courtesy of the Browde family)

A Diamond in the Rough

According to Dr. Torley, Northern Academy’s mission includes a commitment to educate in both scholastics and moral integrity. The school’s materials and clothing all bear its core values: Integrity, Compassion, Resilience.

For Jesse, who was a freshman in high school, and Lucas, who entered the seventh grade, the school did not disappoint.

Within the first two weeks of school, staff had not only ascertained Jesse’s aptitude for math, but also altered his schedule so that he could move up a grade to match his level, while carving out space for a private class that would allow him to complete the entirety of his high school math requirements by the end of his freshman year.

This kind of personal attention and willingness to create custom paths for students to flourish became a hallmark of the school.

For Levi and Vivian, the Northern Academy difference really showed through in their own interactions with teachers. “These days, parent-teacher conferences are often orchestrated to minimize the risk of parents attacking or even suing the schools instead of what it should be: an open and honest discussion about what’s best for the kids,” Levi said. In previous schools, for example, he said teachers would always have a second “witness” attend parent-teacher conferences, and the substance of the conversations was clearly calculated to minimize discomfort rather than maximize understanding.

“It was really frustrating,” Levi said. “It seems their priorities were to placate the parents and protect the school, when the priorities should be to tell the parents, in clear and no uncertain terms, exactly what’s being taught and how the student is doing.”

Northern Academy was refreshingly different. Teachers met regularly with parents, one-on-one, laying out the curriculum clearly and not mincing words about how students were progressing, and what they needed to work on.

Jesse and Lucas eat breakfast before heading to school at Northern Academy in 2016. (Courtesy of the Browde family)

The Key Ingredient

While Northern Academy offered a complete academic curriculum, from the day it opened its doors, it also offered students the option of an arts focus: classical Chinese dance, music, or fine arts. The idea behind these offerings, explained Dr. Torley, had roots in ancient Greece and reemerged in Renaissance Italy, from which the moniker “Renaissance man” was coined.

“We believe the arts are not just extracurricular activities,” said Dr. Torley. “They imbue the students with wisdom, an expanded range of empathy, and refined personal character traits like resilience, patience, and an appreciation for beauty. For any school that is serious about helping young people develop into thoughtful, moral people, they need to have a rigorous classical arts program.”

And Northern Academy was serious, especially in the classical Chinese dance program: Many of the teachers were former principal dancers of Shen Yun Performing Arts, the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, whose training headquarters was located just 15 minutes down the road. Consequently, dance students at Northern had the opportunity to learn from professionals who, just a few years prior, were at the pinnacle of their field.

“If the school were offering a basketball clinic,” explained Dr. Torley, “it would be the equivalent to learning directly from the likes of James Worthy and Scottie Pippen. These weren’t just pros, they were former all-stars, and they had performed alongside some of the best in the world.”

Levi and Vivian had heard about the dance program at Northern Academy, but did not look into it, thinking dance was the last thing their boys would be drawn to. It was therefore somewhat of a surprise when, at the beginning of the year, Jesse and Lucas called a family meeting.

“We want to join the dance track,” the boys proclaimed.

Levi sat in the corner intrigued by the idea. He initially said nothing.

Vivian’s reaction, was immediate and clear: “No. You’re both too old and too fat,” she said.

“Woah!” Levi sat up in protest. He stared at Vivian in bewilderment, mouth open, thinking, “What are you doing?”

Vivian was unmoved. “It’s true,” she replied matter-of-factly.

While the meeting had been called by Jesse and Lucas, they quickly sank back into the couch as their parents’ discussion escalated. Vivian opposed the idea because there was “no future” in dance for them. Professional dancers start much earlier in life, and dedicate a significant part of their lives to the craft. And even if they did, by some miracle, make it to a professional level, dancing careers are usually over by the age of 30. Then what?

Levi felt this was irrelevant. The point was not to become professional dancers, but rather, to learn a discipline—any discipline—from someone who had reached the pinnacle of the craft.

“World-class excellence is something few people achieve,” Levi said. “You can learn a great deal from those that have done so, which can then be applied to many aspects of your life. If the boys have a chance to be trained by these teachers—former principal dancers with Shen Yun—it would be invaluable to building stamina, resilience, confidence, poise. Honestly, the benefits seemed endless, and they could be applied to all aspects of their lives.”

Later reflecting on the divergence of opinion, Levi said he realized his corporate experience informed his perspective on the issue. “At that point, I’d been running a software company for almost 20 years, hiring …and firing staff,” Levi said. “Over all that time, one key thing I learned is that integrity, which usually manifested as ‘soft skills,’ was significantly more important than technical know-how. You can teach pretty much anyone to code, but having employees who are honest, willing to help others, don’t show-boat for the boss, take responsibility for things—these people are priceless. They are the ones you can build an organization around.”

“Finding an educational institution that could help the boys develop these character traits, I felt, was very important.”

Finally, Vivian relented, but not because of Levi’s insistence. As with the move from New Jersey, it came down to one overarching priority: the boys’ education and upbringing. She saw this was something they wanted and were willing to work for.

“And I had to admit they could certainly use the exercise,” she added.

Looking back years later, the Browdes, especially Vivian, identified this one decision as the single most important one they made the boys were at Northern. Embarking on classical Chinese dance literally changed the boys’ lives.

No Blood, but Certainly Sweat and Tears

The boys were pushed physically. They were challenged mentally. They had to learn to work with, and indeed trust the dancers to either side of them while in formation. Not unlike a martial arts dojo, the classical Chinese dance classes also featured disciplinary measures.

Lucas recalled one particularly difficult week during the second semester. The students were not focusing on their dance combinations, and minds were wandering. “That night, our dancer instructor made us write each dance sequence we missed 100 times,” Lucas said. “I was up until 3 a.m.”

And all this on top of a full academic schedule. “We didn’t usually all get home until 7 p.m. or 8 p.m.,” he said. “And that’s when homework started.”

Still, the boys relished their new life. Weeks turned into months, and with the passing of time, there was less and less acknowledgement that they were living a “trial” period. In fact, Levi would have largely forgotten about it were it not for the sizable property tax bill he was still paying for their Jersey home. So, it brought not a little surprise and much relief when Vivian, while sitting at the breakfast table one crisp spring morning, said out-of-the-blue, “We should sell the house.”

Levi froze. He didn’t want to make any sudden moves lest she change her mind.

“OK, makes sense,” he replied nonchalantly, while barely able to contain his excitement.

Vivian got up, placed her bowl in the sink, and quietly walked upstairs. She was not upset, but clearly it was not an easy decision. “She was basically giving up her dream home, her circle of friends… everything in life outside of her immediate family,” Levi said. “I never really pushed the issue because I knew she had to come to this decision herself. She was like Frodo and that Jersey house was the Ring. I knew I couldn’t take it from her. She had to want to let it go herself, and in the end, she did.”

Finally, Levi recalled, the decision was made, and the move was permanent. He felt they were settled, ready to see their boys through high school and beyond in their new school and new home.

Little did Levi or Vivian realize that within just a few months, Jesse, and soon after, Lucas, would make a decision that would yet again, alter the trajectory of all of their lives.

The Browdes prepare for a family dinner at home in 2023. (Samira Bouaou for American Essence)

An Audacious Attempt

It was a cold winter afternoon. Snow that fell the prior week still lined the driveway. They were late—again.

As the boys huddled in the backseat reluctantly wearing suits, they sat fidgeting with their ties. Levi’s eyes were fixed on the rear-view mirror, waiting for Vivian, trying to not get agitated. “What is taking her so long?” The boys smirked, finding some amusement that their father would expect to get an answer to a question he’d been asking thin air for as long as they could remember.

A few minutes later, and a full 30 minutes after she said she would, Vivian emerged from the house.

They were off to New York City’s Lincoln Center to see an opening night performance of Shen Yun Performing Arts. Widely regarded as the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, Shen Yun showcases authentic Chinese culture “before communism.” The company tours the world each year, covering 200 cities across five continents. The Browde family had seen Shen Yun each year since its inception in 2006.

“Shen Yun is a rich cultural experience that showcases different historical, cultural and spiritual elements of China’s 5,000 year-old civilization,” said Levi. “Each time we see the show, honestly it feels like I’ve just emerged from a spiritual retreat—rejuvenated. Enthused. I just feel like, OK, everything’s going to be fine… better than fine.”

Levi concedes there is an additional element that makes Shen Yun unique.

“Any show that can captivate a 7-year-old and 5-year-old boy for two solid hours is definitely employing magic,” observed Levi. “That’s how old the boys were when we first took them to see the show together. I intentionally bought seats near the exit in case we needed an early out, but that never happened.”

Shen Yun, based in New York state, is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company. (Courtesy of Shen Yun)

While the brothers had seen the show many times over the years, this year was very different, because it was the first time seeing the show after they themselves began training in classical Chinese dance.

Remembering that night, Jesse said this performance was different than in previous years. “This was the first time I understood the whole show,” said Jesse, “especially the story dances. I almost cried a couple of times that night. I remember going home that night and thinking: I wanted to be a Shen Yun dancer,” he said.

Jesse didn’t say much to his parents at that time, but a spark had been lit.

In early May, tryouts were announced for Fei Tian Academy—an elite performing arts institution that specializes in classical Chinese dance and shares a campus with Shen Yun Performing Arts. Similar to Northern Academy, Fei Tian Academy employed a more traditional approach to education, emphasizing classics, development of moral character, and a strict policy forbidding smartphones and social media on campus. The dance program at Fei Tian, however, was far more rigorous than at Northern Academy, and so admission into Fei Tian would greatly increase a young dancer’s chances of eventually being accepted to Shen Yun.

Jesse made it clear he wanted to try.

The tryouts for Fei Tian were at Shen Yun’s training center and lasted about two hours, and the results were, at least to Levi, not entirely surprising. “The instructors were very sweet and encouraging, but it was clear Jesse did not make the cut,” Levi said. “He was too stiff, and there were some questions as to whether he had the right physique for the rigors of classical Chinese dance. They offered words of encouragement and suggested Jesse keep training, but there was no indication it would lead to a place at Fei Tian Academy.”

On the drive home, Levi studied Jesse’s face. “He was a little disappointed, but not clearly deterred,” Levi said.

Digging Deep

Over the next few weeks, Jesse conferred with his dance teachers to formulate a stretching and strength-training plan that was safe but demanding. Each night, after homework, Jesse would reconfigure the living room to provide the space and support structures needed for his training routines—routines that sometimes were hard to watch, or listen to.

“While he was being safe in his technique, he was really pushing himself,” Levi said. “There were some nights when Vivian would come into my study with a pained expression on her face.”

“I can’t watch this,” she would say as she plopped down on the chair next to his desk, staring at the door.

Reflecting on these sessions, Levi later shared how these stretch routines and workout sessions really tested his parenting resolve to truly parent, instead of “coddle.”

“I believe one of the primary causes of depression and sadness is when people go through life without meaning… without ever finding a place where they belong, a mission they feel is theirs,” he said. “In many cases, this happens because they never build the resolve and drive to overcome barriers to find their ‘thing.’ And this is usually because the parents were too busy coddling them. So, as painful as it was to watch Jesse put himself through this rigorous stretching and training, deep down inside I was at peace because I could see he had found something: a purpose that touched his heart. How could I not do everything to support that?”

To help Jesse along, Levi sought out a retired Shen Yun dancer to see if he might offer additional assistance to Jesse to reach his goal. Lucas asked to participate, and pretty soon, the Browde home living room was transformed into a make-shift dance training space. Each week, the dance trainer would come to the house and work with both boys.

“One thing I loved about this arrangement is that it turned the brothers into training partners,” Levi said. “There were evenings when Vivian and I would be sitting at the kitchen table, and the boys were off in the living room, standing next to each other facing the large windows [to see their reflections] as they walked through dance routines.”

It was just a few months later that Fei Tian Academy offered Jesse another chance to try out. This time, the tryout was quick, and his acceptance almost immediate.

“I can’t say for sure,” Levi said, “but my impression is that it was Jesse’s dedication and heart that garnered his acceptance more than the strides he had made in technique or flexibility, although he had made progress in those areas too.”

The new semester at Fei Tian Academy would not start for another month, so Levi and Vivian pulled both boys out of school for a week, and took off for Los Angeles. “We wanted to celebrate Jesse’s accomplishment,” Levi said, “but we also realized Jesse would be entering a rigorous program. RnR would be rare, so we took this chance to catch a Dodgers game and enjoy some fun in the sun!”

“It was like a last hoorah before Jesse reports to a sort-of boot camp, so we made the most of it.”

Exhausted after a Northern Academy dance recital in 2017, Jesse and Lucas get some well-deserved rest. (Courtesy of the Browde family)

Times That Try Men’s Souls

Cultures around the world, and throughout history, have often adopted rights of passage for their young people. Trials that serve both as a test to determine if the person can serve a productive role in the tribe or society, but also something to help the person realize his or her potential.

“Sometimes it’s hard to imagine yourself doing something difficult…. until you actually do it,” Levi observed. “And that success, far more than any encouragement or coddling, builds confidence and poise.”

Levi felt Jesse’s first few months at an elite classical Chinese dance training academy would serve as his own right of passage. “He had only been training for about two years, and he was going into a program where many there had been training since they were very young,” Levi said. “My sense is that he had a difficult road ahead of him.”

Jesse later confirmed that his father’s suspicions were spot on.

“The first couple of weeks were tough,” said Jesse. “It was obvious that many in my training class not only knew techniques that were beyond me, but they knew… how to dance. Like, with rhythm and bearing [or “yun” in Chinese, a vital element of classical Chinese dance].”

“By comparison, I felt like Dumbo out there,” Jesse said.

As part of his plan to catch up with his class, Jesse would spend extra time in the dance room, mostly working on stretching and flexibility—essential skills of any elite classical Chinese dancer. Sometimes he’d go in before lunch or stay late, continuing some of the rigorous stretching routines that had sent his mother into his father’s study at home so they didn’t have to watch.

Sometime in the first month, Levi got a call from Jesse out of the blue. Levi was just getting out of a luncheon meeting when his cell phone rang. It was Jesse on the line… in tears. “He was stretching and just needed someone to be with him… to help him make it through the full stretch,” Levi said. “So there I was sitting in the parking lot, just listening to my son on the other end of the line sweating it out. We said a few words, but not much…I just sat there on the line with him.”

It was at this point that Levi was mentally preparing for what he thought might be a tough time period as a parent.

“I believe one of the most important balancing acts one performs as a parent is the one between comforter and drill sergeant,” Levi said. “Parents who comfort too much actually hurt their children. I remember hearing Dr. Phil describe it as a form of child abuse because you deprive them of the chance to grow and become strong. And yet, there are also parents who push too much, which can create a whole host of other problems.”

Levi felt this balance was one of the most important tests as a parent.

“It requires that you really purify your own motives. You have to make sure you’re not imposing your own stuff on your kid, whether that’s your own desire to see joy on the kid’s face or your own attachment to what the kid should do or be. You have to get rid of all that…all your own baggage, and just give the kid exactly what he needs for his life,” Levi said.

He felt that in the weeks and perhaps months ahead, he would be tested to see if he could strike the right balance with Jesse. He would perhaps need some support and encouragement, but he may also need some “tough love,” to make sure he did not give up on himself or his own goals.

But Levi was wrong. Another call for help never came.

It would be almost a year before Levi said he fully grasped what had happened: that the educational and training environment at Fei Tian Academy had given Jesse the support, training, and tools he needed to exceed everyone’s expectations, including Levi’s.

Jesse and his mother Vivian enjoy a day off during Jesse’s first year at Fei Tian Academy. (Courtesy of the Browde family)

A Training Environment Like No Other

Nestled in the rolling hills of Orange County, New York is Dragon Springs—a 400-acre campus that combines the natural beauty of the Hudson River Valley with ancient Chinese architecture, performing arts, academic learning, and spiritual practice.

Dragon Springs is a 400-acre campus nestled in the rolling hills of Orange County, New York, that contains a collection of Buddhist-style temples built in the authentic Tang Dynasty tradition, an educational complex that hosts Fei Tian Academy and Fei Tian College, and the professional training center for Shen Yun Performing Arts. (Courtesy of Dragon Springs)

The campus hosts three distinct yet symbiotic entities: a temple grounds featuring a collection of Buddhist-style temples built in the authentic Tang Dynasty tradition, an educational complex that hosts Fei Tian Academy and Fei Tian College, and the professional training center for Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Academy and College combine a standard academic education with a rigorous performing arts program. Fei Tian students that reach professional standards are invited to join Shen Yun’s annual tour as part of the school’s practicum. Many, upon graduation, are then hired by Shen Yun as professional artists.

“It’s one of the most beautiful campuses I’ve ever seen,” Levi explained. “Every time I take someone to campus for the first time, there’s this one moment when they emerge from the long, winding road through the woods and come to the lake, and see the beautiful temple buildings rising up the slope across the lake. Without fail, everyone says the same thing: ‘wow’.”

“But as beautiful as the campus is, the real treasure of the place is the educational and company culture that pervades both the schools and the Shen Yun company,” Levi said. “I don’t know of any other organization in the world that has so successfully brought together quality education, world-class artistry, and faith into one.”

According to Dr. Tianliang Zhang, a professor at Fei Tian College, this is no accident. “The Buddhist-based spiritual practice of Falun Gong is rooted in traditional Chinese culture, which is the foundation of the environment at Fei Tian and Shen Yun, and really a key element that has propelled Shen Yun to be the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company.”

“In traditional Chinese culture there’s this idea that great art—art that really inspires and uplifts—can only be created by people of high integrity,” Professor Zhang said. “That is, the more virtue the artist embodies, the more beautiful and impactful his or her art will be.”

At Fei Tian and Shen Yun, this principle guides every aspect of their training and work. Students and professional artists alike strive to perfect their technique while simultaneously improving their character through the practice of Falun Gong.

“Elevation of one goes hand-in-hand with the other, and this is not just a feel-good concept,” Zhang clarified. “It is an approach that produces some of the best classical Chinese dancers in the world. It is also one of the secret ingredients that makes a Shen Yun performance like no other. Time and time again, audience members remark how the purity of the artists on stage is unlike anything they have ever witnessed, and was a core element to the hope and inspiration they experienced at the show.”

This approach—what some artists affectionately call the “Shen Yun way” —was a revelation for Jesse.

Jesse performs in the Techniques portion of the Ninth NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition in 2021. He received a silver award in the Junior Male Division. (Dai Bing)

“For me, it was like a huge change in my way of thinking and approach to life in general,” Jesse said. “Before coming here, I was a moderately motivated person, at best… I’d never really poured my heart and soul into anything. But here, you are surrounded by people who not only strive for artistic excellence, but believe, deep in their bones, that achievement of that excellence can only really happen when you put yourself, your ego, down. Greatness can only come when you strive to transcend yourself and put others first. That was a game-changer for me.”

And it wasn’t always easy. Levi recalled something Jesse said near the end of his first year at Fei Tian that spoke to the character-building aspect of the education.

“Jesse was at home during his weekly off-campus day, and out of the blue, he turned to me and said, “I wish you had yelled at me more [growing up].”

“For a split second, this took me by surprise,” Levi said, “but very quickly, looking at Jesse’s face, I realized what he was saying. Even in those first few years, he was seeing the importance of taking criticism constructively, and to not get down or take offense when someone tells you how and why you need to improve.”

Reflecting on that question and his progression at Fei Tian, Jesse said: “At some point, I realized how big of a problem ego can be. As you improve as a dancer, you may start to think, ‘Oh, I’m pretty good.’ But having people tell you your problems is one of the few ways you can improve really quickly, so when other people see your problems and they point them out to you—if you don’t accept that, then you are really hampering your own development, and you’re missing a good opportunity to mesh with your troupe. A good, strong, healthy relationship includes honesty, and genuinely wanting each other to improve… even if you have to get in someone’s face about it.”

“My dance troupe is my platoon—my band of brothers,” Jesse said. “They push me to do better, to be better, and together, we are better.”

Less than a year after Jesse was accepted to Fei Tian, his younger brother Lucas was also accepted and joined his brother at the prolific academy.

Like his brother, Lucas found the training environment at Fei Tian transformative. In particular, Lucas said it gave him the support and tools to push through what he describes as his own “weaknesses.”

“In general, before coming to Fei Tian, I think my body was relatively weak and I lacked toughness… especially mental toughness in the face of physical trials,” Lucas said. “In the past, I didn’t see much value in trying to change this, I would just avoid heavy physical activity.”

After coming to Fei Tian and later being invited to join Shen Yun’s tour, however, Lucas said he noticed a big change.

“Not only does this environment push me to expand my limits, but for the first time in my life, I was given a compelling reason to do so,” Lucas said. “I realized that the stronger and more resilient I become, the more expressive and captivating dancer I can be on stage… and the better I do that, the more impact I can have on the audience.”

Lucas said that understanding this connection in a very real and visceral way was the game changer for him.

“For the first time, I would approach physical challenges as an opportunity not just to become stronger and more explosive, but as a tangible way to better touch the hearts of the audience,” Lucas said. “That rationale…that revelation changed everything for me. Fundamentally, pushing myself was not just about me.”

As Lucas delved more deeply into how this revelation impacted his life, it’s clear that, although there was clarity of purpose, there was still a significant effort to push past his perceived physical limitations. Dance training is, after all, very demanding, especially at Fei Tian. Having a clear purpose certainly provided the necessary foundation, but it was one other key ingredient to the “Shen Yun way” that Lucas relied on heavily.

“Always stay positive,” Lucas proclaimed.

“We’re often pushing our own limits as well as what we can achieve as a group,” Lucas said. “That means stumbling and failure come with the territory, so it’s very important to keep a positive attitude at all times. This is so important.”

“What I find really interesting,” added Levi, “is that this educational and company culture stems from the salt-of-the-earth Chinese who founded Shen Yun and the Fei Tian schools in New York. It’s like you have the best of both worlds: a company with the freedom found in America combined with a cultural depth and work ethic endemic to heartland China. That is a powerful combination.”

Lucas Browde received the Gold Award in the Junior Male Division of the NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition in 2021 and 2023. (Dai Bing)

Authentically Chinese, Made in America

Many are surprised to learn that Shen Yun is an American company, and even more so, the tragic reasons as to why.

When communist forces seized power in China in 1949, they spent the next 70 years systematically destroying traditional Chinese culture, and targeting anyone who stood firm to defend it. Throughout this time, violent campaigns targeting different segments of society decimated communities throughout the country.

During the land reform and “counterrevolutionary” campaigns of the early 1950s, 3-5 million people were killed. The disastrous Great Leap Forward from 1959-1962 resulted in the deaths of 30-40 million. The Great Cultural Revolution from 1966-1976 reached such a frenzy that children would beat or even kill parents, teachers, and elders; many turned them in to authorities for torture or public humiliation; 7-8 million died amidst the madness.

In 1989, the world watched as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) took aim at students protesting in Tiananmen Square, where over a thousand were gunned down or crushed by tanks. In the years that followed, an eerie quiet settled across China as people sought ways to live meaningful lives without provoking the wrath of the regime. It was during this time that qigong practices (aka “Chinese yoga”) began to emerge, offering people a non-confrontational outlet for maintaining health and reconnecting with a semblance of Chinese culture.

In 1992, the Buddhist-based spiritual practice called Falun Gong was first introduced to the public. Over the next several years, it became widely popular across China, both for its health benefits and its spiritual teachings centered on Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Yet, when a government survey found there were 70-100 million people practicing, in 1999, the CCP launched yet another campaign: this time targeting Falun Gong.

In the first few weeks, tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners were detained, as a brutal, nationwide campaign was launched to “eradicate” the practice. Since that time and continuing to this day, millions have been detained or imprisoned, with hundreds of thousands tortured. Thousands have died from torture and abuse in custody.

According to the 2019 London-based China Tribunal, a “significant number”—possibly hundreds of thousands—have been killed to forcibly remove their organs, a crime reaffirmed by new academic research and targeted by recent legislative efforts around the world.

All the while, vilifying propaganda from the CCP has dominated state-run media in China, and greatly tainted media reports on Falun Gong around the world.

Fleeing persecution, Falun Gong artists looked to America’s shores. But they didn’t just want to build a new life for themselves. They had a larger goal in mind.

“What most people don’t realize is that Falun Gong is authentically Chinese, and much more so than almost anything you can find in China today,” Professor Zhang said. “Falun Gong has roots in China’s traditional culture that stretch back for millennia. In fact, Falun Gong’s popularity in the 1990s itself constituted a spiritual renaissance of sorts… a re-emergence of the wholesome, spiritual traditions of China’s heartland. In trying to ‘eradicate’ Falun Gong, the CCP was in effect, stamping out a resurgence of China’s true culture… it was the CCP’s ‘final solution’ to eradicate traditional Chinese culture itself and fully impose Marxism on the Chinese people.

Shen Yun dancers take time out of their busy rehearsal schedule to do the Falun Gong sitting meditation. (Courtesy of Shen Yun)

“When Shen Yun’s founders landed here in New York, as Falun Gong practitioners and world-class artists, they were uniquely qualified to revive China’s traditional culture and share it with the world… and that’s precisely what they did.

“That’s why, today, Shen Yun represents a renaissance in Chinese culture, but this time, on the world’s stage, and for everyone to enjoy.”

Shen Yun now has eight companies that tour the world simultaneously, performing in more than 200 cities across five continents each season. With innovative digital stagecraft, the world’s first orchestra to feature both classical Chinese and Western instruments as permanent members, and storylines that draw from the tapestry of China’s 5,000-year history, Professor Zhang said, “the company quickly raised the bar on what a group of artists could accomplish.”

While it took some time for Levi to understand the nature of this Shen Yun renaissance, the importance of it—and the opportunity it presented for his boys—was not lost on him. “This is a remarkable group of people engaged in a grand mission… and the boys are right in the middle of it,” Levi said.

A Golden Surprise

During the fall of 2020, Levi was often at home by himself. Vivian had flown to Taiwan for a few months to work and visit family.

“One night I was out on the deck watching the sunset, and my phone started blowing up,” Levi said. “People were sending me ‘congratulations’ and saying stuff like, ‘Oh wow, gold!’ I had no idea what they were talking about.”

Then, the phone rang, and it was Vivian calling from Taiwan. She was also confused.

“I was getting the same messages, and didn’t know what was happening,” Vivian said. Levi said he’d find out and hung up. He finally got ahold of a friend on campus who told Levi the news: the Fei Tian Academy had hosted a competition and both Jesse and Lucas had won gold in the junior category.

“Honestly, at that point, I was even more confused,” Levi said. “Years ago, I was surprised when the boys first wanted to ‘try’ dance. And then, later when they were accepted into Fei Tian Academy, I was just hoping they would like it enough to stay… I never ever thought they might actually get good at it.”

The competition results were not an anomaly.

The following year, both boys participated in the New Tang Dynasty International Dance Competition. Lucas again secured a gold award in the junior division. Jesse received a silver award.

“This was one of the most emotional times for me as a father,” Levi said. “Although they had been studying dance at that point for about five, six years, because of COVID, this was the first time I saw both boys live on stage dancing solo since they had joined Fei Tian Academy, and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.”

“I knew them as stocky, slow baseball players,” recalled Levi, “and what I was seeing on stage was a complete transformation. They were elegant, expressive, captivating… like they had been doing this their whole lives. I was in tears… I just couldn’t believe what they had accomplished in just a few short years.”

The brothers’ success in such a short time period, however, is not unusual for Shen Yun’s training program.

“It normally takes 10 or more years and a grueling schedule for someone to reach a world-class standard,” said Vivian, “which is why I was initially skeptical about the boys starting when they did. But, I have to admit: Fei Tian and Shen Yun proved me wrong.”

According to Levi, the success of Shen Yun’s training program goes beyond just hard work and dedicated staff. “There’s a special sauce to the Shen Yun recipe that no one else has,” Levi said. “Shen Yun’s artistic director has infused the entire program with a foundation and know-how that had been essentially lost to history.” As an example, Levi pointed to the twin techniques of “shen dai shou” (the body leads the hands) and “kua dai tui” (the hips lead the legs). Often cited by international dance competition winners as the key ingredient to their success, Levi said these twin techniques have elevated Shen Yun performance art to a whole new level. “No one was even talking about them, let alone able to do them until Shen Yun burst on the scene,” added Levi.

“The boys were very fortunate to find an institution that could take their heartfelt aspirations and provide a way to make them reality,” Levi said. “They are living their dream.”

Lucas Browde performs “King Gou Jian’s Return” during the Ninth NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition in 2021. (Dai Bing)

A Growing Bond

The changes in the boys during their years at Fei Tian were also evident on the home front, “especially between the two of them,” Levi said. “It was different from when they were younger. They had different personalities so it’s not like they were inseparable,” said Levi.

“I mean, they had baseball in common and played together like brothers do, but as they got older, their differing personalities became more apparent and so there was not a tremendous amount of overlap in interests. And there were plenty of times when they looked at each other, and were both thinking, “Why is he like that—so annoying?”

“I used to worry about it, actually,” admitted Vivian. “I always had this ideal of my boys being best friends, so seeing them not quite that… I worried a little. I wanted to know that no matter what happened in their lives, they would be there for each other.”

Yet, if their boyhood years represented a growing apart, the Fei Tian years were clearly a coming back together.

“When they started spending more time together practicing and talking about dance, I initially thought it was really just a new-found common interest,” said Levi. “However, over the years, it became clear the togetherness transcended their shared dance interest; a close bond had emerged between the two of them.”

Lucas and Jesse at home in upstate New York. (Samira Bouaou for American Essence)

As the younger brother, Lucas began demonstrating a respectful deference to Jesse. “It became common for Lucas to check with Jesse on which restaurant he wanted to go to, or which movie to see,” Levi said. “And it wasn’t like a burdensome thing… it seemed just more respectful, from the heart. Honestly, I think it was a direct extension of the more traditional environment found at Fei Tian and Shen Yun.”

For Jesse, who typically was more focused on what was in front of him—including not always considering others around him while going about his day—there was a new-found inclusion. “Just little things,” noted Vivian. “In choosing a restaurant or shopping for things online, he’d call Lucas over and they’d pore over the product options and styles together, immersed in joyous banter. In the past, he wouldn’t care very much about his brother’s opinion, nor want to hear it, but now he sought out and genuinely appreciated his brother’s perspective.”

On a recent family vacation, Levi said the strength of their relationship became even more apparent. “Family vacations can sometimes try people’s patience,” said Levi, “especially as different preferences and opinions emerge among family members. But the boys were like two peas in a pod, making plans together, and exploring each region we traveled to like best friends on spring break, which I guess is pretty much what it was. They went everywhere together. Their mother and I just tried to keep up!”

According to Levi, this change is not disconnected with the culture at Fei Tian and Shen Yun.

“Being immersed in a culture that encourages you to put aside ego, and try to think of others’ interests first… that’s going to have ramifications on all your relationships, including with your brother,” Levi said.

The brothers have grown closer to each other ever since they took up dance training. (Samira Bouaou for American Essence)

One Profound Moment

The artists of Shen Yun believe that a life-changing experience is not predicated upon prolonged time and effort (as in, “medical school changed my life”) nor is it relegated strictly to the religious realm. “Even in a relatively brief moment—during the course of a two-hour show, for example—one’s life can indeed be changed, provided something truly and deeply touched the soul,” Professor Zhang said. “A person’s outlook on life, and consequently his or her approach to life, can be elevated, infused with hope, or driven by a newfound positivity, and therefore, a new direction.”

“Over the years, this is exactly what has happened to many people who experience a Shen Yun performance,” Professor Zhang said.

Upon reviewing hundreds of recorded Shen Yun audience reviews over the years, the trend Professor Zhang described is certainly evident. In fact, this is one of the unique and fascinating aspects of Shen Yun: the substance of what audience members say right after stepping out of the theater. Gushing accolades are certainly not unique to Shen Yun—many performances around the world elicit wholesale praise. What’s fascinating about Shen Yun audiences is how often their comments go much deeper, talking about the performance as “therapy for the soul” and a “life-changing experience.”

All of this is not lost on the performers. In fact, for many, it’s their North Star.

“For many Shen Yun dancers, they usually started because they wanted to be artists, they wanted to dance or play music, or maybe they were just encouraged by their parents,” Lucas said. “As you progress at Shen Yun, however, you gain a more profound appreciation for the culture behind the art. That is, the thousands of years of virtues, and the fascinating stories and art forms that exhibit those virtues for the audience in a tangible way… in a way that makes them worthy of aspiring to.”

“But there’s something else,” Jesse interjected. “As we mature as artists and people, and as we spend more time touring with Shen Yun and seeing the impact on the audience, I think we all get a sense for how impactful the show can be… the possibility that on any given night, the audience can experience something really profound.”

“For us as dancers, I think we all feel a tremendous sense of responsibility to do well,” Jesse continued. “That responsibility can sometimes feel like a burden, but it also infuses our lives with tremendous meaning and purpose. Honestly, I can’t imagine wanting to do anything else.”

Lucas described how sometimes at night, after a long day of training and rehearsals, he crawls into bed, sore and exhausted, “but with a big smile on my face,” said Lucas.

“Dancing with Shen Yun is demanding… sometimes exhausting, and honestly achieving this level of artistry with the whole group as we refine and refine and refine every detail to ensure each piece will touch the audience… it can be frustrating because we all need to be in sync, and even if just one person is off, we need to work together to fix it.”

Lucas added, “To really succeed here as an artist, you’ve got to be willing to not only do your part individually, but ensure you’re helping everyone around you do the same thing. It can be exhausting, but… it’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. I feel fulfilled, like deep down, truly happy with this opportunity and the journey I’m on with all these great people.”

Lucas performs during the Techniques portion of the NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition. (Dai Bing)

Lucas smiled and then added, “Like Joe DiMaggio famously said: ‘I’d like to thank the Good Lord for making me a… well, not a Yankee, but a Shen Yun dancer!”

From a father’s perspective, Levi said he thinks Jesse and Lucas have found something that is “a great deal more” than just a dance career, and that it couldn’t have come at a more critical time.

“Honestly, I think there’s an epidemic in parenting and education across the country that inhibits young people from learning to grow, succeed, and lead rewarding lives,” said Levi.

“The sky-rocketing rates of depression and a whole host of other problems that are so prevalent in schools and universities across the country are the result. People need to develop a certain level of resilience so they overcome obstacles in life, and more importantly, they need to have a reason to do so. They need to find meaning for their lives that is wholesome and connected, in some way, with time-tested, universal values. Without this level of meaning, it’s easy to become bitter or lost.”

And the antidote to this epidemic?

“It’s Fei Tian and Shen Yun, without a doubt,” Levi said. “Actually, I’ve encouraged them [Shen Yun] to open up academies across the country. They really have a special recipe for developing young people. I always thought it would be great if more young people had a chance to become part of this. It would certainly give me more hope for the future of their generation, and the future in general.”

Jesse performs “Loyalty Amidst Corruption” during the Ninth NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition in 2021. Jesse received a silver award in the Junior Male Division. (Dai Bing)

All the World’s Their Stage

Vivian was excited. She’d never been to Prague before, and for this trip, they had a surprise.

For the past few years, Jesse and Lucas have toured with Shen Yun as part of their practicum at Fei Tian. This year, their troupe was opening the season with shows in Germany, Poland, and France.

“Vivian had always wanted to see Prague, and that is driving distance to Berlin so we decided to see some of Europe and surprise the boys in Berlin,” Levi said.

They landed in Prague on a crisp winter day, and found their way to their hotel nestled on the banks of the Vltava River that divides the old city. They explored the Charles Bridge, took in the famed Christmas markets, and even enjoyed one of the many chamber music concerts offered every night around the city during the holidays.

Two days later, they were in Berlin, at the Theater am Potsdamer Platz. Levi had bought tickets on the balcony so they wouldn’t be spotted. “We didn’t tell the boys or anyone we were coming,” he said.

After the performance, Levi and Vivian made their way to the side of the theater. There were some picnic tables near the performers’ entrance alongside a fountain. Small restaurants lined the small plaza. As the dancers and musicians emerged from the theater, Levi and Vivian kept their heads down.

Finally, Jesse emerged, and both his parents jumped up, “Bravo!” Jesse stared at them, the “Wha…?” not fully formed out of his mouth. They hugged and talked about their travels in Prague and up through Germany. Other members of the troupe stopped to say hello and chat. Lucas, the last of the performers to emerge, walked over to see what the commotion was.

Then, just as quickly as the crowd converged, it dispersed. The bus was waiting to take the troupe back to their hotel. Levi and Vivian said their goodbyes and watched their boys board the bus and drive away.

Curtain call at a Shen Yun Performing Arts performance. (Courtesy of Shen Yun)
(Samira Bouaou for American Essence)

After Berlin, their troupe had two more performances in Germany before going to Poland, and then France. They would start in Paris, and then work their way south performing in cities along the French Riviera. Then, one stop in Spain before flying back to the U.S. for shows later in the spring throughout the northeastern U.S.

Turning to Vivian, Levi said that both boys, in their young lives, have been to more cities and countries than he has in his entire life. “And they’re just getting started,” Vivian responded with a beaming smile.

Levi watched the bus fade into the Berlin night. He looked at Vivian and said “I need a minute.” Levi walked over to the fountain and began to cry.

Reflecting on the moment later, Levi said, “I was thinking about the journey we had all been on, and more specifically reflecting on my journey as a parent.”

“Honestly, I’ve had concerns about my parenting from the very beginning. Looking back, I can see so many times when I could have and should have done better as a parent. But that night in Berlin, as I watched them board the bus, I could see clearly what they have become, the life that Shen Yun has given them, and all my doubts and worries faded away.”

Levi paused for a moment, searching for the right words: “In a way, I feel like we’ve raised these boys together with Shen Yun: my wife and I gave them a foundation, but Shen Yun gave them direction and wings to soar, and for that, we’re eternally grateful.”


Can Ordinary Americans Solve the Country’s Toughest Social Issues? One Man in Memphis Is Showing the World That They Can

Businessman and pastor Lee Robbins knew how hard it was to return to society after prison. After a company employee committed financial fraud, Mr. Robbins took the fall and was sentenced to prison. Upon release, he encountered numerous obstacles in reestablishing a normal life. He knew he had to do something to help ex-offenders in even more difficult circumstances get back on their feet.

So he set up Vital Signs, a program that provides life coaching, housing, employment, and transportation so that ex-offenders can thrive and not end up in prison again. It partners with employers to get tax incentives for hiring ex-felons, while teaching the program participants how to manage a budget. Eventually, after participants get salaries, they pay program fees—essentially allowing the program to pay for itself. 

This is just one of the many stories told on the podcast “An Army of Normal Folks,” hosted by Bill Courtney. A businessman in Memphis, Tennessee, Mr. Courtney seeks to highlight the work of people making a difference.

Mr. Courtney invites people from all walks of life onto his podcast show. (Courtesy of An Army of Normal Folks)

Mr. Robbins is doing just that. Recidivism rates for ex-state prisoners average 68 percent for rearrest within the first three years after they are released, but of the 1,800 people who have participated in Vital Signs, only 2 percent have been rearrested.

“I tell people I don’t believe in second chances. … I’ve come to understand that they need better chances,” Mr. Robbins shared on the podcast. “You can give them a second, third, fourth, 90th time, and they’ll keep going to prison. Why? Because some of them never had a first chance.”

Mr. Courtney wants listeners to hear from these unsung heroes in the hopes of inspiring people to emulate their work, wherever there’s a problem that needs to be fixed. “The essence of America has always been … we the people built this place and we the people can fix it,” he said.

(Adhiraj Chakrabarti for American Essence)

Finding a Way

It’s not surprising that Mr. Courtney set out on this path; over a decade ago, he spent six years volunteer-coaching a high school football team in a rough north Memphis neighborhood, hoping to instill discipline and nurture talent in teens who come from unstable family environments. 

Having himself grown up fatherless while his mother remarried several times, he knew what that life was like. “Where I came from, I’m a lot more like those kids than my own kids,” he said. Mr. Courtney received loving mentorship from football coaches while playing the sport in school, and it inspired him to become a football coach himself. “When I graduated college, coaching football was more than just liking football; it was a calling, because those were the men that meant so much to me in my life,” he said. But when he and his wife welcomed four children into their lives, the schoolteacher salary was no longer enough to support the family. He started his own lumber company and did volunteer-coaching in his free time.

Mr. Courtney’s first passion is coaching football. He is influenced by the many sports coaches who mentored him during his formative years. (Courtesy of An Army of Normal Folks)

Mr. Courtney wanted to show the boys on the Manassas High School football team that somebody cared about them and their success. Filmmakers documented their underdog journey from repeated losses to entering the district playoffs, and the resulting film, “Undefeated,” won the 2012 Oscar for best documentary.

In 2022, a journalist interviewed Mr. Courtney for a national radio show about the impact of the “Undefeated” film, asking him the question: What should we as a society be doing to break the cycle of poverty and despair in America’s impoverished communities?

The question got him thinking. “There are roads and overpasses in every major city in the United States, that when you drive by them, you think, don’t let my car break down here. It’s not where you want a flat tire … because you’d get mugged.” Instead of just lamenting the situation, Mr. Courtney believed that “We’ve got to tilt that rearview mirror 15 degrees and look ourselves in the face and say, you know, maybe we ought to do something about that one day, because the government has proven woefully inadequate at caring for the most disadvantaged among us.” Six months later, the podcast producer called Mr. Courtney and proposed, what if they went out to look for the people who are actually doing something to address those social problems?

Mr. Courtney and the football team he coached at Manassas High School are the subjects of this Oscar-winning documentary. (The Weinstein Company/IMDB)

They got to work, and they found moving stories in every corner. The “Army of Normal Folks” podcast launched in June 2023, and it reached a peak during which there were 225,000 downloads in one week, making it among the top 10 most downloaded podcasts on Apple. Listeners soon began contacting Mr. Courtney with ideas of inspiring people to interview.

Each episode delves into the specifics of why the interviewee’s project worked. They act as a “blueprint” for whomever wants to replicate the proposed solution in one’s own community, Mr. Courtney said. The interviewee sometimes leaves a phone number so that interested listeners can be in touch.

The hope is that if a listener has the passion and skill to tackle the issue, he or she now has the tools to get started. “You no longer can say, ‘Hey, I’d like to do something good in the world, but I just don’t know how.’” That is how Mr. Courtney envisions they can literally grow an “army of normal folks.” 

Mr. Courtney poses with Luke Mickelson, founder of Sleep in Heavenly Peace, an organization that provides children in need with comfortable beds. (An Army of Normal Folks)

Ripples of Change

Mr. Courtney is continually surprised at the creative solutions people come up with. One recent story came full circle. On one of the episodes, he interviewed Luke Mickelson, who founded an organization called Sleep in Heavenly Peace to provide beds for children who live in poverty and don’t have their own bed. Mr. Mickelson found out by chance how prevalent this issue was. While trying to get his kids off the couch one day, he decided to start a hands-on woodworking project with them and make a bunk bed for fun. He then decided to post on Facebook to offer the bed to whomever needed it. To his surprise, several people replied to his post, explaining that their children didn’t have a bed to sleep on. Mr. Mickelson then pulled together a group of volunteers to help build more. Since he started Sleep in Heavenly Peace in 2012, the organization has expanded to more than 300 chapters in 44 states, and it has delivered more than 140,000 beds to children in need. 

A Florida pastor heard the podcast episode and shared it with a man he knew who ran an orphanage in Haiti—who in turn became inspired because his orphanage had a wood shop; the children at the orphanage started making beds for other children in Haiti who had no bed to sleep on. 

There’s no special criteria for determining whether a person can be featured on the podcast—other than that he or she must be an ordinary American, not someone with influence and power. “We normal people deal with cancer, sickness, sadness, child death. … Each of these people we profile deals with one or more of those things,” he said. Despite their struggles, they choose to continue to serve others. 

Mr. Courtney believes that that spirit is deeply rooted in how this country was founded. “It is always going to be about ‘We the People,’ an army of normal folks, not doing stuff because it’s easy, but exactly the opposite—doing stuff despite the barriers we have to overcome.”

He hopes this spirit—amplified through the podcast—can help us as a nation collectively move past the current divisiveness. “Can you imagine what our culture would look like if that was the narrative about us, rather than the narrative that’s coming out of D.C. and the national news?” 

From May Issue, Volume IV

Features American Success

How Former Supermodel Kathy Ireland Built a Multi-Billion-Dollar Company by Instilling Trust Into a Brand Name

It all started with selling rocks. When Kathy Ireland was 4 years old, she collected rocks, painted them, and, with her sister, took them door to door in a little wagon. The going price was 5 cents apiece.

That entrepreneurial drive “was in my DNA,” she told American Essence. With her parents’ encouragement, she ran with it, putting up lemonade stands, washing neighbors’ cars, and designing jewelry—whatever she could find to do.

At age 11, she got her first serious job: a newspaper delivery bike route, up and down the hills of her Southern California town, with 100 customers. Her dad told her to give it 110 percent—if customers expected the papers in their driveway, he said, put it on their porch. That lesson in under-promising and over-delivering stayed with her ever since.

To some, Ms. Ireland is best known for her modeling work in the 1980s and 1990s. She graced many magazine covers, including Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and Glamour. Sports Illustrated featured her in its swimsuit issues 13 consecutive times, including its best-selling 1989 swimsuit issue.

Many ask how she pivoted from modeling to business, but to Ms. Ireland, it wasn’t a pivot. Modeling simply helped her save money for college and fund her entrepreneurial ventures. Even during her modeling years, she was trying her hand at various businesses—and failing a lot, too. But as any entrepreneur knows, failure is an education in itself. In that respect, “I’m very well educated,” she has said in other interviews, with a knowing smile.

Ms. Ireland believes her early jobs contributed to her fearlessness. “I always worked, and I’m grateful because as I grew, it gave me confidence that I could walk away if the circumstances were not good. … I knew I could do anything else for a living.” She’d experienced so much rejection in the modeling business that she became accustomed to it.

Ms. Ireland said actress Elizabeth Taylor taught her a lot about jewelry: “She really educated me so much, looking for the quality inside, outside, every angle.” (Courtesy of Jon Carrasco)

Growing Her Company

In the early ’90s, as Ms. Ireland neared her 30s, modeling work grew more scarce. She got to thinking of business ideas that could leverage the appeal of her household name.

Swimsuits were an obvious choice—too obvious for her liking.

But she liked the idea of socks.

The idea was sparked when a request to model socks came her way. Someone else might have turned her nose at the offer. But Ms. Ireland liked the quality of the socks, and she liked the people who got in touch with the request—John and Marilyn Moretz of North Carolina—even more. In the end, she partnered with them, working with her team to put in sweat equity and lend her design flair to the socks; Moretz Mills would manufacture and distribute them.

The choice of product might seem unglamorous, but for Ms. Ireland, it was strategic. The kathy ireland socks served as a litmus test for her brand.

“Whatever little smidgen of celebrity I might have had back in the days when I modeled, I knew it wasn’t enough for a brand and that women were too smart to buy something just because it had my name on it,” she said.

If she could earn the trust of women—specifically busy moms—by offering a product that combined quality and value, then she knew her brand had a chance of succeeding in the long run.

It turned out that socks were just the beginning. Ms. Ireland’s brand licensing company, kathy ireland Worldwide, launched in 1993. As co-founder and chair emeritus, Ms. Ireland took feedback extremely seriously, “taking marching orders from [women],” listening to their needs and coming up with solutions to make moms’ lives better.

She expanded her customer base and diversified the industries she worked in. After developing her line of socks, she went into home furnishings on the advice of Warren Buffett, who told her that home products enjoyed more stability than fashion. These were followed by office furniture, event planning, jewelry (Elizabeth Taylor mentored her), apparel, and real estate, among other industries.

Ms. Ireland’s name now lends its Midas touch to over 17,000 products and services. Those include partnerships with MainStreetChamber Holdings, Your Home Digital, BMG, and Philip Stein Watches; and with retailers spanning from HSN, Camping World, and Nebraska Furniture Mart, to Bed, Bath & Beyond,, Macy’s Backstage, and many more.

Because kathy ireland Worldwide is a private company, owned solely by Ms. Ireland, business numbers aren’t shared publicly. Forbes estimated it generated $3.1 billion in retail sales in 2021. In 2022, Ms. Ireland was inducted into the Licensing Hall of Fame.

As she expanded into various fields, she met with plenty of skeptics and naysayers. “I never liked limits,” she said.

“People said fintech was also an area that we couldn’t move into though nobody had a good reason why, so today we work in the area of credit card processing.”

What makes ireland Pay different from other such services, though, is that 51 percent of the company’s revenue goes to nonprofit causes.

Making a commitment to nonprofit causes is a requirement for any company that kathy ireland Worldwide partners with.

“Something that we do insist upon is that you’re giving back, and we have a list of 10 initiatives that cover everything from supporting our military veterans and their families, fighting human trafficking, working to eradicate disease, hunger, and poverty, [as well as] environmental issues.” It doesn’t need to be a financial contribution, Ms. Ireland explained, but could be a commitment to spread awareness or volunteer staff time.

“We just want to know that if we’re going to invest the time and resources to work together, that we will honor our vision statement—to teach, inspire, empower, and make our world better.”

Ms. Ireland foresees significant growth in the next few years, focusing on products “that might not necessarily have the biggest profit margins but [are] more frequently purchased.

“As we’re learning about the needs and daily struggles that people have,” she’s asking: “How can we make a difference here?”

“Even though we’ve been in business for a very long time, I really feel we’re a baby business,” she said. “We’re just getting started.”

Ms. Ireland and businessman Warren Buffett at the annual newspaper-throwing contest at a Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting. “He’s got a few years on me, but he’s really good,” Ms. Ireland said. Both had newspaper delivery jobs when they were young. (Courtesy of Jon Carrasco)

Guiding Principles

Faith is always first for Ms. Ireland. From it, she derives her stamina and perseverance. It also underlined for her the need to consider others more important than herself.

Her philanthropy is extensive, supporting the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation as International Youth Chair; the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation; the Fallen Outdoors, which organizes outdoor adventures for veterans; and Hardwired Global, which advocates freedom of conscience, religion, and belief; among many others.

Ms. Ireland learned a great deal about philanthropy from one of her mentors, actress Elizabeth Taylor. “Her life was big. Her heart was bigger,” Ms. Ireland said. Her philanthropy “had a laser focus.” From her, she learned that “when you work in the area of nonprofit, it’s much like a public company, because you’re responsible for other people’s money.”

When asked about the legacy she wants to leave, Ms. Ireland was incredibly humble. Her simplicity and wisdom shone through as she spoke.

“Well, there’s a song I really like. It says, ‘I don’t want to leave a legacy. I don’t care if they remember me. Only Jesus.’”

“So I hope my life can point others to the love of the Lord. Not everybody on my team shares the same faith. But my faith is most important to me. I don’t really need anybody to remember me, but if they do, that’s what I would like them to know.”

(Courtesy of Jon Carrasco)

4 Questions for Kathy Ireland

American Essence: You’re such a confident woman. Where do your confidence and your fearlessness come from?

Kathy Ireland: I was the most awkward, shy kid. I couldn’t make eye contact. I love getting older, I really do. I hope I stay healthy. The things that I used to be concerned about, I’m not concerned about [anymore]. I’m not concerned about other people’s opinions of me. I don’t feel like I have to impress anybody, and there’s a lot of freedom in that. It really comes from my faith. In my favorite book, it says over 500 times, “Don’t be afraid. Have courage.” I believe the Lord tells us that because he knows that we can struggle with it. That doesn’t mean that things aren’t hard. We have good days and bad days. Life can be really intense. But I don’t have fear. One of the scriptures that I love is, “If He is with us, who can be against us?”

AE: What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in life? What are you proudest of?

Ms. Ireland: Our children. I can’t take credit for that, but it’s more [that] it’s such an honor to be their mom. They’re grown now. We have three kids, Erik, Lily, and Chloe. Erik is married to Bethany, [whom] we love. We claim her, too, but we have to share her with her parents. And we have two grandbabies.

AE: You’ll have been married for 36 years this year. What are your secrets to a long, happy marriage?

Ms. Ireland: [My husband] Greg is amazing. But, it is really looking at marriage not as a contract, but as a covenant with God. When we have the days when maybe I’m not being so lovable, or he’s not being so lovable, we remember it’s OK, it’s not just a promise we made to each other. We made a promise to God as well, that He’s at the center of it. … We need that so that we can see each other through God’s eyes, even when the person isn’t being lovable. He gives us supernatural strength to love the unlovable. And that’s really how we have managed to get through, because every marriage has its ups and downs and challenges and struggles. I think also as you get older, you learn how to change your expectations, not lower them—that takes away respect—but change and recognize that you’ve got two failed people coming together. So you know, how are we going to make this work? And you get in your solution mode.

I’m grateful because He’s solid. He’s not a quitter, and I’m not either. Another scripture that I love is, “Consider others as more important than yourself.” And that is true, whether it’s life or business.

AE: What do you love about America?

Ms. Ireland: Having had the privilege of traveling the world and experiencing wonderful places, I really appreciate the freedom that we have in this country and the Judeo-Christian values that it was founded upon, which promises freedom to everyone regardless of their faith—including those who have no faith at all. Those freedoms are for everyone, and I love that.

This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

From May Issue, Volume IV


From Playing a Power Ranger to Becoming a Mom Entrepreneur, Actress Jessica Rey Is a Positive Influence

“Where did you get that?” The first time Jessica Rey wore her self-designed swimsuit to the pool, other girls wanted to know. The actress—best known for her role as Alyssa the White Power Ranger in the 2002 TV series Power Rangers Wild Force—spent a lot of time at the pool between jobs in Hollywood, and owned around 100 bikinis. But this swimsuit was different: It was a simple, ruched one-piece reminiscent of the 1950s, based on the vintage styles she loved but modernized with swim-friendly fabric. She had designed it and asked a roommate to sew it for her because she could not find a one-piece in stores that made her feel good.

She realized she wasn’t alone.

That was the impetus for her business Rey Swimwear, designing flattering, feminine, and functional swimwear for women who’d rather not wear a bikini. “I’m trying to give women an option to feel beautiful in their own skin, in their own swimsuit, and feel confident,” Ms. Rey said.

Ms. Rey’s swimwear line focuses on feminine, elegant designs that don’t show a lot of skin. (Cynthia Garcia)

Her foray into entrepreneurship followed a personal journey with modesty—a concept she initially disliked. But as she dove deeper into her faith, she came to a new understanding of modesty as “wanting to uphold the God-given dignity that we are made with, for ourselves,” she said. “I started paying attention to the way I was being treated when I was wearing revealing clothing, and I didn’t like it. So I decided to stop.”

Ms. Rey co-authored a coffee table book, “Decent Exposure,” in 2015, and launched a clothing line, Estella, in 2017. Now, in between running her businesses and brainstorming new ventures, she continues to attend Power Ranger conventions, where she loves meeting fans, and homeschools her three children, ages 10, 11, and 13.

How does she balance it all? American Essence spoke with Ms. Rey about her daily routines, what keeps her inspired, and making the world her family’s classroom.

The first thing I do when I wake up is: offer up a morning prayer. That is the priority. The morning prayer is what I’m going to offer my sufferings and intentions for that day. Then, while I’m still in bed and with my red light on, I do a daily gospel reflection using the Hallow App.

I take care of my health by: creating daily habits. I find that if you don’t have a routine when it comes to this kind of stuff, it’s not going to get done, because who really wants to take supplements or exercise?

I follow my wellness routine as soon as I wake up. I get up and go bounce on my trampoline, which really gets my lymphatic system going and also wakes me up! I am so into weird holistic things. My vision has been going bad, so I’m following a program to improve my vision naturally: While I’m bouncing, I look at something far away for 10 seconds, and then I focus on something close up for 10 seconds, and I go back and forth. Then I go and drink a glass of homemade kefir and go into the office and answer emails while I walk on my under-desk treadmill.

I keep a written checklist, and so in the morning when I do all the health and wellness things on my list, I check them off, and that actually motivates me for the rest of the day. Oh look, I just checked five things off my list—I feel like a rock star!

Something that’s been on my mind lately is: getting into the tween girls’ clothing sector. My daughter is now 11, and I’m discovering that appropriate clothing is hard to find for her. Where do we buy shorts or skirts or dresses for this age group that aren’t mini? It just doesn’t exist for them. I’m seeking out a business partner because my specialty is swimwear.

Ms. Rey’s family photo. (Courtesy of Jessica Rey)

What people get wrong about modesty is: thinking it’s just about clothing. Modesty encompasses not just the way you dress but the way you act, behave, the way others treat you, and your way of thinking and carrying yourself. It has to do with beauty. We are all made beautiful and unique, and what are we going to do with that beauty?

My role models are: Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn. They are so beautiful and elegant. I think their style of clothing is so flattering for most body types, and also really functional.

My personal role model is my mom. She passed away 15 years ago, and she’ll forever influence how I live my life. She was so supportive, always. When I got the job as a Power Ranger, I was two classes away from finishing my MBA. I had to tell my mom, who was so excited about my MBA, that I was going to stop school for a year to go and be a Power Ranger. She had no idea what a Power Ranger was. She was like, ‘You’re going to forego your MBA to be a cartoon character?!’ She did not understand it. She was so upset. But then when the very first episode aired on TV, I went to my parents’ house and watched it with them and she was so proud she cried.

One thing I didn’t expect about being a Power Ranger was: that being on that show would have such an impact on people, and that I would still to this day be meeting fans.

On set, we would often have Make a Wish Foundation kids come. Their last and final wish was to meet us—and I couldn’t wrap my head around it. The very first visitor we had was named Joseph. He was a tiny little boy and he had leukemia. We had been told he was coming and to prepare ourselves, and I didn’t even know what that meant—prepare myself? On set, with cameras on my face, I saw the door open and in walked this pale 5-year-old wearing a blue Power Ranger costume, and I lost it. I just started bawling.

Ms. Rey with young Joseph. (Courtesy of Jessica Rey)

I stayed with him for the rest of the day and got to know his parents. I told his mom, ‘I just know he’s going to be fine. When we wrap this show in a year, I’m going to fly to New York City and I’m going to come hang out with you guys.’ So that was the first place I went when we wrapped the show: I flew to NYC for the first time. We went to the arcade, we had lunch, and I went to their house. I’m happy to say that Joseph is still alive and we are still friends.

As a mom, my homeschooling philosophy is: make it up as we go along. Every day is different, and I think that’s what makes it fun and engaging. One day we might cook all day, and the next day we might do math and writing. We do lots of outings. We have a nature group that we go out with a couple of times a month.

Ms. Rey homeschooling her children. (Courtesy of Jessica Rey)

They learn a lot while we travel—how to make pots in Italy, how to fresco paint in Croatia. We’re going to Umbria, Italy, for the month of May. I’ve set up cooking classes and horseback riding lessons; we’ll go to leatherwork workshops; there’s an amazing insect museum there. The kids will have Italian lessons a couple times a week. A lot of it is hands-on—that’s what makes it exciting.

My favorite way to unwind is: traveling with my family. Seeing the world through my kids’ eyes is so wonderful. My parents worked so hard and taught us the value of work. My mom always said that she would enjoy life when she retired, but sadly, she died a year before retirement. So we teach our kids the value of hard work, but we also want to teach them how to live and enjoy life now. We want to show them that there needs to be a proper balance.

From May Issue, Volume IV


John Delony Makes the Case for Choosing Reality

Over the years, John Delony has found his calling in “sitting with people,” whether that’s counseling distraught students, comforting grieving parents, or advising brokenhearted husbands or wives.

“I want people’s days to be a little more peaceful after they’ve interacted with me than before,” he said.

On “The Dr. John Delony Show,” which reaches 200,000 weekly listeners, he offers advice to callers in difficult situations: the man who has secretly cheated on his wife for years; the middle-aged woman who’s never had a real friend. Mr. Delony listens deeply. But he also interrupts people and dishes out, as needed, tough love or encouragement. The advice is usually simple. Putting it into action is usually hard—but then again, so is taking no action at all.

“I’m probably the most hopeful person you’re going to find,” Mr. Delony said. He has counseled parents who have lost their children in tragic circumstances—and witnessed their resilience and growth as they later helped bereaved parents in similar situations.

“We spent so many years talking about post-traumatic stress that we have completely not talked about the other side of that teeter-totter, which is post-traumatic growth—the extraordinary things people do on the back end of tragic moments and seasons. And so I believe in our collective ability to do really hard things.”

On his show, Mr. Delony takes calls from listeners and gives them the advice they need. (Courtesy of John Delony)

Anxiety Is a Smoke Alarm

In his new book, “Building a Non-Anxious Life,” Mr. Delony tackles the subject of anxiety and outlines its main triggers: loneliness and disconnection from family, friends, or community; sensing you’re unsafe; an unhealthy, sleep-deprived, or overstimulated body; dealing with trauma or other concerns; and a lack of autonomy or freedom in your life.

Polls and studies indicate increasing levels of anxiety. An annual poll conducted by the American Psychiatric Association from May 2023 assessing people’s feelings about current events found that 70 percent of adult respondents said they felt anxious or extremely anxious about keeping themselves or their families safe—an increase of 6 percent over 2020. That same month, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued an advisory calling “our epidemic of loneliness and isolation … an underappreciated public health crisis.”

Parting ways with the more conventional viewpoint that “everybody’s increasingly more and more broken,” Mr. Delony redefines anxiety as a normal function that alerts us to something gone wrong.

“We have innate safety mechanisms,” he explained. “Our bodies know when we’re not safe. Our bodies know when we’re lonely.” When your marriage, relationship with your kids, or financial life is on the rocks, your body knows it.

He compares anxiety to a smoke alarm that alerts you when a fire’s burning. And the first step to putting it out is to acknowledge the fire.

An Old Roadmap

When you picture anxiety, you might think of someone drowning his or her sorrows in a few pints of beer at the bar. But people can resort to coping through different unhealthy mechanisms: the unrelenting pursuit of status and money (which can look like success on the surface); out-of-control shopping sprees; getting into fights; doomscrolling on social media; and endless worrying, among many other behaviors.

But there are positive ways to go from a reality check to a peaceful life. Those entail cultivating a life filled with connection with others, autonomy (including being debt-free), mindfulness, good health, and a belief in something higher than ourselves. It seems like common sense, but as Mr. Delony points out, in an age of self-actualization where “people chase the best feeling possible,” these principles are not always popular.

(Courtesy of John Delony)

Mr. Delony’s book is partly dedicated to his grandparents, David and Addell Delony, who were married for 73 years and raised four children in their 900-square-foot house. During their long marriage, they were firmly anchored in a faith community. Their home was peaceful and devoid of anxiety—though they certainly faced difficulties, such as living through the Great Depression.

“They had a tiny house and they didn’t have new clothes. But when he died, it turned out he had a whole bunch of money he left my grandmother so that she could get the care that she needed in her final days,” Mr. Delony said.

“It wasn’t about getting a bunch of money, the newest technology, or flashy things. It was about getting up and doing the same thing over and over every day, and loving those closest to you and being a member of a community and neighborhood,” Mr. Delony said. “And it’s a pretty remarkable road map.”

His Own Journey

Mr. Delony is no stranger to anxiety, and he has been transparent about his own struggles and how he’s worked to heal himself. He grew up poor and, for many years, earned many academic degrees—markers of status and security—and accumulated massive debt. In certain seasons of his life, work came first, while he fell into old patterns of neglecting his family, friends, and his own health.

For example, there was a time when his young daughter refused to hug him. At first, the way she ducked away was cute, but her persistent behavior became cause for concern. He didn’t yell at home, and he wasn’t threatening, so he was puzzled. But he came to realize, thanks to his wife’s gentle counsel, that the “nuclear reactor in his chest” was affecting his daughter. Kids can, in effect, absorb our feelings—hidden though they may be.

Mr. Delony often talks about the importance of parents and mentors as models, and he knew that he had to do the inner work and get some counseling.

(Courtesy of John Delony)

“​​If you are surrounded by loving, caring parents and grandparents, extended family, and a community that you can feel has your best interest at heart, that is the soil from which inner wisdom is born,” he said.

Mr. Delony and his daughter now enjoy a close relationship, but he has become more conscious about his priorities and what he needs to do to recharge, including spending time with family, getting outdoors with guy friends, and going to a spiritual counselor.

We live in a time and age where there is no shortage of anxiety, or “smoke alarms” going off, whether in real life or online. Contemplating the state of our world through our screens can be especially paralyzing. When Mr. Delony looks at the divisive barbs that fly on social media, he said, “I don’t see a path forward for us unless we can re-engage the ability to sit down with people and laugh and carry on and have very different beliefs about certain things.”

But when it comes to our influence over our relationships and our community, the old road map his grandparents passed down held true then and holds true now. It provides a time-tested path “to make our neighborhoods better, to make our families better,” Mr. Delony said. “We’re gonna start there.” On the road of life, what better place to start, indeed?

From May Issue, Volume IV