
How a Sleep Doctor to Elite Athletes Builds the Perfect Bedtime Routine

“Sleep is not the end of today; it is the beginning of tomorrow,” said Dr. Cheri D. Mah. “How you invest in your sleep tonight will impact how you feel and perform tomorrow.”

Dr. Mah, a specialist in sleep optimization for elite athletes and sports organizations, has spent more than 15 years teaching this “small but powerful shift in mindset” to her high-performing clients, which have included Olympic gold medalists, the Super Bowl-winning Philadelphia Eagles, executives, and the military. A physician and adjunct lecturer at the Stanford Health Care Sleep Medicine Center, Dr. Mah got her start studying under Dr. William C. Dement, known as the father of sleep medicine.

She knows well the power of a good night’s rest. Take the success story of one of her clients, former NBA star Andre Iguodala. Recognizing that his career was coming to an end, 28-year-old Iguodala worked with Dr. Mah for several months to improve his unhealthy sleep habits. The next season, his three-point percentage more than doubled, his free throw percentage increased by almost 9 percent, and his fouls and turnovers decreased by 45 and 37 percent. He was named the NBA Finals MVP, and went on to win four NBA championships with the Golden State Warriors and play for nearly 10 more years.

The rest of us can also reap the benefits of better sleep, Dr. Mah said, including improved alertness, decision-making, and physical performance and recovery. She shared her own bedtime best practices.

(Courtesy of Dr. Cheri Mah)

American Essence: What are the most common mistakes that are undermining our sleep quality?

Dr. Cheri Mah: Lack of a regular wind-down routine. Prioritizing time to relax can help your brain and body prepare to sleep. Take five to 10 minutes for a relaxing activity, i.e., reading, breathing exercises, or meditation. If you have a racing mind in bed, take an additional five to 10 minutes outside of bed, before your relaxing activity, to journal or write a to-do list.

An inconsistent sleep schedule. Our bodies like regularity.

Spending too much time in bed not sleeping. If you’re doing work, using devices, or doing other stimulating activities while in bed, these associations can negatively impact sleep at night.

A sleep schedule that is not synchronized with your chronotype. It’s best for a lark to sleep earlier and wake earlier, rather than try to operate on an owl sleep schedule.

Undiagnosed sleep disorders. Obstructive sleep apnea is incredibly common—about 26 percent of 30- to 70-year-olds have it—as is insomnia. If you have concerns, reach out to a sleep physician.

AE: What does your own wind-down routine look like?

Dr. Mah: I start by taking a hot shower 90 minutes before bedtime. This timing has been shown to help you fall asleep faster and increase deep sleep, as it allows sufficient time for your core body temperature to decrease, which naturally occurs when you fall asleep. You don’t want to increase your core body temperature right before sleeping.

I have a daily alarm on my phone that reminds me to wrap up my day in the next 30 minutes, so I can stay on track to hit my targeted bedtime. I use dim lights in my living spaces and bedroom to signal that it’s time to prepare to sleep. I often write a to-do list to process my thoughts for the day and prepare for tomorrow. I then do breathing exercises, reading, or light stretching before turning out the lights.

A regular wind-down routine, including a relaxing activity such as reading, can help your brain and body prepare to sleep. (Shakirov Albert/Shutterstock)

AE: How about your morning routine?

Dr. Mah: I aim to wake up at 7:15 a.m. every day. I try to get morning sunlight soon after waking up, starting with breakfast by the windows or going outside, to increase alertness and lock in my body clock. I drink water to rehydrate and enjoy a coffee to start my day.

I’m at my best when I get eight to nine hours of sleep. When I’m not able to, I often take a 20- to 30-minute afternoon power nap to boost alertness, and try to extend my sleep during subsequent nights to pay back accumulated sleep debt.

Sleep quality starts with choices you make during the day. I exercise regularly; finish meals at least two to three hours before sleeping; and take a 30-minute walk with my family after dinner every day.

AE: What are your essential sleep tools?

Dr. Mah: Blackout curtains or an adjustable eye mask, to eliminate light from any sleep environment.

Eight Sleep, a temperature-controlled mattress cover that provides 55- to 110-degree-F temperature control.

Coop Sleep Goods Eden Adjustable Pillow. (

An adjustable pillow, such as the Eden pillow from Coop Sleep Goods.

A white noise machine to mask external noises. I bring a travel-size white noise machine on the road and use a smart white noise machine by Adaptive Sound Technologies at home.

Sound+Sleep SE Special Edition High Fidelity Sleep Sound Machine. (

AE: If you’re struggling to fall asleep or go back to sleep, what are your go-to strategies to help?

Dr. Mah: Try a sleep reset: Get out of bed, go to another room, and do a relaxing activity for 20 minutes in dim light. Avoid devices. Then try to go back to sleep. Don’t lie awake in bed for hours!

AE: If you could tell someone to do just one thing to improve their sleep quality, what would it be?

Dr. Mah: Start with one to two changes tonight. Small, gradual adjustments are best.

Make your bedroom like a cave—dark, quiet, cool (60 to 67 degrees F), comfortable, and consistent.

Aim for at least seven hours of sleep each night. There is individual variation, so you may need eight to nine-plus hours to feel refreshed and alert. If you’re not there yet, the good news is that even 15 more minutes of sleep each night makes a difference.

AE: What recent advancements in sleep science are you most excited about?

Dr. Mah: The brain’s glymphatic system was a fascinating discovery. Waste and byproducts are eliminated during sleep, including byproducts implicated in neurodegenerative diseases. These studies suggest how critical of a role sleep has every day.

From March Issue, Volume IV


Singer-Songwriter Tasha Layton: ‘I Feel an Innate Sense of Calling From God to Do What I Do’

Tasha Layton has thrived since her days as a contestant on “American Idol” and a backstage vocalist for Katy Perry. After turning down a solo career in pop music, she released several successful Christian singles, including “Into The Sea (It’s Gonna Be OK)” and the smash hit “Look What You’ve Done,” which landed her on Billboard’s list of top 5 female Christian artists of the year in 2020 and 2021. She is currently wrapping up her Trust Again tour across the United States.

In this interview with American Essence, the South Carolina native shares about her life—from being mom to her kids Levi and Lyla, to launching a mental health initiative inspired by her own story. Through it all, faith and family are front and center.

Layton performs in Milwaukee, Wis. Tasha Layton/BEC Recordings

American Essence: What is your morning routine like?

Tasha Layton: My morning routine is being woken from a dead sleep to chaos every morning. My children are 4 and 7, and so I may or may not have washed off my makeup from the night before, and I literally hit the ground running.

There’s no routine right now in my life, which I am sad about, but I know that will come as my kids get a little bit older. I know that I’ll fall back into a routine, but I do try to wash my face every day, but I don’t have a normal cleanser either. I mean, it’s literally just chaos and no rhythm. The only rhythm that I definitely don’t sway from is my time doing daily devotionals.

AE: Any daily wellness practices that keep you grounded?

Ms. Layton: My time in meditation and prayer every day with my Bible and my journal—that is the one that I don’t miss. I really want to take better care of myself physically, but as a mom, I haven’t been able to find that balance yet. And sometimes, for folks looking at my life from the outside in, they might think I have it all together, but I really don’t.

AE: What is something that people might be surprised to find out about you?

Ms. Layton: Before I had children, I was an adrenaline junkie. I skydived, bungee jumped, did extreme scuba diving, rafting, and other things like that. I just loved doing extreme things. And then when I had kids, I didn’t do any of it anymore, because I just wanted to stay safe for them.

Layton with her husband, Keith Everette Smith, and two children, Levi and Lyla. (Tasha Layton/BEC Recordings)

AE: What is your favorite part of the day?

Ms. Layton: I love the time in the evening when I get to snuggle my kids on the couch, or read to them at night before they go to bed. That’s my favorite time of the day. My husband and I weren’t able to have kids, we weren’t supposed to be able to have kids, and so our children are miracles and huge blessings to us.

AE: What has motherhood taught you?

Ms. Layton: I learned something new about God all the time because of my kids, how much God loves us, how much grace He shows us, how much patience He shows us, ways that He knows better than we do about certain things. And, like a good parent, you’re going to give your kids what they need, not always what they want. You don’t know what you’re capable of until you become a mother, because you’re operating under extreme exhaustion and beyond the capacity you thought you had, and somehow you get it all done.

AE: What is your favorite family tradition?

Ms. Layton: One of my favorite times together as a family is when we are home from traveling and we go out for Mexican food and ice cream. We do it regularly, and it’s easy. We don’t have to think about it—we know what we’re going to get to eat. My kids love that time. They get so excited for ice cream at this age, so we really love just time together as a family, since we travel so much.

AE: What inspires you and keeps you going on tough days?

Ms. Layton: It’s a combination of two things. The first is that I feel an innate sense of calling from God to do what I do, and, thus, the grace to do it. And the second is that I hear stories every night when speaking with people after events and concerts of how my music has inspired them or changed their lives. Hearing that encouragement from them is also a big deal for me.

AE: How does your faith show up in everyday life or guide your daily decisions?

Ms. Layton: My faith shows up in every single decision I make every single day—how I respond when my kids are fighting, my tone when my husband brings up something to talk about, or how I greet the Amazon delivery person at my doorstep. It’s how I treat people. Doing what I do for a living, I have a very large team, and it’s how they feel treated—and do they feel loved? Do they sense that I am wanting the best for them?

AE: What is your ultimate goal as an artist, and how do you hope to impact others?

Ms. Layton: My ultimate goal with music is to help people connect with God, and, by helping people connect with God, that helps bring them freedom and joy in life. Those are the things that I’m aiming for every time I write a song, to connect people with Him.

Layton performs during the 10th Annual K-LOVE Fan Awards at The Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tenn. on May 28, 2023. (Terry Wyatt/Getty Images)

AE: How does your faith influence the messages you want to convey through your music?

Ms. Layton: When you write Christian music, you are essentially teaching theology to the masses. With theology, being the study of God, you have to be very careful about what you’re writing. I want to get a theologically sound message out to the masses and to help people know and experience the love of God at a level maybe they hadn’t before. And when I’m writing a song, I have that in mind, both making sure that the song is scripturally sound and also just a healthy song. I’m not going to write about the things that other pop artists write about. I’m going to write about heart issues and keep God at the center of it all.

AE: Where do you find inspiration for your music?

Ms. Layton: The biggest inspiration I’ve had so far has been my own experience—the low points of my life, the struggles, the honest questions I’ve had—but as I continue to do what I do on the level that I do it now, it’s also being inspired from the people who come to my events and tell me their stories. Other people’s stories have been very inspiring for me over the last year, and I definitely consider those stories when I’m writing music.

AE: What songs have you gotten the most feedback on?

Ms. Layton: Probably one of my biggest songs to date is a song called “Into the Sea,” and I think people have really gravitated to that song because the chorus says “It’s Gonna Be OK.” And we live in such a season as a culture of anxiety and fear, and hearing the message “It’s gonna be OK” is very important.
As a person of faith, I don’t believe that just because we have faith, our life is going to be easy or free from distress or obstacles, but I do believe that God’s presence will always be with us, and that our faith sees us through those things and walks through those things with us. That song has definitely been a huge anthem for people. And then I have another one called “Look What You’ve Done.” That’s my life’s testimony in a song. That one has become an anthem for a lot of people as well.

AE: Who has had the most significant influence on your life or career?

Ms. Layton: My husband has had the most influence on my career, because he is the one who believes in me and pushes me to do all that God has called me to do, and I can’t fake it in front of him and get out of anything. He’s gonna be that voice to say, “You can do this.”

AE: What is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve received in your career, and how did it impact you?

Ms. Layton: When I was a young girl, my mom told me, “Tasha, be who you’re supposed to be, and you will become exactly who you’re supposed to become,” and she said, “Be who you’re supposed to, and you’ll do exactly what you’re supposed to do.”

I think when we focus on our character and our internal integrity and self, somehow, the externals just handle themselves—jobs and open doors and all of that. It handles itself when you focus on your character and on being more like Christ. And I’ve carried that with me my whole life.

AE: If you could sit down with your younger self at the start of your career, what advice would you give her?

Ms. Layton: I wish that I would have lived with the fear of God and not the fear of man. I was so concerned with what people thought of me that I wasn’t living courageously or vulnerably. It wasn’t until I knew how loved and special I was, and that God feels that way about every single person on this planet. It wasn’t until then that I truly stepped out courageously into what I felt like I was supposed to do in life, because I knew that I didn’t have to be afraid of what people thought.

(Tasha Layton/BEC Recordings)

AE: What projects are you most excited about right now?

Ms. Layton: I have three things I’m very excited about right now. One is a live worship record that is releasing this year. And then, I also have a full-length studio project releasing as well. The third thing that I’m very excited about is, I began a Christian mental health initiative in 2024 called Boundless.

It was really birthed from my own mental health struggle because I have a suicide attempt and depression in my history, and I went through a process with God and my therapist that really got me through and set me free from all of that. It was so special that I wrote a book about it to help people walk through that same process, to experience the kind of freedom that I had experienced. The book turned into a workbook that turned into a leader guide, and then I wrote a kids’ book, and now it’s an online course. My aim is to help people reach a sense of holistic health in their life that’s not just, you know, taking a pill for everything or praying it away. It’s this balance of what we need in every area of our life to be whole and healthy. But it began out of my own process of freedom, from lies I believed when I was a kid about God, about myself, about other people. We’ve put a lot of work into that this year, and I believe that the music in what we’re doing is working hand in hand to help people find that freedom.

Layton’s song “Look What You’ve Done” has become an anthem for many people. (Tasha Layton/BEC Recordings)

AE: What is a dream project or collaboration you haven’t tackled yet, but hope to in the future?

Ms. Layton: I would love to build an intensive counseling center where people can escape and go explore their own history and get healed up from past wounds and trauma.

AE: How does your faith influence the messages you want to convey through your music?

Ms. Layton: When you write Christian music, you are essentially teaching theology to the masses. With theology, being the study of God, you have to be very careful about what you’re writing. I want to get a theologically sound message out to the masses and to help people know and experience the love of God at a level maybe they hadn’t before. And when I’m writing a song, I have that in mind, both making sure that the song is scripturally sound and also just a healthy song. I’m not going to write about the things that other pop artists write about. I’m going to write about heart issues and keep God at the center of it all.

AE: How does your faith show up in everyday life or guide your daily decisions?

Ms. Layton: My faith shows up in every single decision I make every single day—how I respond when my kids are fighting, my tone when my husband brings up something to talk about, or how I greet the Amazon delivery person at my doorstep. It’s how I treat people. Doing what I do for a living, I have a very large team, and it’s how they feel treated—and do they feel loved? Do they sense that I am wanting the best for them? Other people’s stories have been very inspiring for me over the last year, and I definitely consider those stories when I’m writing music. It handles itself when you focus on your character and on being more like Christ. And I’ve carried that with me my whole life.

From March Issue, Volume IV

Features Entrepreneurs

The Wondrous World of Designer Hayley Paige

Hayley Paige is a celebrated bridal designer known for her playful, imaginative approach to wedding gown design. Her creations aren’t just garments—they’re works of art, thoughtfully crafted to evoke joy and enchantment on a bride’s special day. Paige’s designs blend whimsical elements with personal style, celebrating individuality and empowerment.

In this interview with American Essence, she opens up about her creative process, icons, personal style, and the magic of making every bride feel unique.

American Essence: How would you describe your design philosophy and vision?

Hayley Paige: Growing up, I was always drawn to fashion, but something about it felt distant, almost like it was “too cool for school”—intimidating, even. The bridal world, however, pulled me in with its intimate connection to love, romance, and sentimentality. It offered a way to create art that wasn’t just admired, but cherished through the most meaningful moments of life.

For me, design is a dialogue—a conversation that continues long after the sketches and stitches. It’s about weaving stories and emotions into the fabric of someone’s most special day. I don’t take myself too seriously, but I find pure joy in the process of being inspired, creating something from that spark, and then watching it take on a life of its own in such a personal and profound way.

As a sought-after designer, Paige has dressed brides including Kelsea Ballerini and Carrie Underwood. (Ashlee Mintz)

American Essence: How do you express personal style in your designs?

Ms. Paige: I try to maintain a sense of happiness and humor in my artistic process. It helps that design is an ever-changing, ever-evolving, and wonderfully eclectic world—there are so many personalities to engage with. In a way, it feels like anything goes. My personal style doesn’t always align directly with my dress designs. Instead, it’s more about taste and appreciating how things can weave together in unexpected ways. I love surprising people and getting a reaction like, “Whoa, I never thought these two things would go together.”

It’s like the first time a friend of mine told me to drizzle honey and add chili flakes on my avocado toast! When the goal is to create something “thoughtfully crafted,” “deeply meaningful,” or “curiously quirky,” that’s when the process transcends the ordinary and becomes something truly expialidocious.

Paige‘s Alohomora shoes. Fans of Harry Potter will recognize the spell that opens doors to the unexpected. With a bold bow for drama, the kitten heels feature Paige‘s signature toile print. (Courtesy of Hayley Paige)

American Essence: Where do you find your design inspiration?

Ms. Paige: I always spend the most time on this question because sometimes I feel like the expectation in my answer is to be one word, like “flowers” or “music” or “architecture.” For me, inspiration is mindfulness and a manifestation of the things we experience. Every encounter holds potential—whether it’s a fleeting moment, a cherished memory, or an unexpected spark of emotion. I believe in keeping your senses open to the world around you and staying sentimentally invested in your creativity. You can so easily be spellbound in this world if you’re open to it.

Paige at a She Is Cheval pop-up event at Collective615 in Nashville, Tenn. (Kathy Thomas Photography)

American Essence: Who is your favorite style icon or designer and why?

Ms. Paige: Dolly Parton, hands down. Not just because I want to rock rhinestone denim on the daily—but because of how she’s mastered the art of being unapologetically herself. She’s stayed true to her brand and never taken herself too seriously, while still being a powerhouse of kindness, humility, and wisdom. The woman built an empire and a theme park while keeping that warm, down-home charm. She’s a national treasure, and in my book, she’s the gold standard for balancing authenticity with flair!

American Essence: Any must-have personal fashion essentials?

Ms. Paige: A great pair of cowboy boots. The whole identity for was built around a pair of vinyl and rhinestone cowboy boots—because why not? They’re the perfect mix of rugged and glam. You can throw them on with denim for a day out or pair them with a ballgown when you’re feeling extra. I’m all about fashion essentials that have that kind of range—pieces that can go from the rodeo to the red carpet without missing a beat!

Paige in heroffice, wearinga romper of herown design. (Nina Merikallio)

American Essence: What’s a timeless style secret that you swear by?

Ms. Paige: Never underestimate the power of a great upcycle. There’s something fulfilling about breathing new life into an old garment and giving it a fresh “up-spiral.” My go-to is, unsurprisingly, bedazzling denim. That obsession started when I was young, and it’s never left me. The idea that something can live beyond its initial shelf life and be appreciated in a new light is quite magical.

American Essence: How do you recharge creatively?

Ms. Paige: Growing up as a competitive gymnast, there’s something about moving your body—whether it’s a solid gym session, a long walk, or even a spontaneous dance break—that shakes off the creative cobwebs. Plus, it’s when I’m moving that my mind tends to wander, and that’s when the best ideas often sneak up on me.

American Essence: What’s your top beauty secret?

Ms. Paige: Lemon juice in the mornings. Seriously, squeeze a full lemon into a shot glass and take it down first thing. If you can’t handle the zest, try it in sparkling water and sip.

American Essence: What’s your must-have accessory?

Ms. Paige: Music. I suppose that’s not really a physical accessory, but I think it enhances almost any situation or environment.

American Essence: What five items are must-haves in your handbag? Anything unusual or unexpected?

Ms. Paige: Lipstick and eyebrow pencil (the beauty must-haves I need to feel freshened up in a pinch), business card for with a fun discount code, extra doggy bags, mints (because gum gives me nightmares—but that is for another story), and extra hair ties (I like to be that girl with the extra hair tie in the bathroom).

American Essence: What is your morning routine like?

Ms. Paige: Not glamorous in the slightest. Make bed, quick stretch, shoot my lemon juice and take vitamins, unload dishwasher, do laundry, feed dog, set up workstation, drink coffee, answer important emails—and set drafts for everything else. I like a productive, chore-filled morning because it sets me on a path of productivity when I sit down to work. It also eliminates distractions, which are the killer of creativity. I believe in getting through the “to-do’s” first so then you can get into the “ta-da’s.”

Paige at a wedding industry event in Palm Springs, Calif., with Société Privée. (Cam + Larisa, LLC)

American Essence: How do you handle pressure with grace?

Ms. Paige: I try to remind myself that how I act in any situation is a reflection of my integrity and leaves a lasting imprint on another person. While we cannot always get it right, I do believe in putting in extra effort to protect your character. I never want to look back and wish I had been kinder or more composed. I like the Stoic philosophers—recognizing where your control lies and focusing your energy where it truly matters. It’s good to maintain humility on the highs, and hold on to your joy in the depths.

The kitten heels ‘If You’re a Bird.‘ (Courtesy of Hayley Paige)

American Essence: What is your superpower?

Ms. Paige: My mind is not a terrifying place to be. It’s easily distracted by happier thoughts, so that’s something to appreciate.

American Essence: What’s one thing that might surprise people about you?

Ms. Paige: I love working and being alone for most of the day.

American Essence: What is your favorite workout?

Ms. Paige: If I find the time and can get lost in a two-hour walk outside, preferably in a scenic place, I’m set.

American Essence: What’s your favorite way to unwind at night?

Ms. Paigee: A cozy dinner date with my fiancé and dog.

Designer Hayley Paige, with her dog, Winnie. (Garnet Dahlia Photography)

American Essence: If your life had a theme song, what would it be?

Ms. Paigee: Probably “Break My Stride” by Matthew Wilder.

American Essence: What are you most excited about right now?

Ms. Paige: Without question—relaunching the Hayley Paige brand and finally marrying my fiancé—we’ve been engaged for five years now.

From Jan. Issue, Volume IV

Features American Success

Behind the Scenes With Steve Guttenberg

You might think that actor Steve Guttenberg, known for the role of Mahoney in the “Police Academy” movies—a character who once gave a speech with his fly unzipped—would find just about everything a source of hilarity. But there’s one thing at least that he is dead serious about: honoring his mother and father. 

Guttenberg honors them with a passion that informs his new book, “Time to Thank: Caregiving for My Hero.” A series of vignettes that alternate memories of growing up with reminiscences of his adult life, it’s a history of the journey Guttenberg took from humble beginnings to superstardom—an all-American success story that led him from his family’s small apartment in the Flushing neighborhood of Queens to Hollywood fame.

It’s all seen through the lens of his father’s last years, when Guttenberg commuted regularly from California to his parents’ home in Arizona to assist with dialysis treatment, which extended his dad’s life for several years.

“Time to Thank” is a portrait of a son’s devotion to his family and, before that, the story of a family’s devotion to their son.

Heading to Hollywood

Guttenberg’s father, Stanley, was a New York cop and Korean War veteran who believed in his family with absolute faith. Self-reliance was a trait that he, as a father, exhibited and encouraged in his children. When Guttenberg, at only 17 and fresh out of high school, expressed the desire to leave New York for Los Angeles to plunge himself into the movie business, many, if not most, parents would have said no. 

Steve Guttenberg with his father, Stanley. (Courtesy of Steve Guttenberg)

Guttenberg’s parents practically helped him pack his bags. He recounts in “Time to Thank”:

“When I first came to Hollywood, my parents gave me two weeks and $300. They believed that, in my youthful endeavor, I could be trusted. Their hope for a measure of maturity meant that I could do what I dared to; my parents intended the cash for food and gasoline to shepherd me around Tinseltown.

“I spent almost the whole shebang on photos of myself.”

Guttenberg’s parents, Ann and Stanley, great supporters of his endeavors. (Courtesy of Steve Guttenberg)

The first attempt at transplanting to Hollywood failed, despite some limited success, and Guttenberg returned to the East Coast and college. But in Hollywood, he had employed an agent, and, one day, out of the blue, that agent called him with the perfect part in a major new film.

Guttenberg’s portrayal of the young Nazi-hunter in “The Boys from Brazil” (1978) was his breakthrough role at the age of 20. Co-stars included Gregory Peck, James Mason, and Sir Laurence Olivier. He found Peck especially impressive.

“Greg was so generous, so thoughtful, and really good to me in so many ways,” Guttenberg recalls in a phone interview with American Essence.

“I was blown away by his ease and his greatness. When you’re around someone who does their job really well—a great baseball player, a great chef, a great director, a great architect—they’re very easy to be around, very down-to-earth. Their greatness makes them focused. They’re not distracted.”

Police Academy, 1984.(MovieStillsDB)

A dozen films followed in rapid succession, among them the highly respected and successful “Diner” (1982), “Cocoon” (1985), and “Three Men and a Baby” (1987). Among these came the four “Police Academy” flicks (1984–1987), slickly spoofy movies that have been described as broad, silly, goofy, feel-good, and flat-out dumb. The franchise didn’t win any prestigious awards, but did it soar at the box office! 

Its popularity linked Guttenberg with “Police Academy” and the character of Mahoney forever. The association was so strong that when he met famous Italian film producer Dino de Laurentiis in connection with his appearance in the de Laurentiis film “The Bedroom Window” (1987), the producer greeted him with, “Ah, ‘Polizia Accademia!’” 

Guttenberg embraces the fame he won through the “Police Academy” movies, but he also points out the range of his other films.

Three Men and a Baby, 1987. (MovieStillsDB)

“I’m very lucky that so many of my films appeal to people in different ways. Some people come up to me and say, ‘Can’t Stop the Music’ is one of the best experiences of my life.” (“Can’t Stop the Music” was a wild, extended music-video-as-film from 1980.) “Other people say that ‘To Race the Wind,’ a movie I did early on about the first blind law student at Harvard, speaks to them. ‘Three Men and a Baby’ really addressed the single parent phenomenon.

“And yes, some people will say that ‘Police Academy’ saved their life. Bill Clinton said that when he was having a hard time in the White House, he and his daughter Chelsea would sit in the screening room of the White House and watch ‘Police Academy.’”

The greatest compliment of all came from a legendary funny man.

“Woody Allen once told me ‘Police Academy’ made him laugh,” Guttenberg says.

The Bedroom Window, 1987. (MovieStillsDB)

Family First

(Adhiraj Chakrabarti for American Essence)

Guttenberg’s parents did not get lost along their son’s yellow brick road to stardom. His dad especially liked to visit Guttenberg on set from time to time. The stories are outrageous and plentiful. There was the time when his dad said yes to performing a stunt on a set overseen by fabled director Blake Edwards. Moments before the stunt, who should show up but Dame Julie Andrews, Edwards’s wife and one of Stanley Guttenberg’s idols. As he did the stunt—a 50-foot jump into an airbag—the elder Guttenberg yelled, “This is for you, Miss von Trapp!” The reference was to Andrews’s character in “The Sound of Music.” 

Dad also pulled his son out of some tight spots. There was the time Guttenberg ran out of gas on his way to Arizona and found shelter from the heat in an abandoned building. Little did he know he was trespassing, and, when a state trooper arrested him, there seemed no way to avoid a night or two in jail.

Then, like a miracle, his dad called. The trooper wouldn’t allow Guttenberg to answer the phone, but he answered it himself and was soon in conversation with a fellow cop from back East. Before you could say “fellow officer,” Guttenberg was free.

“The CEO of Facebook could not have saved me from arrest, but my dad did. He saved me in all kinds of ways. He saves me every day—even now. The second I wake up, I ask him to tell me something. Today, he said, ‘Have a great attitude and you’re going to move forward.’”

After Guttenberg’s dad passed away, he understandably had a hard time dealing with it. When a friend suggested writing a book about the endless trips back and forth to help his dad with his dialysis, about his family’s mutual devotion, and the amazing things that happened around his dad, such as the incident with the state trooper, Guttenberg took on the challenge. 

“People asked me if it was cathartic. No. It was painful. Only now that the book is published am I starting to get a lot better at accepting it.”

Guttenberg’s easygoing personality comes across in the book. “I get along with pretty much everybody,” he says. “I can get along with a Gila monster.” Which is fortunate, given all those times he crossed the Arizona desert to administer the dialysis, sometimes with the assistance of his sister Susan or his wife Emily.

Because so many of his hit films were made when he was in his 20s and 30s, we think of Guttenberg as perennially young. But he is now in his 60s and playing age-appropriate roles. He’s currently shooting a family film called “American Summer.”

“It’s a coming-of-age film about a 14-year-old boy. I play him as an adult.” It’s all about growing up.

How would this good son sum up the philosophy of his wise father?

He thinks for a minute or so. Then he says: “Get up out of bed. Don’t lie there. Wake up and open your eyes. Don’t think, don’t ruminate. Get up out of bed and everything will turn out great.”


High Spirits, 1988. (MovieStillsDB)


Wisdom From The Gute

In his Instagram bio, Steve Guttenberg describes himself as an “actor, writer, sandwich maker,” but he’s also known for his uplifting words. Here are some pearls of wisdom:

  • There are times in everyone’s lives when you kind of wonder if anything really is possible. Can you achieve certain things? Can you make things happen? Can you do what you’ve been told is impossible? So there are times in my life when I think “that’s impossible,” but maybe it’s not impossible. Maybe whatever you can do, you can do.
  • You are never alone. Whether you have family or friends, people that you know and love and care about, that care about you, somebody you see on the street every day—you’re just never alone. We all feel alone sometimes, but you’re not alone. You’re never alone.
  • I never wanted to get up early when I was younger. Now I love it. It’s exciting! It’s exciting to start the day before anybody else is around. It’s a good time to think about my life—about the people I love and the people that love me, the people I care about, the people that care about me. And how I want to contribute. What do I want to give today? What do I want to give? What do I want to put out there that makes this world a better place? I want to think about what I can give today.
  • I go to all these places I know, but sometimes you gotta go somewhere you don’t know and learn something new. See new sights, something different. Get out of your comfort zone.
  • Today, I’m thinking about being grateful. Being grateful for my life, the people that are in my life, the things I do, the things I get to do, the things I’m going to do, the things I’ve done. I’m really thinking about being grateful. There are often times—many times, I don’t know about you—where I forget to be grateful. So today, I’m really working on being grateful.
  • Just a lesson to myself: I can get myself out of a lousy mood. Maybe you’ve got the same feeling, too. You can get yourself out of a lousy mood just by saying, “No. Things are OK.”
  • You know what? You’ve got to make the effort. You want to become somebody? You gotta make the effort. You want to go somewhere, you want to visit a friend, you want to have a meeting? You have to make the effort. Nothing happens at home.
  • I’ve been thinking about the journey, and thinking that my dad would always say to me, ‘It’s up and down.’ It’s like, kind of like a rollercoaster. You’ve got your great days, and you’ve got your days that don’t work. I’ve definitely had my share of hard times that challenged me, and I think I learned some lessons. There are also those highs, where you win, and everything is just going great. It’s a journey. So, let’s just take every step.
American Success Features Uncategorized

Elizabeth Tabish Takes On Leading Role in ‘Between Borders’

Imagine being a struggling actress, tired of being turned down at auditions, so strapped for cash you have to move in with your mother. You finally decide it’s time to stop chasing the dream. 

“I was trying to quit acting. I was in Austin, working mostly in commercials, and really not able to make it. I just couldn’t afford rent anymore. I moved in with my mom. My car was all beat up,” Elizabeth Tabish told American Essence. Being constantly passed over for roles was also taking its emotional toll on her, and she decided to move on. “This wasn’t healthy for me to keep putting myself out there and getting rejected.”

A month after she told her agent to stop sending her to auditions, she was cast in the incredibly popular Christian series “The Chosen,” playing a major character: Mary Magdalene.

It almost seems like divine intervention; for Tabish, it was the breakthrough role of her career. 

Elizabeth Tabish as Mary Magdalene in “The Chosen,” the hit series about the life of Jesus. The fifth season debuts on March 27, 2025. (The Chosen/Press Center)

Journey to Freedom

Her latest project is a starring role in another true story. “Between Borders” chronicles the lives of the Petrosyan family, Armenians who had to flee their home and communism in the 1980s to avoid persecution. Their dangerous journey to freedom presents life-threatening trials along the way as they temporarily end up in Russia. Their attempt to receive asylum in the United States spotlights how difficult and incredibly emotional the process can be. Tabish plays Violetta Petrosyan, a wife and mother who would do anything to protect her family. 

In “Between Borders,” the Petrosyan family must make the difficult choice to flee Azerbaijan as tensions against Armenians rise. (Between Borders)

The role is personal for Tabish, whose maternal roots are Armenian. “I grew up listening to my grandmother and great-grandmother speak to each other in Armenian, and make all the good food,” she said. The script for “Between Borders” really spoke to her. “I recognized so many characteristics and so much strength and heart and personality that reminded me so much of my grandmother.”

The actress met the real Violetta Petrosyan and said the woman’s incredible spirit influenced her performance in certain parts of the film. During the powerful asylum hearing scene, Petrosyan was on the set and in Tabish’s line of sight. Tabish said, “While I’m talking about how Jesus transforms my life, she was in that courtroom scene, so I was looking at her and telling her story back to her. It ended up being really emotional and meaningful for me to get to do this alongside her.” 

Petrosyan has seen the movie and feels Tabish was the perfect person for the role: “I could have never dreamt of anyone who would portray me better than Elizabeth. From the moment we met in Bucharest, Romania, to the very present hour, I am forever grateful to the Lord for the privilege of sharing our life story.”

Violetta Petrosyan (played by Tabish) experiences discrimination due to her Armenian heritage. (Between Borders)
(JSquared Photography)

The film is filled with heartbreaking emotion. That’s evident in a scene in which Tabish’s character applies for a job in Russia. As an Armenian outsider, she’s made to repeat demeaning statements by the interviewer in order to secure the position.

“When I first read the script, it was one of the scenes that really popped out to me as the type of bullying that is insidious,” Tabish recalled. “It’s the type of cruelty that doesn’t leave visible marks. This forced humiliation and undermining of confidence, or deserving to be in that space, just broke my heart.”

The time that the Petrosyans spent in Russia gives us a close look at communism and how it dehumanizes those deemed to be outsiders. Before they leave Armenia, Violetta is a school principal and her husband is a rocket scientist. But their resumes mean nothing when they arrive in the Soviet Union; they’re forced to take any jobs they can find. 

“To see them both really have to humble themselves in order to survive, in order to take care of their girls, is really a powerful story,” Tabish said. “They’re willing to say whatever needs to be said and avoid eye contact with officials, not make waves, so that they can keep surviving. It’s a really courageous thing to witness.”


The film shows the Petrosyans’ initial belief in communism and their transformation as they realize it has put their lives in danger. “I think that it’s sort of a religion for them. At first, you see this reliance on communism as a family in the very beginning, with this expectation that their country and the Soviet Union will take care of them and protect them. And we see that fail just tragically for the Armenians.” One heartbreaking scene in which the father tries to recover a toy for his daughter and is threatened by Russian officials drives the point home.

Thanks to some kind missionaries from the United States, the family turns to Christianity, as communism has destroyed the life they once knew. “In some ways, because it failed them, it opened up this opportunity for them to find Jesus and to find God—to find a strength that doesn’t go away depending on politics.”

Did her role in “The Chosen” translate to her part in this movie? It would seem that Violetta Petrosyan and Mary Magdalene have nothing in common, but Tabish believes a spiritual thread connects the two. “There are some similarities between Mary Magdalene and Violetta in that they have these new lives when they meet Jesus, and their lives transformed so dramatically at that point.”

Elizabeth Tabish as Mary Magdalene in “The Chosen.” (The Chosen/Press Center)
In “Between Borders,” Tabish plays the role of refugee Violetta Petrosyan as she testifies in court during her family’s quest for asylum in the U.S. (Between Borders)

No longer at her mother’s house, she now lives in Cleveland with her husband. Tabish has been busy of late, as she was also cast in the holiday movie “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.” “Between Borders” will be released in theaters Jan. 26–28, 2025, while season five of “The Chosen” is set to premiere this spring. Since that series will run seven seasons, Tabish will have plenty of steady work. While “The Chosen” has given viewers a different perspective on the Bible, “Between Borders” provides an important history lesson about the quest for freedom.

“America, to so many, has been this place of refuge, this safe space where you can start over, try again, and have opportunities that a lot of other places in this world do not afford. And so, to me, this film is it. Personally, I’m so proud to be Armenian, but I’m also so proud to be American,” Tabish said. “This film reminds me of what America has been for so many people, and I hope it can continue to be that for those who seek refuge and seek peace and freedom from persecution.”

American Artists American Success Arts & Letters Features Uncategorized

An American Dream, Full of Gratitude

Deep in the woodlands of upstate New York, in the early 2000s, a group of elite artists who had escaped persecution in China began building their dream. There, in a patch of mud and dirt, they laid the foundations of a cultural renaissance: a revival of traditional Chinese culture and true classical Chinese dance—an ancient art form displaced, like them, from its home and nearly lost at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. They knew that this precious art, and its values of goodness and hope, needed to be shared with the world.

Today, Shen Yun Performing Arts is one of the world’s top dance companies. Its eight troupes tour 200 cities across five continents, performing for more than 1 million audience members each year. On stage, lush silk costumes billow against backdrops of ancient palaces and heavenly gardens, reminiscent of Chinese landscape paintings, brought to life. Melodies from a live orchestra suffuse the scenes.

It’s difficult to imagine that it was all built from nothing. In the tough early years, “we had almost no money,” recalled Ying Chen, vice president of Shen Yun and an orchestra conductor. “Sometimes in the depths of winter, we had to rehearse in makeshift studios with very little heat. Much of the heavy lifting was done by volunteers—people who would work all week at a job, and then drive five hours to our campus to work the whole weekend.”

Through the sheer dedication and grit of its artists, staff, and volunteers, the company flourished. 

Principal dancer Angelia Wang embodies that selfless dedication. She was drawn to Shen Yun’s mission and joined in 2007, a year after its founding, during its humble beginnings. Little did she know how quickly she’d rise to the world stage. Now, she’s held her title for more than a decade, won multiple awards, and become a literal poster girl for the company—she’s often the model who appears on billboards across the country and globe. She’s also dance captain of her troupe, and an assistant professor of dance at Fei Tian College, an arts-focused institution in upstate New York where many Shen Yun artists train.

Wang demonstrates a variety of postures in classical Chinese dance. (Adhiraj Chakrabarti)

Gu Yuan, an accomplished choreographer at Shen Yun, said, “In my 40 years in the dance world, I have rarely encountered an artist who demonstrates such unwavering dedication and infectious positive energy.” 

Ask Wang the secrets to her continued reign at the top of her field, and she’ll reveal no grand ambitions of fame or stardom. She’s driven instead by gratitude. She cherishes the opportunity to bring the beautiful culture of her heritage to life on stage. “Shen Yun created this platform for artists who pursue their dreams, to be able to showcase this great culture and art form,” she said.

Wang was born in Xi’an, a city that was an ancient capital of China for thousands of years. From a young age, her grandmother made her memorize famous Chinese poems and works of Chinese literature. She didn’t fully understand their meaning at the time, but those texts often contained moral lessons and expounded on ancient rules of propriety—values that later became important for her to comprehend, as a dancer portraying exemplary characters from Chinese history. “This was like predestiny, like I was meant to do this. All that preparation was just for today,” she said.

After moving to America at age 14, Wang heard about Shen Yun. She’d attended a dance school briefly in China, but Shen Yun was her first introduction to classical Chinese dance. She was intrigued by this art form that came from her native country, but that she knew little about. 

Going back millennia to imperial courts, ancient plays, and folk performances, classical Chinese dance is an expressive art form with a rich history. Much of its core was lost in the Cultural Revolution, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) set out to systematically destroy traditional Chinese culture. It’s impossible to find in its true form in modern-day China. 

The CCP’s machinations hit especially close to home for some founding members of Shen Yun. They fled China to escape the regime’s persecution of Falun Gong, a spiritual practice based in Buddhist tradition that grew popular during the 1990s. Its guiding principles are truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. Chen explained that Falun Gong’s spread represented “a return to traditional values and spirituality”—running directly counter to the atheist CCP. Launched in 1999, the persecution “not only sought to eliminate Falun Gong, [but] was also an attempt to destroy the last remnants of China’s authentic culture once and for all,” Chen said.

“In many ways, we are modern-day pilgrims,” she added. “Many of us arrived on America’s shores with nothing but our faith and each other.” Here, in a country “rooted in freedom and liberty, we could freely create Shen Yun on our own terms”—bringing the true essence of the culture to the world, she said.

That mission resonated deeply with Wang. She began training in classical Chinese dance, and in 2007, had the opportunity to tour with Shen Yun as part of a student practicum program. She’s been with the company ever since. Within a few years, she demonstrated her prowess by winning first place in the NTDTV International Classical Chinese Dance Competition’s junior division in 2009 and 2010, and first place in the adult division in 2012. 

She laments that Shen Yun’s performances can’t be seen in her homeland. But she’s grateful for her adoptive home. “Being able to use this art form, dance, to carry traditional Chinese values … I’m very thankful to America for giving us the platform to revive our own culture,” she said.

Culture of Excellence

Reflecting on her journey with Shen Yun, Wang recalled her early career. Their training facilities were more rudimentary, but the spirit of camaraderie was just as strong as it is today. “We bonded together like a big family,” she said. Outliers in the competitive world of professional dance, the artists fostered a culture of mutual support and excellence. 

Chen credits Shen Yun’s incredible growth to that unique company culture. “We forged a new kind of performing arts company where artistic excellence goes hand-in-hand with a spiritual life of meditation and moral living,” she said. She explained that in ancient China, it was common for artists to pursue spiritual self-improvement to elevate themselves in both skill and character.

(Larry Dye)

Shen Yun artists follow an old Chinese adage about artistry, Wang said: “Before you learn an art form, you should learn how to be a good person.” The characters she’s portrayed on stage have served as constant inspiration for how to do that. “Ancient people had the greatest wisdom,” offering lessons about kindness, integrity, and selflessness, she said.

To enrich her sense of artistry, Wang also enjoys drawing inspiration from doing Chinese calligraphy and reading Chinese poetry. (Larry Dye)

In 2018, she played the role of Wang Baochuan, a historical figure from ninth-century China, who faithfully waited 18 years for her husband to return home from war. Wang also admires Xi Shi, one of four women known as ancient China’s greatest beauties. As part of an elaborate plan, she was sent to an enemy state to make its king fall in love with her, all the while reporting back intelligence so that her kingdom could seize the right moment to invade and attack. “It wasn’t something that she wanted to do. She was not completely happy because she was such a kind person, and she felt that in the process, she hurt other people,” Wang said. Nevertheless, she chose to put her kingdom’s needs above her own. Wang channeled those layers of conflicted emotions while portraying Xi Shi during Shen Yun’s 2024 tour.

“Being able to speak with your body, and feel the emotions of different characters going through their lives just by dancing, it is a very magical feeling,” she said.

Off-stage, Wang embodies her characters’ selflessness in her roles mentoring junior dancers. She began as a teacher’s assistant at around age 19, and has been teaching on and off since then. Regarding challenges and obstacles, she tells them: “Don’t be scared of what you’re facing, and don’t look at a problem as too big. Just take the first step.”

As dance captain, she must constantly consider her troupe members’ emotions and needs, to ensure rehearsals and training sessions go smoothly. “This load of responsibility means that oftentimes, I have to put my own dance training as the last priority,” she said. It’s not an easy choice, given the rigorous demands of keeping her body in peak condition.

But she’s found it rewarding to guide a new generation of dancers. Being an instructor has also helped her realize some of her own weaknesses and improve upon them. “There’s a Chinese saying by an emperor that means you look at other people as a mirror to reflect yourself,” she said. “Everything happens for a reason, so anything you see, you can reflect on yourself and see if you can improve.”

Giving Back

Beyond her love for dance, Wang feels a responsibility toward audience members that drives her constant pursuit of excellence. She sees how the values conveyed through Shen Yun’s performances, though rooted in the Chinese tradition, resonate with people around the world. She recalls reading a heartfelt review from an audience member who thanked Shen Yun for making art with a deeper purpose. “’How do you evaluate kindness? How do you evaluate beauty? … We should cherish and appreciate the culture’s essence,’” Wang recalled him saying. “[That] ​​pushed me forward to craft my art better.”

It’s a sentiment the whole company shares, according to Chen. “We feel a tremendous responsibility to remind people of our common humanity, and the divine connection we all share,” she said. “We would like to show people that we all have a divine side, and by recognizing that and feeling that, our futures will be bright and filled with hope, regardless of how messy and difficult the world may be at times.”

Wang is at the top of her game, but she isn’t thinking about her own prestige or how her dance career will unfold. All she wants, she said, is to “bring warmth” to audiences. 

“In society nowadays, everything’s very fast-paced, and they choose to come to the theater and spend 2 1/2 hours just sitting there watching us,” she said. During those precious hours, “I wish to give as much as I can.”


The 6 Most Charming Southern Towns in America

There’s nothing quite like a sunny day in a small Southern town. Whether you’re on the coast, the bayou, or the rippling mountain ranges, these places are special. It’s the smiles and hospitality and history, and so much more, that set them apart. Here are five of the very best, most charming Southern towns.

Historic Port

(Chris Rogers/Georgetown County Chamber of Commerce and the Hammock Coast)

Roughly halfway between Myrtle Beach and Charleston on South Carolina’s Hammock Coast, a visit to Georgetown is like a trip back in time to Colonial days. Stroll under oak-shaded streets in the well-preserved downtown. Then head to the Harborwalk to spot boats and sea birds while you settle into a waterfront restaurant, tucking into some of the freshest seafood you’ll find anywhere.

Horse and Hunt Capital

(Visit Middleburg)

Although the historic district in the small northern Virginia town of Middleburg is under a mile long, you’ll find plenty to explore along its cobblestone sidewalks and amid great stone buildings. Backdropped by the Blue Ridge Mountains, it was established in 1787 between Winchester and Alexandria (that’s the “middle” in the name). Browse art galleries and antique shops, and indulge in excellent food and local wine. If you’re lucky, watch an equestrian competition—Middleburg is the nation’s horse and hunt capital.

Tales of House and Home 

(Madison-Morgan CVB)

While Madison, Georgia, about an hour east of Atlanta, is very small (population: about 4,000), it has one of Georgia’s largest historic districts. Picture it: spreading magnolias and some 50 antebellum homes, their Victorian and Greek Revival beauty carefully preserved by local residents. The best part? In some cases, you can go inside. The town has a number of house museums, which tell not only an architectural tale, but also the stories of those who lived within.

Appalachian Beauty

(Courtesy of

One of the highest-altitude towns east of the Mississippi, Highlands, North Carolina, lives up to its name, sitting on a picturesque plateau deep in the Appalachians at above 4,000 feet elevation. Short hikes take you to beautiful views, like the vistas off the paths of Whiteside Mountain. Waterfalls abound, too, including the famous cascades in nearby Cullasaja Gorge. Breathe in the fresh air, then come back to town for a delectable Southern meal and a night at a historic inn.

Louisiana Getaway

(Launch Media/Visit St. Francisville)

St. Francisville, Louisiana (population about 1,000), was once one of the most important river ports between New Orleans and Memphis. In 1810, it served as the capital of the Republic of West Florida, an unrecognized state that lasted just 74 days before it was annexed by the United States. Today, it is peaceful and beautiful, all shady paths and Spanish moss. Browse the shops and galleries, then enjoy a meal at a restaurant serving up Cajun, Creole, or Southern cuisine.

Storytelling Roots

(Peter Montanti)

Established in 1779, Jonesboro, Tennessee, a postcard-perfect town set on the rolling edge of the Appalachians, claims two major titles. The first—Tennessee’s Oldest Town—works well with the second, the Storytelling Capital of the World. Indeed, there are centuries of tales to tell, and they invite you to come listen. The town is home to the National Storytelling Festival and the International Storytelling Center, which hosts performances and preserves oral traditions from across the globe.

From Sept. Issue, Volume IV

Features Kindness in Action

A Purpose Beyond the Badge: Houston Cop Brings Children Together to Help Their Communities

From the time he was a teenager, Sheldon Theragood has mentored young kids. With dreams of becoming an NBA basketball player, Mr. Theragood often practiced on the ball court and would teach ball tricks to kids who wanted to learn from him. “I was able to dribble the ball very well. Kids would actually come to the game just to see me make some moves,” he laughed. “It made a place in my heart.”

But due to arthritic pain in his hips, Mr. Theragood was cut from the basketball team during his junior year of college at Texas Southern University. “I had to figure out what else I could do,” he said. He got hired as a youth detention officer in Harris County, Texas. “Working there, I was going to be around teenagers who had made life mistakes. I felt like that was going to be a great place for me to help teenagers.”

Mr. Theragood spent time mentoring the youth, listening to them, and helping them build a plan for when they would be released. However, after working there for four years, he was discouraged to see some of the youth get re-detained. “All the staff were excited to see this kid leave and all of a sudden two months later, he’d be back.”

He decided that becoming a police officer was the best way he could help. “I thought that was the only position for me; the whole deal for me was to save the kids’ lives out on the streets, and to do whatever it takes—that’s my motto—to make a difference.” While patrolling the streets, Mr. Theragood would not only encounter at-risk teens but also many homeless. When he first joined the Houston, Texas, police force, he became a member of the police department’s homeless outreach team, which would provide housing, rehab, access to daily necessities like clothing and toiletries, and services meant to help them get out of homelessness. Mr. Theragood then realized that he could teach teens valuable lessons through introducing them to the homeless men and women he met. “I brought them so that they could understand that nobody’s born like this,” he said. “This is just choices. Hey man, this could be you. Sometimes you have to be realistic with them and give them that little scare so they start thinking, ‘I want to change my life.’”

Mr. Theragood volunteers at a blankets and clothing giveaway for the homeless during the 2023 holiday season. (Courtesy of Sheldon Theragood)

So in 2010, Mr. Theragood got the inspiration to start TheraGood Deeds, a nonprofit to involve children of all ages and backgrounds in community service. He envisioned gathering kids with a troubled past and straight-A students, hoping that they would learn from each other’s experiences. After he got support from a community center to introduce kids to his program, his nonprofit took off, with children ages 4 to 16 doing at least one community outreach project per month. Activities range from serving in soup kitchens to hosting a Christmas toy drive and organizing celebration events for the homeless. He is constantly looking for new project ideas. “Wherever the help is needed, we want to provide a service. I’ll never say no.”

Mr. Theragood at an Easter-themed event with children participating in his TheraGood Deeds organization. (Courtesy of Sheldon Theragood)

The children enjoy spending time together and making new friends. “We have a good time, so it’s also catering to their enjoyment of life,” he said. “We hang out, we go to the basketball court and play. Their friends see them being part of something that looks exciting, and they want to join, too.” Over the years, some of the teens who joined TheraGood Deeds have grown up and gone to college, and thanks to donations from local sponsors like the Ashley Jadine Foundation, the nonprofit is able to provide them with scholarships.

(Courtesy of Sheldon Theragood)

Princess Jackson, 21, started doing outreach projects with TheraGood Deeds in 2014 and said that the experience has taught her humility by seeing and working with people in need. Ms. Jackson, who also happens to be Mr. Theragood’s stepdaughter, said that her stepfather also showed through his example how to be a giving person who serves others. “He is a great man of faith. Not only does he tell you what is the right thing to do, but he shows it and he walks it.”

From July Issue, Volume IV


Texas Native and Miss NTD Pageant Winner on Discovering Traditional Feminine Virtues and What Real Beauty Is

When the hosts of the Miss NTD pageant announced the winner, it took Cynthia Sun a few moments to realize she had won. She stood in stunned silence, thinking they had made a mistake. Sun had not expected to win. In interviews and conversations with friends and family, she had openly shared her doubts, believing she lacked the talents that other contestants showcased—singing, dancing, or musical prowess.

Sun said, “I can ride a horse, but obviously you can’t do equestrian on stage. I can dive, I’ve done cliff jumping a lot, but there’s no cliff on the stage. I can swim really well—there’s no pool. I can play badminton—there’s no court. And I can play soccer—there’s no field. I also really like Ultimate Frisbee, but there’s no space for that. So I just gave up, and then I just put none [as talent for the pageant].”

But this was no typical pageant. While physical beauty and artistic talent were still valued, the contest emphasized celebrating five essential virtues inherent in traditional culture—morality, righteousness, propriety, benevolence, and faithfulness. The chance to study those virtues deeply motivated Sun to join the pageant. “To think about how I can be the best version of myself, but also to meet other young women who also prioritize these virtues. We’re trying to implement them in modern-day society—that was the motivation for me to actually join.”

NTD is a New York-based global television network founded in 2001 by Chinese Americans who fled communism. The pageant required participants to be at least one-third of Chinese descent. (Starting in 2025, the pageant will be open to women of all ethnic backgrounds). Sun, born and raised in Pearland, Texas, a quiet suburb south of Houston, is 100 percent ethnically Chinese. However, she didn’t always feel that way.

As a Chinese American, she felt her identity was split into two halves. “I vividly remember when I was younger, I used to tell my parents that I was hanging out with my friend group from the Chinese half of my identity, or the American half of my identity. And so for me, it was like two different worlds.”

(Larry Dye)

She felt at a disadvantage compared to the other contestants, who grew up closer to their Chinese heritage. They could recite poems from different Chinese dynasties and were very familiar with the historical figures that shaped the 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture. “It just bemused me, but also befuddled me, that it could even be possible, because there was such a high level of artistic and literary knowledge that it was just unbelievable for me,” Sun said.

However, as she prepared for the pageant and reflected on the five virtues, she realized that her two sides—the American and the Chinese—weren’t that different after all. Southern hospitality, in particular, resonated with some of the virtues emphasized by the pageant, such as benevolence and propriety. “I think community is such a huge part of the Texas spirit. Through all of my experiences, I could think of at least several stories for each of the five virtues that helped me stand out and give me confidence that these universal values do come from a place that I can call my own.”

Her understanding of the five virtues comes from a very personal place, not limited to the superficial meaning of the words. “I think the balance for me is a mixture of listening and internalizing, which is very much a Chinese thing. But also trying to be encouraging and openly inviting, and accommodating, which is something that Southern culture really holds dear.”

She believes that opening up about this duality with the pageant’s judges during the Q&A section helped her win the competition. “I was just very honest. I told them that as a Chinese American woman, I was working very hard to reconnect and rejoice in my traditional Chinese heritage, which I felt had been unlinked and unattached from me for so long. I felt like I’m not completely considered American in America. I’m not considered Chinese in China. But I feel it’s possible to bridge both cultures, both modern and traditional, and present that in myself. That’s who I actually am as a whole.”

She thinks her message resonated with the panelists that night, and that’s why she won. “It was very surprising, but also very heartwarming to know that as a Chinese American, I can actually embody these traditional values inside myself and present them to the world.”

Her Life-Changing Experience In China

Sun has visited China three times in her life: as a baby, when she was 12 years old, and after graduating from high school at 17. Her parents had come to America as college students in the 1990s, while the rest of the family remained in China. The second time, when she was 12, she traveled only with her father, as her mother had been blacklisted for practicing Falun Gong, a spiritual practice severely persecuted in China by the Communist Party since 1999—the same year Sun was born.

The moment she and her father landed at an airport in Inner Mongolia, in northern China, they noted they were being followed. When they arrived at her grandparents’ house, they had barely said hello when three policemen knocked on the door, wanting them to go to the police station for an interrogation.

“They didn’t want me to give my grandparents any ideas about free thought or American culture or inspire them to join us in America as a family,” Cynthia said.

Sun won the inaugural Miss NTD pageant, held in October 2023. (Samira Bouaou for American Essence)

Maybe it was their American passports that made the police officers relent, but Cynthia’s father realized that staying with their family could put her grandparents at risk. So, they cut the visit short and left.

“I felt like I was in a James Bond movie or something,” Sun recalled. Her father suggested they go to a nearby mall, and the policemen followed them. There, they moved from store to store, trying to evade them. Her father even removed the battery from his phone to avoid being tracked.

For Sun, the whole situation felt bizarre. Even though she was only 12, she was taller than the three policemen—“I could see the top of their heads,” she said—and couldn’t understand why they would chase down a girl and her father who were just visiting family.

“I was actually not very scared because as an American citizen, and my father as an American citizen, I was really confident,” she said. “Maybe it’s the Texan spirit in me, but I was really confident that they couldn’t do anything to us. Even if they did, you know, America would step up.”

They later caught the first flight they found back to America with no further incidents, but the experience had already left a mark on Sun.

In America, she had participated in rallies in front of Chinese consulates in different cities to protest the persecution of Falun Gong in China. She knew many people who practiced the gentle exercises and meditation in parks in Texas, and had heard stories of some who had family persecuted in China for believing in truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance—the three principles of Falun Gong. However, experiencing firsthand surveillance and the pressure on her family members gave her a new perspective.

“I found that the stories that you hear, sometimes it feels like they’re just numbers, and they’re just words on a page,” she said. “But to really experience that in real life … I had a newfound appreciation of what the millions of practitioners in China are going through.”

The experience spurred her to do more research and later pursue International Relations and Global Studies at the University of Texas in Austin, with a focus on human rights. She wrote two theses focused on how the West is inadvertently complicit in China’s human rights abuses. For example, American pharmaceutical companies that provide medical supplies to China might not know that those supplies are used to forcibly harvest organs from prisoners of conscience, including Falun Gong practitioners and Uyghurs. “That really shocked me. But it also motivated me because this was actually something that we could stop the demand of, and the supply of, because it was coming from within America, a country that I call my home.” 

(Samira Bouaou for American Essence)

A Newfound Purpose

After she won Miss NTD’s crown, people encouraged Sun to compete in other pageants as well. She takes it as a compliment, but is certain she won’t participate in them. Even though other pageants also require effort and discipline to win—diets, gym workouts, mental preparedness—she doesn’t find deeper meanings in them.

As Miss NTD, she is now aware that other young women will take her as a role model—not only because of her beauty but also as an embodiment of the five core virtues promoted by the pageant. “There’s a very big sense of responsibility being the very first inaugural Miss NTD. And knowing that younger women will see my image, my behavior, and take me as a role model … and also my internal responsibility, I guess towards being a better version of myself and also being better for the benefit of people around me.”

When other women ask her how to live by those virtues, she encourages them to find their real selves and purpose in life.I think everyone has all five virtues inside them. Naturally, inherently, they embody those five virtues. For me, it wasn’t a matter of finding those virtues. It was a matter of how I can highlight them and bring them to the surface.”

“We’re all here trying to fulfill each of our missions and to do the best that we can for our communities. It plays out in different ways, and I find that so powerful.”

Cynthia Sun

Age: 25

Current occupations: Human rights researcher, foreign policy analyst

Your first job: Hostess at a Chinese buffet

Love language: Surprising people with personally curated bouquets. I love peonies, sunflowers, and hydrangeas the most.

Hobbies or talents: Making my friends laugh. Reading a book super fast. Hosting a great party. Winning at board games. Speaking in public.

How do you recharge? I’m a super extrovert—I recharge best by spending time with my friends and family. One of my favorite things to do on a day off is exploring new places and restaurants with my girlfriends. In the past few years, my lifestyle has unintentionally settled into a 1-4-12 schedule: spa day once a month, hiking four times a year, and traveling to a new country once every 12 months!

Favorite books: The “Treasured Tales of China” trilogy. 

Favorite movies: “Kung Fu Hustle,” “Monty Python— movies, “Eternal Spring,” “Howl’s Moving Castle,” “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.”

Something people don’t know about you:
I’m the opposite of a green thumb—every plant I raise ends up arriving in my mom’s garden on the verge of death. I’ve nearly killed a cactus once.

Your favorite thing about Texas: Good ole Southern hospitality! I miss when waitresses call me “love” and “sweetheart.” Barbecue takes a close second.

From Nov. Issue, Volume IV


From ‘Saved by the Bell’ to ‘Access Hollywood,’ Mario Lopez Credits Faith and Family For Success in Showbiz and Beyond

Mario Lopez is a host, actor, producer, author, and entrepreneur. He hosts TV shows and podcasts, does food criticism, and has his own shoe line. He’s been a dancer and sports commentator and fitness guru, and in a nod to his Mexican heritage, he recently became a small-batch tequila entrepreneur. Could becoming an astronaut be next?

“I’m working on that one,” Lopez said.

He’s joking. Sort of.

Lopez has not only come a long way in five decades of a life lived, as he puts it, “at full throttle,” he’s gone in so many different directions it’s hard to keep track. The two-time Emmy Award-winning host of “Access Hollywood” is currently the host of the nationally syndicated radio show “On With Mario Lopez.” But that doesn’t begin to gauge the breadth of his active professional life.

Last year, Lopez launched a line of shoes that bears his name as its brand. And that tequila? Lopez partnered with boxer Oscar de la Hoya to market it as “Casa México.”

Underneath the panoply of entertainment and business endeavors, who is Mario Lopez? He’s a guy who shot to fame in 1989 at age 16 in TV’s “Saved by the Bell.” He did 86 episodes as the deep-dimpled, mullet-sporting heartthrob A.C. Slater in that teen favorite, and another couple dozen episodes in the sequel series, “Saved by the Bell: The College Years.” The dimples are still there. The mullet, long gone.

Lopez accepts an Emmy award on behalf of his team for Outstanding Entertainment News Program at the 43rd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, held in Los Angeles, May 1, 2016. (Matt Winkelmeyer/ Getty Images)

After “Saved by the Bell” came a slew of movies, of which “Breaking the Surface” (1997), the story of Olympic swimmer Greg Louganis, is probably the best remembered. Somewhere in the 2000s, there were also stints as both contestant and judge on “Dancing with the Stars” and several dozen episodes of the TV soap “The Bold and the Beautiful.”

Movies and TV eventually took a back seat to other endeavors. “There was just so much more to do, more paths to explore,” Lopez said. One of those paths ran through Manhattan and was called “Broadway.” In 2008, Lopez was cast in the Broadway revival of “A Chorus Line,” where he performed eight shows a week for five months. Also in the cast was veteran Broadway singer, dancer, and actress Courtney Mazza. The two met and fell in love. They married and had three children: Gia, 14, Dominic, 11, and Santino, 5.

The entire cast of the ’90s sitcom “Saved by the Bell,” where Lopez had his breakout role. (Peter Engel Productions/Album/Alamy Stock Photo)

The Mexican American Life

Lopez was born in 1973 in Chula Vista, California, near San Diego. His earliest memories include stories of the gangs who dealt drugs and violence there. With keen parental instinct, young Mario’s mother started him in dance classes at age 3 to keep the world of drugs and gangs away. As he entered the world of show business auditions, Mario’s minority status at first worked against him. In the 1980s, the entertainment world was not brimming with Latinos.

Have things improved? “We’ve come a long way with Latino representation, but we still have a way to go,” Lopez has said in a YouTube video.

Is his Latino background key to his family orientation? “I don’t want to hit people over the head with that,” he said. “Families are the same everywhere. Everybody loves their children and wants the best for them.”

He views all cultures as providing the same solid foundation for family life, an observation he made growing up in Chula Vista. In addition to a large Hispanic population, Lopez recalled in his memoir “Just Between Us” (2014) that Chula Vista boasted other communities as well: “Chula Vista had a strong Filipino community, a black community, even a Samoan community. Eventually, once I started meeting people from different backgrounds, I gained a much broader worldview. The differences, in my opinion, were cool. Not only did I become extremely accepting of others who weren’t like me, but I genuinely enjoyed getting to know how those differences shaped them.”

Nevertheless, his own foundation is inescapably Latino, a source of pride as well as gustatory pleasure. Lopez makes no bones about his enthusiasm for Mexican cuisine, from high-end eateries to food trucks. Food trucks, in fact, are some of his favorite places to dine out. His favorite taco meats are lengua (tongue) and cabeza (head).

What’s his No. 1 pick for Mexican food? “Mariscos,” Lopez said without hesitation, meaning “seafood.”

Lopez’s first onscreen role was in the 1984 ABC comedy “a.k.a. Pablo.” (Roger Karnbad/ZUMA Wire/ Alamy Live News/Alamy Stock Photo)

It Runs in the Family

Lopez has returned to acting in film in recent years, exclusively to family movies centered around the holidays. He enjoys including his own family in them. Daughter Gia appeared in his 2021 flick “Holiday in Santa Fe,” and wife Courtney and their son Dominic will appear with him in “Once Upon a Christmas Wish,” out this fall. The holiday film is the first of a multi-film contract with Great American Media. “Being able to share family-friendly stories representing diverse voices is a true blessing,” Lopez said of joining Great American Media.

Explaining why his family is so often involved in his projects, Lopez said, “Because my wife is actually the talented one, and fortunately, the kids take after her.” Despite all the flash of his topsy-turvy life, Lopez nurtures a more introspective side of his personality, one that came out in his memoir. As he wrote in “Just Between Us”: “No one is famous forever, so you just have to make the most of every moment and every opportunity, no matter how much money you have today, no matter how many people recognize you as you walk down the street.”

Lopez said being a father and husband is “my best role, ever.” (Adhiraj Chakrabarti for American Essence)

If he had it all to do over again, he wrote: “I’d have put more trust in God” from the start. “I know He’s got my back. … It’s nice to have something that is consistent in our life. Family and faith is that for me.”

What’s next? “There are many things I want to do. I want to produce more content. I have pots simmering on multiple burners,” he said.

At 50, Lopez looks 35. He credits daily exercise, good nutrition, and plenty of sleep, but he admits that perhaps a line of Mario Lopez skincare products might be a good idea—one more thing to add to the Lopez list of endeavors.

And if NASA ever makes a habit of sending celebrities into space, Mario Lopez will likely be high on the list of candidates.

Lopez attends a Netflix movie promotion event in Los Angeles, November 2022. (Jerod Harris/Getty Images)

Q&A with Mario Lopez

What’s your superpower?
Being able to fall asleep, ANYWHERE ANYTIME. 

How would your kids describe you in a word or two? How would your wife describe you?
Kids, goofy. Wife, handful.

What song would be the perfect soundtrack to your life right now?
“Let’s Go Crazy” by Prince.

What lessons have you learned from your athletics endeavors like Brazilian jiujitsu and wrestling?
If you stay disciplined and consistent, you’re bound to improve no matter what.

What keeps you so positive?
My faith. And I’m genuinely happy.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Work hard, stay focused, and do the right thing. The right things will happen for you. 

From Nov. Issue, Volume IV

Features Veterans

Sculptor Hopes to Revive the Spirit of the Renaissance in America

Stretching across 58 feet in Washington, D.C.’s Pershing Park is a bronze frieze that portrays “A Soldier’s Journey” through the demands and dangers of World War I. From left to right, 38 life-size human figures relate the experience of a single American soldier: his departure from home, the ordeal of battle and its aftermath, and his return. 

The massive work, unveiled in an illumination ceremony on September 13, was created by Italian American sculptor Sabin Howard, whose lifelong quest is to revive figurative sculpture in the great tradition of the Renaissance. The fact that he has made his case in a large-scale piece commemorating World War I is something Howard finds deeply ironic.

Howard analyzes his full size relief of “A Soldier’s Journey,” featuring 38 figures spread across 58 feet. The figures were cast in bronze for the installed memorial in Washington. (Courtesy of Sabin Howard)

“World War I marked the end of a philosophical thought process that the world is unified by a divine order. With the decimation of 22 million people, you move toward alienation and nihilism, the death of God and the beginning of the modern era,” Howard reflected. “That moment had a huge impact on art. The idea that the figurative is what art is all about was already starting to slide away. After World War I, the figure is no longer a part of the art world. The last moment that figure is paid attention is [during the] Art Deco [movement], and after that you move into abstract art.”

A hundred years later, Howard found himself commemorating in figurative sculpture those sacrifices made during the very event that led to the erasure of figurative art—ironic, indeed, yet somehow apt. “A Soldier’s Journey” is a powerful tribute to the Americans who fought in World War I, while its metaphysical reach “goes back to a previous age and speaks of our connection to the sacred,” Howard said. Its greatest potential: to spark what Howard calls “an American Renaissance revolution.”

Birth, Rebirth

When Howard was 19, he knew he wanted to become a sculptor. (Courtesy of Sabin Howard)

Sabin Howard the man was born in 1963 in New York. But Sabin Howard the sculptor was born precisely at 4 p.m. on October 22, 1982.

“That was the moment I decided to become an artist. I was working in a cabinet-making shop, and I called my dad and told him. He said, ‘How long is this going to last?’ So far, it’s lasted 42 years.” Then 19, Howard did not know how to draw and was unfamiliar with the procedures of the art world. He called an art school to ask about requirements. “They said I needed a portfolio, but I didn’t know what a portfolio was,” he recalled.

All the same, Howard knew what he wanted. He persisted, earning degrees from the Philadelphia College of Art and the New York Academy of Art, and used what he learned in school to build upon what he had already experienced of the great masterpieces of Western art. Because his mother is Italian, he spent many formative years in Italy. There, “I was exposed to the great artists of the Renaissance, and I thought that’s what art is. I decided to make art like the Renaissance masters, especially Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo [da Vinci].” He chose sculpture because in the Renaissance, “everything—drawing, painting, everything—was guided by the three-dimensional energy of sculpture, which has such presence.” 

The Aesthetic of the Figure

Howard sculpts from a live model for his World War I memorial. He recruited combat veterans to be his models. (Superhuman Film Productions)

With his dedication to the Renaissance and figurative art came certain core values. “There are values that govern what art is,” Howard explained. “Art comes from experience, and experience is driven by the divine nature of how the universe is assembled. The artist takes something that stems from that sacred element and that shows something representative of our potential as human beings.”

Howard’s earliest works were sculptures of ancient deities such as Hermes and Aphrodite. In 2011 came the work Howard was convinced would bring him to the art world’s attention. “It was called ‘Apollo,’ a male nude that took 3,500 hours and two models. I thought I had made something comparable to the works of the Italian Renaissance.”

Howard’s “Apollo” was unveiled in a gallery in New York’s Chelsea district, “a huge space with huge glass windows floor-to-ceiling and light pouring out of the windows.” About 300 people showed up for the unveiling. And then, “Nothing. Nothing happened.”

Sabin Howard’s plaster cast “Head of Apollo” for his final bronze statue. (Courtesy of Sabin Howard)

It was a watershed moment in the artist’s life. He decided, “I had to do something different after the ‘Apollo’ because I was really down on myself. I’d worked so hard all those years, and nothing was breaking through.”

Change of Direction

In 2014 came a call from the commission of the National World War I Memorial in Washington, D.C., for proposals by architect-sculptor teams to create a park, incorporating a sculpture, that would commemorate the Americans who fought and died in World War I. In 2015, Howard, then 52, was chosen and teamed up with then-25-year-old architect-in-training Joseph Weishaar. Together, they conceived of a 58-foot-wide frieze that would be placed on a deck raised above a water feature.

Howard began work on the sculpture in January 2016, completing it eight and a half years later. 

Howard sculpts the maquette of “A Soldier’s Journey” at Weta Workshop, New Zealand, in November 2017. (Courtesy of Sabin Howard)

“Those years were dedicated to meetings with the commission and to 25 different iterations of the sculpture. Then came a 10-foot maquette and then another 5-foot version which became the final, green-lighted project. It was a battle,” he said.

One member of the commission suggested that Howard look at Henry Shrady’s bronze statue of Ulysses S. Grant, unveiled in 1924, located at the base of Capitol Hill. “I saw it and liked it and thought, ‘That’s a template I could follow,’” Howard recalled.

But not all figurative sculpture is alike, and Howard faced having to reshape his style. “I had to change from an esoteric, quiet classical style to one that is very vibrant and human and expressive and dramatic and kinetic. That’s a great challenge for an artist.”

Howard spent roughly 75,000 hours to create the figures in the World War I memorial. (Superhuman Film Productions)

Challenging in a different way were the “tortuous and difficult” meetings with the commission as the work progressed through its 25 iterations. “But in the end, it was worth it. It was almost like I had created something that tasted so good but so condensed, like French food. The flavor is very powerful and satiating, too,” he said.

Sculpture for Everyone

Howard sculpting a detail of a soldier’s pants in clay. (Superhuman Film Productions)

Howard called “A Soldier’s Journey” “a break from making sculpture for elites and governments.” His intention was for anyone to be able to connect with it. “An eighth grader with no interest in art will be fascinated by this movie-in-bronze that unfolds as you walk from left to right.” 

At the start, we see a man saying goodbye to his wife and daughter as the daughter hands him his helmet. We move to the right and see him engaged in fierce combat, while men around him are killed, wounded, and gassed. We then see the solemn aftermath of battle, and the return home to wife and daughter.

Details of Sabin’s maquette for “A Soldier’s Journey” displaying the soldier’s farewell. (Courtesy of Sabin Howard)

As the action moves from left to right, the face of the protagonist changes to reflect the different races and ethnic groups that contributed to the war effort. 

Howard’s wife, novelist Traci Slatton Howard, pointed out to him that the implied story of the sculpture parallels the “hero’s journey” story that is universal to the human experience.

Howard compares completing the enormous sculpture after nearly a decade of continuous work to “traveling at 90 miles an hour and then suddenly coming to a stop.” When he finished, he didn’t know what to do next, so he wrote a 750-page book about the experience. 

Details of Sabin’s maquette for “A Soldier’s Journey” displaying the soldier’s return. (Courtesy of Sabin Howard)

He sees “A Soldier’s Journey” as the spear-tip of a potential shift from abstract to figurative sculpture and is not reticent to make his position clear: “Schools, art critics, galleries, and museums are arrogant and ignorant of what art is.” 

To correct that, Howard believes we must re-connect with the divine that is inherent in human nature.

From Nov. Issue, Volume IV

Features Food Recipes

Iron Chef Geoffrey Zakarian Makes Food a Family Affair

These days, place settings at your dinner table might look like this: a knife, fork, spoon—and cell phone. You might watch television as you eat.

You’re missing the key to a good meal, says renowned chef Geoffrey Zakarian: family.

Mr. Zakarian learned this lesson at a young age. He grew up in Worcester, Massachusetts, with a Polish American mother and Armenian American father.

“Being Middle Eastern, all we did was cook,” he said. “At breakfast, we’re talking about lunch with our mouths full. At lunch, we’re talking about dinner with our mouths full. It was a never-ending circle.”

Mr. Zakarian saw that a meal was about more than just good food. It was the glue that bonded his family.

“It created a shared devotion around the table,” he said. His love of food and its effect on family eventually led to his calling as a chef.

(Aaron Lockwood)

Fighting Hunger in the City

Mr. Zakarian is not only a prolific chef and restaurateur—whose ventures have included restaurants in New York, Connecticut, Los Angeles, and Florida, where he now lives—but also a long-standing television personality, known for his appearances on the Food Network as an Iron Chef, a recurring judge on “Chopped,” and a co-host on “The Kitchen.”

He’s also worked for years with City Harvest, a New York food rescue organization that has distributed an incredible 80 million pounds of food this year to New Yorkers in need. He’s served as chairman of the NGO’s Food Council since 2014.

City Harvest rescues much of its food because of something that might surprise you: expiration dates. “This would not be possible unless a terrible legislation for expiration dates was created. That created a false foundation where we have to throw food out [after its sell-by date] and can’t sell it,” Mr. Zakarian said. “City Harvest came along and said, ‘We’ll take it, and, in less than 24 hours, we can distribute it.’”

When asked how much of the “expired” food the charity gets is still edible, the chef has a stunning answer: “One hundred percent.”

City Harvest receives donations of surplus food from nearly 2,000 businesses, including farms, grocers, restaurants, wholesalers, and manufacturers. But Mr. Zakarian makes sure to distribute healthy food, shopping as carefully as he would for his own family.

Mr.Zakarian attends a City Harvest event in New York City, June 19, 2018. (Getty Images for City Harvest)

“Nothing with high fructose corn syrup. We’re very picky [about] what we take. Fifty percent of what we give away are fresh vegetables,” he said.

City Harvest trucks then deliver the food free of charge to more than 400 food pantries, soup kitchens, and other community food programs across the city. “It’s a very fulfilling process for everyone,” he said. “If you talk to any of the drivers, they’re so happy with what they do. They get paid to make people happy and live better; they give away food all day. What a great way to live.”

The organization holds several fundraisers throughout the year, including an annual fall food tasting that will be held on October 29 this year, at The Glasshouse in New York. Last year’s event raised enough to feed 4 million people.

The Next Generation

As a father of three, Mr. Zakarian has taken his own childhood experience of sharing a meal at the table and passed down the tradition. On any day he’s home, he makes it a point to cook breakfast for daughters Anna and Madeline and son George.

They’ve picked up Dad’s love of cooking. Anna and Madeline published a cookbook called “The Family That Cooks Together” in 2020, when they were 12 and 14, respectively. They also helped start a Junior Food Council for City Harvest that year.

Want to teach your kids to cook? Mr. Zakarian says it only takes one thing.

“Smells. This is why there’s a failure in modern cuisine, that minimalist cuisine: If nothing has a smell, it’s not memorable. Every memory you have of food is the smell.”

Chef Geoffrey Zakarian with his family. (Courtesy of Geoffrey Zakarian)

Mr. Zakarian says nothing draws a kid into the kitchen more than the aroma of something delicious. “You don’t have to ask kids to do anything. They’ll smell something, come by, and say, ‘What’s that, Mom?’ And she’ll say, ‘Well here, try it.’ I’ll say, ‘Do you want to help?’ ‘Sure.’ It’s not forcing them to do anything. It’s the memory of the smells and the clanging of pots and pans.”

Spreading the Joy

He’s also passionate about bringing those memories to other families. His cookware line, launched under Zakarian Hospitality, is designed to “make life better for the average person at home,” he said. He doesn’t focus on obscure items you might use once every 10 years, but basic, good-quality cooking tools you’ll need every day.

His television appearances aim to do the same. “I love these shows because they show people how to nourish their families,” he said. “When people watch a competition show, they love the competition, but at the end of the day, it is captivating their memory with things they want to try.” He calls it “nourishment of the stomach, but also nourishment of the soul.”

As a chef, Mr. Zakarian focuses on what he calls the Mediterranean basket, the diet from Greece and Italy. At his restaurants, “I make menus for food that I enjoy,” he said. “I just try to make food yummy for myself, and if I like it, I would say that 99 percent of my customers will like it.”

But whether he’s cooking for customers or his kids at home, his philosophy is the same.

“If you have everyone sitting around the table, that’s the real joy, that’s where everything happens—all the glances, the looks, the nuanced conversation that comes out,” he said. “If you can get them to the table, that’s the real reward.”

9 Questions for Geoffrey Zakarian

Comfort food? Steak frites.

Most beloved kitchen tool? Paring knife.

3 ingredients you can’t live without? Sea salt, chardonnay vinegar, anchovies.

Underrated ingredient? Miso.

Go-to easy but impressive dish to cook for someone? Spaghetti with lemon.

Daily wellness rituals? Work out five times a week. Don’t skip breakfast. Eat grass-fed beef, full-fat yogurt, fruits, berries. Big fan of honey and dates instead of sugar.

Favorite hobby when you’re not cooking? Golf.

Best advice for home cooks? Start learning to cook with breakfast. Eat your mistakes.

Best advice you’ve ever received? Fail up.

RECIPE: Butternut Squash and Apple Soup

RECIPE: Game Day Pork Chili

RECIPE: Middle Eastern Eggs

From Sept. Issue, Volume IV